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Do you own an iPhone, or intend to get one?

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Do you own an iPhone, or intend to get one?

Poll attached.

Yes...however I have a tendencies to lose mobile phones so it's not very practical...
Artistic Tart
Have one, love it.
Constant Gardener
ummm, no

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
I have an LG phone with Droid 1.5, so I don't really need an iphone right now.
Wild at Heart
I had the 3G and just recently I upgraded to the iPhone4. Im in love with my phone. Its incredibly valuable to me in my personal life and for work. Couldn't live without it which kind of scares me a little.
Active Ink Slinger
I intend to get one. But this video cracks me up anyway.
Active Ink Slinger

On my third one. Turns out they break easily when thrown and dropped neutral
I'm asking because we were contemplating an app for it.

I've since discovered however, that our friend Mr Jobs does not allow apps with any kind of hint towards porn, not even erotic stories, so that's probably a non-starter.
I had an iPhone 3G (not even the 3GS), which was kind of OK but was hopelessly outdated. When I wanted to replace it, I hesitated between an iPhone 4 and a Google Nexus One, which operates on Android 2.2 (Jebru, I'm surprised your phone hasn't upgraded itself to the latest OS, 1.5 is so obsolete...).
In the end, I got an iPhone 4, but only because the Nexus wasn't available at the time from my operator and I needed the new phone ASAP. But I am by no means ruling out getting an Android phone next time around.
As far as apps are concerned, nicola, you might want to consider developing an Android app; the restrictions seem to be way less drastic than for the iPhone! All of those restrictions are really annoying and will probably drive a lot of people towards Android, and I don't only mean porn apps. Flash, data, file and photo transfer via Bluetooth, et cetera ... there is really no reason those things shouldn't be possible on an iPhone!
Advanced Wordsmith
Nope.....mine is nothing special, but it can access the internet, which I don't use too much really anyway.
A phone is supposed to be a phone.
Maybe i'm just old, but things were so much simpler before all this crap came along.
Active Ink Slinger
^ Same here, nothing fancy...just a cell phone to be able to keep in contact with the schools for the kids, and in case my job needs to get hold of me when I'm not at home.
Quote by nicola
I'm asking because we were contemplating an app for it.

I've since discovered however, that our friend Mr Jobs does not allow apps with any kind of hint towards porn, not even erotic stories, so that's probably a non-starter.

Nother reason not to like Apple LOL

Me I won't be getting one I tried going on Lush with my friends Android it's a novel idea but for me its way to tiny I got on it very easily. I didn't bother trying the chatroom with it would have killed my eyesight. But in all honesty for me I really can't see using a phone to surf the web I wouldn't want anything smaller than a netbook to be honest myself.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Loislane
Yes...however I have a tendencies to lose mobile phones so it's not very practical...

i washed my last one. the one before that i lost. and the one before that too. i am not allowed to have expensive phones with good reason. oh, and we won't talk about the camera i dropped in the river on our last vacation.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by bassman199
As far as apps are concerned, nicola, you might want to consider developing an Android app; the restrictions seem to be way less drastic than for the iPhone! All of those restrictions are really annoying and will probably drive a lot of people towards Android, and I don't only mean porn apps. Flash, data, file and photo transfer via Bluetooth, et cetera ... there is really no reason those things shouldn't be possible on an iPhone!

Exactly where Gav and I ended up after this morning's IM session.

Bikebum - it's a separate app, it wouldn't just show what you can see when you're surfing the web on those things. For example, friends would be placed on one page, one on one chat would be on another, a story on its own, with no ads or voting, just the story, an option at the bottom would take you to a vote and / or comment screen - that kind of thing. It would be exactly the same information you have on the web, but presented in a different way, to make it Android friendly.

Androids are zooming up the charts and are #2 in the game. If we do anything, it will be for the Android o/s.
Yes I do, have two of them in fact, 3 and a 4. Like them as a phone but find the approach to such things as erotica, gambling etc from an App point of view somewhat pathetic given that we are in the 21st century rather than the 19th!
Droid certainly seems to be the way forward and I think will become the leading contender sooner rather than later.
broke my iphone before, so i bought an itouch as a replacement... but im planning to get a new iphone or samsung galaxy...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by cbr1000rr
Droid certainly seems to be the way forward and I think will become the leading contender sooner rather than later.

