Born in the States but call myself a European Mutt.
"So how does it feel to know that someones kid in the heart of America
Has blood on their hands, fighting to defend your rights
So you can maintain the lifestyle that insults this family's existence"
Security is mere illusion; yet in that illusion lies security.
learned at an early age "call me anything but late for supper",seems to still work.
What about those of us of mixed heritage?
My ancestors came from Ireland and Sweden .....
Does that make me Swedrish? Vikelt, maybe??
Then there's a friend who mom is Russian/Japanese and her dad is black .....
What would you call her??
If you live in Germany your German, but your also European, if you live in Mexico your Mexican, if you live in Canada your Canadian, If you live in the states you’re a US Citizen, we're all live in North America, (except the German example obviously). However, I being a North American doesn't make me a Canadian, Mexican, and a US Citizen/American, just a US Citizen, and a North American.