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How do you feel toward your parents?

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My dad was my best friend and I now realize that my two older sisters and brother resented that he paid so much attention to me. He taught me to hunt pheasant and how to dress a deer. We went fishing together and on my sixteenth bday he bought me my first dozen roses. When he recently passed I was devastated and I think of him every day. My mom is closer to my other siblings but I love her and respect her. I feel very fortunate having been raised by them.
Awesome Lady
Not a good story with my mother. Abusive physically and emotionally. Three of her four children couldn't wait to get out of the house. But she still had a way of making you feel like crap. Didn't want to talk to her because you just listened to her life and to her telling you all the things you can't do right. Hard always being a disappointment. My father was a saint and a wonderful father and husband. He stuck with her. He sadly died at 64 and she died in 2017 at 94. Can only wish it had been reversed. Only the youngest felt really bad when she died. We did everything for her and were there all the time...dementia and that takes a good 10 - 15 years from beginning problems to full blown dementia. Oh one thing it took me a long time to realize, she really didn't like anyone. Had friends she went out with but never liked them. That is sad. She had a super messed up childhood too.
I feel wary but loving toward them. Lots of drama and baggage there. I found a kind of groove for a few years with each, but dynamics have changed and I'm back to trying to figure out everything while keeping my sanity--which is a thin little thread, lol.

They were/are great parents, and they were/are shitty parents. I hope to learn from both and be better.
Active Ink Slinger
The 2 people who gave birth to me are evil, nasty, vindictive people. If they died tomorrow i wouldn't shed a tear.
Active Ink Slinger
Love my parents, talk via phone with mom daily. Dad is going thru a lot but still gets around with his walker. I live 2.5 hours away and its a long drive. I dread the day I won't need to make the drive.
Active Ink Slinger
i love my parents wish they was still here lost my dad n march 9 2011 and my mom april 25 2017 dad was 88 mom was 89
Baby Momma
I am not very close with mine. I see them rarely, they don't approve with my life choices and I struggle with their way of life, so to save a drama and blow out, we rarely speak or see each other. We're civil at least
Active Ink Slinger
they are both brown bread. mum from a burst bowl dad with lung failure due to sucking on cancer sticks all of his life
but i still miss them
I heard some vague implications about them having abused or neglected childhoods. I was mid to late teens when my mother mentioned her parents being alcoholics, when she was offended by some comic with a drunk act. One dealt with that by being abusive and the other by marrying an abuser. I had anger for a while, but now I see some bigger issues. Adequate parenting requires the active involvement and support of an extended family, community, or large circle of friends. My parents tried to fill that gap with their religion/cult.
Active Ink Slinger
I loved them both and wish they were still here. My dad died of cancer at 50. I got it at 57, so I thought a lot about what he went through. My dad was a hard man and today he would probably be considered an abuser. I think he was trying to make us better people, in the only way he knew how, and that was the way he was raised. My mother also died of cancer coming up on 5 years ago. She too was much in my thoughts during my battle. She was a tiny thing. I have leg hair as big as she was. but she had no fear. She would protect us like a mama grizzly. Like most all teenagers and young adults I thought I had all the answers. With the benefit of age and reflection I can realize the work and sacrifice my parents went through for myself and my siblings. Yes I would like some things changed, but I also know I was loved, and they did their best for all 3 of us.
I love my parents with all my heart and soul
Lost my day five years go still miss him and mum is in hospital with a broken hip but doing ok I love them both
Chatterbox Blonde- Rumps Mystical Bartender
Oh I love my parents.
My maternal grand father taught me a woman an be anything a man can be, and her place is where she chooses it to be.
Kitchen, workshop or halls of power.

My father taught me that not all men will respect my choices and that any man who wants to hold my heart should be a paragon who always treasures that most special gift.
He never did like my boyfriends,though he adored Eimear the two of them used to spend hours poking about under the hoods of cars talking about mechanical things.
There was a while there I think he'd rather I switched places and Eimear stayed.

My mother had a complicated time accepting I didn't want to marry a man or become a mother.
I think she felt I'd rejected her world for one she didn't understand.

They gave up many things so my siblings and I could be free to chose our own path in life.
I'd not be who I am without their guidance, support and ceaseless love.
I know I'm damned lucky.
Not everyone had that support and some of my queer peers had to leave home for being who they were.
Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.

