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Hiding ones friends list.

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It seems to me that more and more members are now hiding their friends list.

I am curious please to know why people do this?
A few times I had my friends get annoyed to their placement of where I put them. If they were not in my top 10 some got annoyed. So for argument sake I hid my list.

I also hid it because I was tired of people trying to figure out who my cyber lover was.

Hugs and Kisses,
Quote by Mysteria27
A few times I had my friends get annoyed to their placement of where I put them. If they were not in my top 10 some got annoyed. So for argument sake I hid my list.

I also hid it because I was tired of people trying to figure out who my cyber lover was.

Hugs and Kisses,

Sorry to say it but the mystery cyber lover is definitely not me! Hope I am still on the friends list though.

Quote by Masteratarms

Sorry to say it but the mystery cyber lover is definitely not me! Hope I am still on the friends list though.

You are definitely on it....

Quote by Mysteria27
A few times I had my friends get annoyed to their placement of where I put them. If they were not in my top 10 some got annoyed. So for argument sake I hid my list.

I also hid it because I was tired of people trying to figure out who my cyber lover was.

Hugs and Kisses,

I felt kind of the same way, though no one seemed annoyed with placement. I just don't want to give priority slots to friends. They're just my friends and that's what matters. (it's obvious who my lover is though. lol) I do think about bringing it back though, just to be able to find people easier sometimes.
I do wanna hide some of my Lushies under my wings silly
Think people hide their list because people on their list get jealous of each other. I think people believe you should only have one friend, THEM.
I get more messages about my FL than any other single issue
Well I had added a friend and she added every person on my list within the day ? I've also had to deal with Whiney butts wanting to know why so-and-so is above them ?
I was warned already, guess it is a thing to worry over....
I have to keep my friends, my follows, friend requests and private messages closed and my wall hidden because I have a crazy chick sending nasty messages to my friends and I. I'd love to open everything again but I'd prefer to keep the friends I've got. i can't block her because she joins, sends a msg then deletes. It's tough having fans.

I'm grateful to be able to hide everything.
I also hide my lists now, for the very reasons Mysteria posted and especially for what Trinket said.
My reasons are similar to others... I had guys stalk my guy friends to see what I've been posting on their profiles. Crazy. Also the, "How come you moved him up higher?" And Lordy don't let me put someone at the #1 spot or the first row. All hell breaks loose... I get messages about it.

So that's why I keep my friends hidden. No drama needed. If I end up in a relationship with someone on Lush, then he would be the only one I show.
I, too, keep mine hidden for the reasons listed above, placement, stalking, weirdos. The worst part is my list is alphabetized and people still want me to change their placement. I say it is in alphabetical order. They whine. I, then, need to state the obvious...My crazy OCD keeps them alphabetized so if you want to move up change your damn name. They often delete me soon after. smile
My friends must be more mature. No one has ever complained where they fell on my friends list.
Quote by BethanyFrasier
My friends must be more mature. No one has ever complained where they fell on my friends list.

I have seen few people do as nice a job as you making everyone feel part of your Lush family, no need to get upset when you are so great at giving back.....
My list has a specific order... Its who was oldest friend to newest... I don't play favorites, move anyone around or such things... If anyone were to complain about where they were, I'd be finding myself thinking very hard as to why they are on my list and if they should be removed... I think the true friends I have here know how much they mean to me...
I had no idea about hiding my friends or rearranging the order. Not a very techie savvy person. Nor do I always read instructions. I simply add and let them fall where they may.
I don't have any friends!
I'm curious whether all the people here, who say they hide their list because they have friends complaining about their position on it, share a lot of those friends. Or are there really that many childish drama queens on Lush that this is so common?


I've always kept my list in alphabetical order, A to Z. Nobody ever complained.
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Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
I don't hide mine and I list them however I want. I won't have anyone complaining or dictating to me who I should be friends with and how I list mine, that would just piss me off. Mine isn't necessarily listed in order of who I like best but who I am most frequently talking to at the time, it just makes it easier to message them if they are up the top and not near the bottom.

I especially don't hide my follow list because I like to let others know which authors I like and hope that they will read them to. I keep my page completely private to non friends except for my follow list which is public for the same reason.

I understand the reasons given by other members here but quite frankly I wouldn't put up with it and would rather loose the whiner than hide my friends list or re order it.
The Duchess of Tart

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And my latest poem, The Temptation.
I tend to list my friends in order of who I chat with most frequently, it's easier with chat and messaging. I don't play favourites or list mine in order of who I like best. My list is my list, and it's in the order I want. If anyone complained or asked me to change it to suit them, I would question the friendship.
Quote by trinket
I have to keep my friends, my follows, friend requests and private messages closed and my wall hidden because I have a crazy chick sending nasty messages to my friends and I.

I just had a word to myself and thought... Fuckit, and opened everything for my friends only. Dear friends, most of my friends are in alpha order. The ones at the top are peeps I talk to more. If you don't like that then buzz off. Also if any of you receive random messages saying what a c**t I am, it's not true. (Shut up)
I feel liberated.
I never gave it any consideration for quite some time. It just seemed insignificant and more or less ornamentation. I did experience a little Lush drama from a member using it to try and cause problems, and a few inquiries in regards to placement--much like some of you have mentioned. Before that, I never would have believed that people have the time to do things like I've witnessed. I've had it completely blocked and I've just had the one friend posted at his request. It was inconvenient.

I simply just "ain't got" time for all of that. I've only changed the order twice since I've been here, and I've been here a while. With at least a small list, I have quick access to ones that I talk to most often by just a click. The immature are going to be immature regardless.
? A True Story ?
Drama where someone is placed on wall, is the height of foolishness, as if a child. Waaaaaaaaa.
Keep mine hidden for the same reason, People complaining where they are placed. So now the only one that is shown is Milik.. So people don't have to guess who my cyber lover is !! smile But still even tho it is hidden people are listed in the order of the ones I talk to and interact with the most...
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