What is your favorite brand? ,, Mine is Folgers!
Dunkin Donuts coffee is the bomb! But pretty spendy so we drink either Folgers or Maxwell House
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Jacobs, Nescafe gold or Ricoffee which Nescafe also makes
OK I truly love... Yaucono it's a Puerto Rican coffee or Bustello Cuban coffee... and to make them colladito.... (that means to boil them and strain threw a cloth thingy).... you can get them in some Latin stores but since I do not have one near me I have to use folders coffee but I go threw a big can a week trying to make it real strong to my liking.

Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom" A Canadian brand, Kicking Horse Coffee.
Dunking Donuts...with a shot
Coffee? *twitch*
Dunkin Donuts!!!
(crap..withdrawals....grrr....someone bring me some coffee)
Do we have any swedes here...? Haven't seen catnip around in a while.
There was a chocaltely drink called boy or oboi or sounded similar. It is yummy with coffee.
Maxwell house Folgers or Eight O'clock coffee but as long as it aint burnt all is good. Cream and sugar please. LOL
My dad and I went fishing 1 time after I was married ,, and we spent all night on the bank ,, the next morning he starts the coffee ,, yes you guessed it He dipped water out of the lake ,,and put the coffee grounds in the water ,, let it boil for a while , then poured the coffee in cups ,, grounds and all ,,, I stayed awake for 2 days .
now this is a great topic!!
Starbucks, Tim Hortons, Bean Around the World .... coffee drinkers unite!!!
I love fresh coffee - not instant ..... and I colour mine with milk and sweeten with brown demerara ....
folgers....black.....and if it's thick as syrup, so much the better..