I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work

My current Competition entry is here
A Cure For Stagefright

I put a little banner in here, it might change. I'm still messing about with it.
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
I miss them both.
Active Ink Slinger
Miss them both ..... and on certain days, long for them to be back.
Trust people to be themselves...
Loved my dad with everything within me. He's been gone almost 4 and a half years now. My mother is my heart.

My last published story: Good For Nothing

Active Ink Slinger
It can be hit or miss at times but we regularly talk. I wish they would get out of their news bubble. They watch just one cable news channel, sometimes for hours each day. That does no one any good.
They died before I was able to meet them. So I can't answer that.
Active Ink Slinger
It's complicated. I'm not myself with them ..
Active Ink Slinger
My dad is gone but I loved him fiercely. My mom has been trying to cope with my dad’s passing and it’s changed her quite a bit. We’re close but my two sisters are a bit closer. Sometimes I’m jealous but others times I’m definitely not
Dutchess Of Dancing
Love them dearly

A secret isn't a secret if 2 know it🤐

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by captainkirkland
It can be hit or miss at times but we regularly talk. I wish they would get out of their news bubble. They watch just one cable news channel, sometimes for hours each day. That does no one any good.

My Dad had to stop talking to his brother for a long time. I suspect it's because of that same cable news channel. It's the one makes viewers anxious, panicy, and a sense of moral outrage over things like plastic potato toys.

Are we thinking of the same channel?

"The Punished Nonpartisan" <- Extreme BDSM and humiliation story. Heavy on plot. Served on a plate of political drama with a side of domestic terror. Currently Free download.

Jocelyn the Wicked <- futanari, fantasy fan fic, and some tentacles that escaped the laboratory

i love them both more than i can express (and unfortunately, more than i do express). i've always known how much they loved me, but i don't think i fully appreciated it until i saw how they behave with my daughter.
Active Ink Slinger
I probably dont express it enough, thinking that we all "should" know that the love is unconditional, and it is, just it isnt expressly said.
Absolutely love them, after my teen years I realised I was angry with life for nothing lol and that I haven't expressed love towards them. So very expressive, very close to them.
We speak everyday and I make it a must to visit them as much as I can..
I miss them every day, as they have both passed away.
Active Ink Slinger
I love them dearly ?♥ miss my mum RIL

'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇

Sexy Seductive Siren
I love them dearly, not just my parents, but the parents of my husband as well. I know I disappointed my parents (who are staunch Southern Baptists) by living with my boyfriend for six years before marrying him two years ago which they vocalized to me when I told them. The "How could you, you were raised to know right from wrong" kind of thing hurt a lot, but, unlike a lot of parents, they didn't turn their backs on me. The fact that I could be open with them instead of hiding meant a lot to me. To me, that is the greaest gift a parent can bestow; I might disagree with your decision, but I want you to be able to share your life with us.
Simple Scribbler
I love my parents. I do. They did some things that helped me in life and some things that proved harmful to me. I truly believe they parented the best they knew.

Dad is 100% analytical, 0 emotional. Mom is the polar opposite. What that does is produce an odd kid whose thinker and feeler parts are in constant conflict. And I was raised if things aren't perfect, I should view them as awful. Still trying to recover from that teaching. I was always closer to Mom as Dad worked a lot. Dad is the smartest and most fair-minded man I have ever met though and is great to get advice from. I remember Mom as super happy or super sad. When she was super sad, I felt responsible to make her happy again. Looking back I realize I suffered anxiety at a very young age because of that constant fear of disappointing them. And Mom is a huge extrovert who enjoys personal attention. She wanted attention on her twins. Her constant, "Kimberly ... look up ... pull your shoulders back ... smile more ... talk louder" only served to make me shyer and more uncomfortable in my own skin. Now Mom is in final stage of Alzheimers and is left with only negative emotions. That old feeling that I am responsible for her happiness has resurfaced and since I can't fix Alzheimers, I am emotionally struggling.

But they pushed education and us getting careers where we would never need to depend on a man for money. That saved me for a life as a single Mom. Both taught me thoughtfulness, humility, and a very strong sense of responsibility and work ethic.

In summary, I love them. I have always been closely connected to them. I thank them for always being there for us. They have the best intentions always...