This is true.

Android's rock in terms of freedom of data handling, just drag and drop. They also have the biggest screen, some mean hardware, good apps with ok developers. But they have awful software that tries to be like Apple except fails greatly. And they are also sort of like Apple in that they trap you in needing a google account for it to work, which I passionately dislike.
I've got aniPhone, love it. Would be great to have a Lush app. Would make long train journeys a lot more fun! Good luck with it.
Active Ink Slinger
I had an iPhone and it was nice, but I got rid of it mainly because of the wireless carrier. Lot of problems in my area. In January another carrier is supposed to be offering an iPhone so may go back then. But not sure. And if Lush ever gets an app on it, then I am in big trouble. Ill never get any work done, LOL!!
Quote by sprite
Quote by Loislane
Yes...however I have a tendencies to lose mobile phones so it's not very practical...

i washed my last one. the one before that i lost. and the one before that too. i am not allowed to have expensive phones with good reason. oh, and we won't talk about the camera i dropped in the river on our last vacation. wouldn't believe how many i've lost/dropped/had stolen/left on some pub table while drunk (giggles) I washed once once...let it dry itself out..could receive calls and that was about it...I have a really shitty one that does the basics that no one will steal
Quote by nicola
Quote by bassman199
As far as apps are concerned, nicola, you might want to consider developing an Android app; the restrictions seem to be way less drastic than for the iPhone! All of those restrictions are really annoying and will probably drive a lot of people towards Android, and I don't only mean porn apps. Flash, data, file and photo transfer via Bluetooth, et cetera ... there is really no reason those things shouldn't be possible on an iPhone!

Exactly where Gav and I ended up after this morning's IM session.

Bikebum - it's a separate app, it wouldn't just show what you can see when you're surfing the web on those things. For example, friends would be placed on one page, one on one chat would be on another, a story on its own, with no ads or voting, just the story, an option at the bottom would take you to a vote and / or comment screen - that kind of thing. It would be exactly the same information you have on the web, but presented in a different way, to make it Android friendly.

Androids are zooming up the charts and are #2 in the game. If we do anything, it will be for the Android o/s.

I have an Android and I think there's something to be said about the open source nature of developing for Android.

Nicola, you may have already considered this but have you thought of having the server detect if a user is using a mobile browser and then serve it a custom mobile experience? That way, it wouldn't limit to just Android users.
Code Monkey
We are still considering a web based mobile version, platform agnostic.

It looks like we cant please all the people, if we create an application for a single vendor.

Back to the drawing board.....

Active Ink Slinger
I had an iPhone 3GS... smashed the screen... now i have a HTC Desire and i love it!
lirri-loo, 23.
on a self imposed drought.
going crazy, making friends.
Nope. I have a throw away phone for when I am with my daughter. Otherwise, if I ain't work, then you can email me at home.

I have a Nokia E71x, it works just fine for me - and the signal doesn't short out if you hold the phone by the sides. If I were going to get another phone it would likely be the Droid, or maybe the Evo4, but I don't think I would ever get an Iphone. They just aren't me - prefer a tactile response, if you know what I mean!
Nope, because the phone I have now is almost indestructable. Not even exaggerating a little bit. So it looks like I'll have to wait till a bomb blast until I finally which point I and most of civilization will be dead so...time to start learning morse code again! techie older brother would have a fit that I spent a bundle on one when he continues to nag me about android and something else way cheaper, way better and with a bigger screen.
PS: Plus this

Active Ink Slinger
I love my iPhone I'm able to get on here with it wish I could download pictures from it otherwise I love it
I love my iPhone. It keeps me connected with all my friends and family and then I can update my facebook and twitter right away and know what's going on and I can get all the best music. It's like the most genius invention of the whole century!
Active Ink Slinger
I have a Motorola droid I had an I-Phone before I much prefer my droid.