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How do you decide?

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Flutterby Pharie
I know that I am not the only one on here that gets random friend request. But my question is this: How do you pick and choose when it comes to sending these requests? Is it really random, or are you stalking particular members? LOL
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Active Ink Slinger
I tend to prefer members of the opposite sex, and rarely if ever add someone who I don't have some sort of contact with.
Artistic Tart
I haven't asked that many people, especially the last few months. I tend to get asked for 90% of them. But sometimes, yes I stalk members, lol. I've stalked the really good writers, like Jaymal, DamonX, LIsa, and Dancing_Doll, and surprise- the best writers end up being really cool people too.

Some of the moderators that I've talked to about one thing or another, and turned out I liked them- I requested them to be friends. Otherwise, it might just be somebody whose profile is interesting or funny.

The others are all requests that I get from others, and if I know them and they haven't pissed me off, I accept. If they don't seem like a dumbass, or their cock looks nice, or whatever- I accept them too a lot of the time. But if you don't have your own AV, and you're a dumbass, and your first question is if I want to fuck, or something like that, then usually I don't.
Wild at Heart
I usually only ask for two reasons. The first would be authors who's writing I like and the other would be people who have left nice comments on my stories. I figure that if they like one of my stories they'll like my others. I mostly friend people just for the alerts when they post a new story or a new forum post. I'd say my friends are 50/50 on wether I asked them or they asked me.

I'm not much of a chatter so I always wonder if people on my friends list think I'm rude because I rarely spark up a conversation. I just prefer to interact on the forum when I actually have something to say. So if you get a friend request from me and you haven't left a comment on my stories it means I really like your writing.
usually its others requesting me but sometimes an av pic catches my eye or a funny/interesting name. then if their bio is interesting ill send a request. however i draw the line at cock shots, if there are shots like that in their gallery then they dont get added. just a personal taste i guess. smile
I generally accept only a smaller per cent of people that ask. If there is nothing in your Profile to make me believe we could have anything in common, I delete.

When I see a profile of interest I frequently send an EM and ask them to check my profile and advise me if they are interested in Whitney.?

Forum seems to have the brights and most interesting people if you are young or not so young
Quote by LittleMissBitch
usually its others requesting me but sometimes an av pic catches my eye or a funny/interesting name. then if their bio is interesting ill send a request. however i draw the line at cock shots, if there are shots like that in their gallery then they dont get added. just a personal taste i guess. smile

I agree, if a guy thinks that a cock shot is all that will impress a woman, then he needs to find one without an IQ!!!
As a shoe, I seem to get a lot of random friend requests ... weird, I know!

So my friends list is from people who seem to have enjoyed my writing, or thru the forum, or in the chatroom. I don't accept friend requests from someone I haven't chatted with in some fashion.

I rarely friend request - but have, usually from the forum threads or chatting in the chatroom .... which reminds me, I should blast out a few long over due requests!

(impish grin ....)

Active Ink Slinger
I don't get many requests.. and the ones I do have took pity on me I think.... bless them....
Quote by BigRod
I don't get many requests.. and the ones I do have took pity on me I think.... bless them....

no ... Rod .... we are the ones Blessed by you and your writing ....

Active Ink Slinger
I usually receive most requests then check out the requester's profile and if anything on it interests me I approve most woman I approve most teens I do not. Getting kind of sick of people who won't choose an av or whose profiles are empty and lame might have to clean house sometime! The requests I have made are usually to authors or forum posters I like. Oh and call me a slut I don't seem to mind cock shots go figure....

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Alpha Blonde
When I first joined Lush, I had a flood of friend requests and I approved everyone without bothering to check their profiles first. Once I got settled on the site, there were people I wanted to add as a friend, only to realize that they were already my friend!

For the last while, I have asked (on my profile) for people to interact with me first before adding me. Unfortunately most people don't seem to bother to actually read my profile because I still get a lot of requests from strangers regardless. The fact that they didn't read it, makes me even less likely to accept.

I'll add people if we've interacted in the forum, or exchanged a PM a two, or if they've read one of my stories and have something nice to say about it, or if I've read their stories or appreciate their skills as a writer. For me to add is pretty rare though... usually it's the other way around.

I really struggle to consider adding people who don't have a unique avatar or haven't bothered to write anything about themselves. At this point, I need to feel like we'd have something in common, otherwise it's still just as easy to communicate via PM if needed.

If their profile is exclusively about cock pics, cybering and explaining how horny they are... I will always take a pass on the request.
I don;t really request friends. I did a few when I first joined the site and I might do it if I notice somebody that seems interesting, but they are few and far between. I get quite a lot of requests for friends, but I've decided to not accept any more unless they at least have a proper avatar.
As a 50 year old I rarely got friend requests, but lately that figure has changed...

