I like to keep an open mind that ghosts and even mythical creatures exist. The legend and myths are entertaining.
Yes I do believe in them.
Grew up in a house with one. We believe was my great great aunt, lots of cold spots, or the same one that moved with her whim. Music in the night, violin to be exact as she was a professional player and she walked down the hallway at 2am every morning. The people who bought the house couldn't handle it and sold on again quickly.
Also been in another house with a poltergeist, seen a porcelain vase literally fly off a mantelpiece and hit the wall on the other side of the room at speed and not break. No strings or any apparent way for it to move.
so I am very open to the existence of ghosts, alot if the hype though is just that. They are easy to move on if you want, a blessing can do it easily.
There are some differences of opinion regarding Ghosts. Are they dead people? Are they spirits (like angels or demons)? Something else? I believe in the spirit world, so I think it may be spirits rather than dead people. Definitely not aliens!
I dont beleive it because since i was born i never see ghost
Hell yes, they are part of our environment's phenomena.
For years I didn't and then I saw one once, so yes.
i've seen a few times when I was a kid on our old house
so yes I believe in spirits
I don't know. I have never seen one but there are a lot of things that can't be explained. So I think it's a possibility they are real.
I don't know. I have never seen one but there are a lot of things that can't be explained. So I think it's a possibility they are real.
I don't believe in ghosts but I do love a good ghost story, they are the scariest movies of all!
I personally do not believe in *anything* supernatural, including the existence of G-d, even though I am a good churchgoing United Methodist. I have faith, but I do not believe. There has yet to be shown any empirical, reproducible studies proving the existence of anything supernatural, and until that day rolls around, I'll remain a firm skeptic.
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No. Nor in zombies, vampires, gods, demons, the tooth fairy, or the Easter bunny. I'm quite reality-based.
That being said... I don't claim to know that they don't exist. An agnostic simply states that in the absence of proof either way, there is nothing of substance about which to argue.
However... my agnosticism hasn't stopped me from writing about goddesses, demons and vampires, etc. Its great fun!
Yes I do. I have an EVP that was taken here in the apartment as well.
We had one while I was growing up.
My mom was the only one to actually see it: young blonde girl in a long blue dress, usually seen on the stairs; but there were times when I would sense (for lack of a better word) a presence
Knew a guy who bought an old farm house
One bedroom door would be open every morning
He'd shut it, and it would be open the next morning
One day, he nailed the door shut...
The door was open the next morning...
That weekend, he moved out and nobody ever lived in that house again
Another time, I got a job remodeling an old house that had sat empty for years
The previous residents had pretty much emptied the house except for a few items left in the living room and and the kitchen...
And one bedroom that was pretty much untouched -- The bed was made, clothes in the dresser, and a couple baby bottles sitting on top with yellowed notes inside that said they were somebody's first baby bottles in 1940
The rest of the house was fine, but there was something creepy about that one bedroom...
No voices or footsteps or anything, just a really bad feeling whenever I went in there
Got to asking around town, and found out someone had committed suicide in that room years earlier
I find it humorous that so many of you that said you don't believe in God, believe in ghosts.... Just sayin.
There's a 200 year old Inn & tavern here in Granville (The Buxton Inn) that is apparently famous around the world among ghost aficionados. The 'Lady In Blue' has been written up in ghost lore all around the globe. I've never seen her, but many guests at the Inn claim to have seen or heard her over the past 60 years. Here in town, we all suspect it is just a clever marketing ploy, but among ghost-hunters, it's considered one of the best-documented cases in existence.
Frankly , NO. We are organic matter, that's all, no more special than a plant. You live, you die, and that is it.
In the world's harsh wear and tear many a very sincere attachment is slowly obliterated.
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I believe in God and since god is the positive energy there has to be a negative too, may be they are Ghost. Moreover I also believe that the spirits should not be confused with the ghost.
I do, grew up in a house that was built in the late 1800's and we've seen and felt them.