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Golden showers

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Sorry not interested
Active Ink Slinger
Not my thing, but if it is your ok, then enjoy
Rookie Scribe
I paid a hooker for it but she couldn't. I am captivated by the idea (not drinking it). I have purposely wet my self in public. I don't think it is humiliating at all. For that matter' I don't get the humiliation aspect of CD,/sissy. I think they are just princesses on the road to discovery.

I would have asked the same thing at one time, but that was then and this is NOW! lol
A Kink & A Fetish * I Like

Well, certain "taboos" or dirty/kinky appeals -different to everyone, and what sparks it might be something innate, dormant, past situational, or a NEW or revisited:" Heyyyy! Not bad! Not bad at all! I LIIIIKE." (The latter applied to me). Maybe it is also a primal urge, as to mark one's territory... or BE marked. (?)

I had tried it in the past. I thought, as I liked the feel of a man's warm manhood shooting his "joy" inside me~ the deeper & more forceful the better as I liked the hot feel, I might like the feeling of the force of even more heat... inside. I did enjoy. It's really no big deal and not bad at all, but I am speaking about my experiences. I found it erotic and sexy. It is no big deal to have it ON. I do not get into demeaning or humilation sex but just like the ejaculating on or in mouth, except not as thick, like precum. It is not bad for you externally or internally. It normally does not taste bad. If one can swallow or be cum on... why not?

The first few times it was no big deal. I did not care one way or the other or do much.
[I am not into spitting. Drool is okay-as is body "fluids". Potty-play is pee play, no scat for me]

EVERYTHING, so far, has been an extreme turn on with my current partner/boyfriend, and some of this has become a fetish- especially if you really like it. I am glad I have re-visted some things I did not care about in the past because it is hot-hot to me today. I like.

Internet Philosopher
Not my thing. Seriously, not my thing at all...
Advanced Wordsmith
Ive done it before, ive even seen it recently, with a chick i was having a one night stand with, we woke up in the middle of the night, she went outside my sleepout door onto the grass, squats over and lets it go. I stood beside her and put my hand underneath the flow, even felt it coming out of her hole over my hand. After she was finished, she says to me, i didnt know your into golden showers, yeah arent you, of course i am, do u need to go. yeah, she gets down on her hands and knees and says piss all over me & in my mouth. I let it go into her waiting mouth, she swallowed all that she could, then the rest went over her big boobs, and down her chubby tummy till i was finished. It said it turned her on so much that she wanted round 2 in my room.
Mmmm, love it. Me and my gf often do it. It would have to be with someone I felt something for beyond just a fuck partner tho
I love Golden showers giving and receiving
I like the idea because its degrading and really slutty in roleplays.i only ask if i think the partner would be willing. would i do it in real life... i wouldn't know but its something to think about.
Advanced Wordsmith
I will admit I have done this in the past
Never planned. Usually if my lover and I are in shower together playing and the 'urge' comes upon us it can be so hot and erotic.
PS: not really into drinking a lot if it
Active Ink Slinger
Not an interest to me, but willing to try it with the right partner.

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Its not really my thing, but I had a partner ask me to deliver in the shower one time and I did, because our sex had been so hot and we were still at it. Since then I have delivered to her a few more times, but never been the recipient and doubt I would ever ask anyone to give me one.
What belongs in the toilet should stay in the toilet and not be poured or smeared over anyone else. The whole notion of golden showers (and worse) is gross to me.
Love Golden showers
Active Ink Slinger
Been there - done that ONCE. No more.
Turns me right OFF.
The Bee's Knees
um, that's a negative ghost rider

Say. Her. Name.

Advanced Wordsmith
I don't get it. I have never tried it, and I have no plans to.
Firstly - let me just say..The question was “Who likes Golden Showers and Why?” NOT Who doesn’t like Golden Showers! - One persons normal is another persons kink.

Personally I am very into Watersports with a lover. It has to be a lover/gf, not a casual thing. I have to have a connection with the person. The topic of Watersports, to me, includes panty wetting as well as just peeing over each other. I do let a lover pee in my mouth, but i dont like to swallow. Again, that is a personal thing and I dont know why it is. I mean i swallow cum, so..whatever.

As to why i do it..I lam attracted to the of it. That moment of wanton lust when there are no boundaries between lovers. It is a very intimate thing that two people (or more if you are that way inclined) can share. I love the feeling of my lovers hot pee flowing over my breast, tummy, thighs and i also like the feeling as i let myself flow over a lover. I find it very sensual to be holding and kissing a lover as you both let it flow..either naked or in your panties.

Personally, I find it very erotic. To me it is a huge turn on and I shall continue to do it forever. However, if the lover i am with is not into it, then i will not push the point and move on to something else. I understand that it is not something everyone likes and so ‘each to their own’. There are plenty of topics/acts that others seem to enjoy, but I dont.

…..Just saying
Active Ink Slinger
It's a lot hotter than I thought it would be.
Advanced Wordsmith
Yes it can be very erotic also takes trust and forms a bond between lovers like no other
Advanced Wordsmith
Yes it can be very erotic also takes trust and forms a bond between lovers like no other
Enjoy it ,gets me off
Active Ink Slinger
Not my thing, was drugged and GB'd at a Frat party at a University in Ohio, when I came to, I knew it had been done to me.

kisses, amy
Active Ink Slinger
I actually enjoy the thought of it but havent been able to do it yet
Im here to make you squeal one way or another
Luv thm and drink it a lot
Active Ink Slinger
Find it very hot, but haven't done alot. That's cause very few like it, or at least those that I've been with in person dont.
Active Ink Slinger
Have drank my own to get an idea of what it tastes like in the past and recently one day dressed in my lingerie pretending it was my male lover's and was doing it to please him. It was warm, tangy and not unpleasant. But I am not interested in doing it all the time. I would though at least once with a lover that was into it just to see how it was and to please them. If it wasn't bad and we both got off on it, I'd do it regularly with a lover (female or male) if they wanted me to and it wasn't a gross taste.

I expect taste though depends on intake.

Further - kudos to those who pointed out that your tastes aren't mine and since you are living in a glass house (porno site) don't go to the pulpit of the "Church of the Sanctimonious" and preach to other "sinners". Let those without sin cast the first stone! Nobody has "asked" you to "do it" or "told" you to "do it" so lighten up and let people scratch their itches without your slams. <off soapbox>
A determined person with perseverance can overcome many obstacles. They can, many times, perform better than those who are more intelligent, stronger and with better finances by determination and perseverance
Advanced Wordsmith
We've been married 33 years and are always looking for new and fun things to spice up our sex life. We've actually tried it a couple of times in the past few months and have found it quite erotic. We're not into drinking it or peeing all over each other's faces, but peeing on her tits and pussy and her peeing on my cock and balls is pretty erotic and feels pretty damn good, really warm and wet. We're not into a lot of kink, but I have to say that the golden shower is a nice little bit of spice. Next she wants me to get hard and insert my cock in her pussy then piss all over it while I'm fucking her. I have to say that I'm kind of looking forward to that.
I actually posted a question about golden showers in the lounge after the first time we tried it a few months ago. Would enjoy anyone's input on that question also.