Anyway, I only accept people that are actually active on lush, i.e they need to make forum posts/vote on stories/be authors or active commentators. I don't accept people who are just adding a lot of friends.
I have tried many different ways, adding every tom dick, and sally, to being selective, but now I make sure the person I add makes an effort to introduce him, or herself on their profile. Ad a picture of something which charactarises your persona, tell us why you are hear. And if i add you, its because we have chatted or i find your profile interesting.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by VanGogh
As a shoe, I seem to get a lot of random friend requests ... weird, I know!

So my friends list is from people who seem to have enjoyed my writing, or thru the forum, or in the chatroom. I don't accept friend requests from someone I haven't chatted with in some fashion.

I rarely friend request - but have, usually from the forum threads or chatting in the chatroom .... which reminds me, I should blast out a few long over due requests!

(impish grin ....)


I mirror Van's sentiments, well, except the part about being a shoe.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Quote by Necho
As a 50 year old I rarely got friend requests, but lately that figure has changed...

50 years old eh.. well you don't look your age... what do you use to look sooooo young and oh so stunning?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by fritzies
Quote by Necho
As a 50 year old I rarely got friend requests, but lately that figure has changed...

50 years old eh.. well you don't look your age... what do you use to look sooooo young and oh so stunning?

She bathes in young virgins' blood.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
When I joined I had only one friend for quite some time.. I didn't want to add or accept no one until I got comfortable and used to this site.. It is my first time that I've joined comunity like this... after a while I accepted everyone who added me and I was beeing accused as 'friend whore' hahaha.. Now is diferent story I add and accept autors I like or people that I interact with here at forum in any form existing.
Quote by Necho
As a 50 year old I rarely got friend requests, but lately that figure has changed...

Anyway, I only accept people that are actually active on lush, i.e they need to make forum posts/vote on stories/be authors or active commentators. I don't accept people who are just adding a lot of friends.

When I asked necho to be my friend, I had to convince her I was half blind, had arithmetic problems in my joints and I wore an adult nappy (dyper). After I proved these things, she accepted me.

Kind of got used to this nappy too.....ahhhhhhhh, there goes another one, oppsie.
Active Ink Slinger
I realize members can be a handful at times but, because I don't personally interact, the remedy is only a click away. It has only crossed my mind to not accept friend requests from the people that are in to because this goes against my grain but do accept because we all have a right and the chore of working through/with what we are. Knowing human desire is interesting to me, I accept all friend request.

It's not like this really makes any of us friends anyway.
Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything.
Active Ink Slinger
I rarely ever send out requests because I receive some every time I get online. If I ever do send out a request though it's because of I see through a member's profile we have a lot in common or we've previously associated and it was positive.
Internet Sensation
Quote by LMAO
Quote by Necho
As a 50 year old I rarely got friend requests, but lately that figure has changed...

Anyway, I only accept people that are actually active on lush, i.e they need to make forum posts/vote on stories/be authors or active commentators. I don't accept people who are just adding a lot of friends.

When I asked necho to be my friend, I had to convince her I was half blind, had arithmetic problems in my joints and I wore an adult nappy (dyper). After I proved these things, she accepted me.

Kind of got used to this nappy too.....ahhhhhhhh, there goes another one, oppsie.

once upon a time, he was funny.

back to preschool my friend :P
Active Ink Slinger
I got a friend request from one of those generic red Lush avatars.. can't remember his name.. let's call him 'Doofus".... so I go to his page.. he has 'Doofus"... no bio.. no info at all.. no postings.. no songs... no images... not a goddamn thing.. but he had 48 friends... WTF!!!
I rarely add people but accept a lot of friend requests(in case they are fans of my work)...I normally add people who have awesome taste in music or who interest me because they are funny
Active Ink Slinger
Maybe instead of titling it "Friends" maybe it should just be designated "Chatters".. I doubt anybody's entire list is all friends....
Quote by LMAO
Quote by Necho
As a 50 year old I rarely got friend requests, but lately that figure has changed...

Anyway, I only accept people that are actually active on lush, i.e they need to make forum posts/vote on stories/be authors or active commentators. I don't accept people who are just adding a lot of friends.

When I asked necho to be my friend, I had to convince her I was half blind, had arithmetic problems in my joints and I wore an adult nappy (dyper). After I proved these things, she accepted me.

Kind of got used to this nappy too.....ahhhhhhhh, there goes another one, oppsie.

Well... hun... your ass is falling off... so I had to make sure... you know
It depends on the mood I am in.
Active Ink Slinger
I never send out requests! I get a ton of people who wish to add me but I always look at their profile first. Call me crazy but if I haven't talked to you then I dont need you on my friend list. How can you be my friend if we have never talked?