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cell phones

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Active Ink Slinger
iPhone 4. I would be lost without it.

Thanks Steve Jobs! R.I.P.
Active Ink Slinger
I have successfully lived so far without one. I know that I am going to have to yield soon.
Purveyor of Sweetness
iphone4..... i can do everything.... i even wrote and sent a news release out on it once :-)

it is my version of a dick tracy watch...
iPhone 4: because "If you dont have an iPhone, then you......dont have an iPhone." and I dont want to be THAT guy. haha. But really, an iPhone is basically a cell phone, laptop, and camera in one.
Advanced Wordsmith
Motorola Quantico. Why? Because with the type of work I do my phones never last very long and this seems to be a good phone for the basic stuff. (talking, texting) It's built to military specs, is rugged and durable, and is waterproof for up to 30 minutes in 3 feet of water. Yeah I'll admit it's a bit clumsy since it's a little bigger phone but all I need it to do is talk and text.
The decisions we make dictate the life we have.
Follow your dreams, for those that do not will only try to discourage others.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by WellMadeMale
Way too many of the smart phones are too expensive for what they can and cannot do. Screens too small, eat too much juice too quickly, too many damned functions and does nothing very well...just everything - meh, okay.

I tend to agree with you here, especially about eating too much juice too quickly...a couple of years ago I had a phone that had a little of everything in it, until I left it in a restaurant one day and went back for it 20 minutes later, but that's another story...anyway, it seemed whenever I used it for anything like listening to music, the battery life degraded sort of exponentially, so when I wanted to use it for, say, making a phone call it was a no-go...

Now I have some cheap little Samsung that doesn't do much more than make phone calls, but it works well for that...and if I think I might be hanging out somewhere where I might want to be hanging out on the net, I just take along my Toshiba netbook with its nine hour battery life...

I never could figure out how people can surf the net on a two inch phone screen...and I've had people show me with their special apps, and "smart" phones...

It just seems like more work than it's worth to me...

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Active Ink Slinger
Yikes... TYPE? a small brick... flip phone... damn near indestructable
my phone will take a picture if I can find the lens (duct tape holds the battery cover on)
maybe send a text if I can remember what letters go with what numbers (they've been rubbed off)
I might make 1 phone call every 2 days if I'm lucky... and thats to check my messages
I've replaced the battery in it twice in about 6yrs and my provider is BEGGING me to upgrade so they can charge me more and get me to sign a contract
I've thrown it out of a moving car window... dropped it down stairs... dropped it in a puddle... almost ran over it cause it fell out of my pocket and it still survives
I don't remember the make or model of it... but it still lives... til it finally dies or falls apart I'll stick with it
well, after the last 3 days of Crackberry going down (and not in a good way!) I am seriously thinking that I need to change my phone to something else. Like DD, I dislike smudges, and I have long nails, but I want a phone that WORKS!! grrrrr

One of Research In Motion Ltd.'s co-chief executives apologized to BlackBerry users in an online video posted Thursday for service disruptions that have been experienced around the globe in recent days.

Mike Lazaridis also said it's unclear when the Canadian company will resolve all the issues that have been disrupting data services, such as email, web browsing and its BBM messenger service, but he said progress is being made.

"Since launching BlackBerry in 1999, it's been my goal to provide reliable, real-time communications around the world," he said. "We did not deliver on that goal this week — not even close.

"I apologize for the service outage this week. We've let many of you down."

He continued: "You expect better from us, and I expect better from us."

He went on to say: "We are approaching normal BlackBerry service levels in Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa," but "it's too soon to say this issue is fully resolved."

The company added in a statement that service levels were also "progressing well" in the United States, Canada and Latin America.

Lazaridis said Waterloo, Ont.-based RIM is "working around the clock" to restore full service everywhere, but he said an exact timeline cannot be determined.

This week's technical issues were caused by "a core switch failure within RIM's infrastructure," the company has said. It's just the latest problem for the Canadian tech giant, the stock value of which has plummeted recently as sales and profit figures have come short of expectations, and competing devices such as Apple Inc.'s iPhone and those run on Google Inc.'s Android software have gained global market share.

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Quote by Dancing_Doll
Quote by lafayettemister
I was always a Blackberry guy. LOVE my blackberry. And if Verizon ever gets one that has a fast enough browser I'll go back. Still the best email capabilities on a phone. Now I have a DroidX, and I like it pretty much. The touch screen doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. But the browser is lightspeeds faster than my Blackberry ever was.

The new Bold has touch-screen as well. I'm kind of weird, because I use the touch-screen and the tracker randomly at the same time. It's just the typing emails on a touch-keypad that annoys me. But as you's soooo hard to get over the Crackberry...

that's exactly why i moved to the status. i switched before the bold came out with a touch screen so i did as like a early transition phone it truly is awesome if you are not a gamer. i hate virtual keyboards and i hate slide out keyboards (because they break so easily) so this seemed like the natural choice for me and i love it.
Quote by Kornpopper
Motorola Quantico. Why? Because with the type of work I do my phones never last very long and this seems to be a good phone for the basic stuff. (talking, texting) It's built to military specs, is rugged and durable, and is waterproof for up to 30 minutes in 3 feet of water. Yeah I'll admit it's a bit clumsy since it's a little bigger phone but all I need it to do is talk and text.

what a brick i used to have one like it (not as durable as yours but i did and could drop it like a million times without breaking it). i wish there was a good rugged smartphone option i live in fear of shattering my $400 dollar phone but i can no longer live without it ;(. So sad myself and most of the world (12% of k-2nd graders no lie) have become so addicted to being connected. it really is an addiction of sorts can anyone disagree with me on that?
Active Ink Slinger
I've got an HTC Wildfire and I love it. I've never had an iPhone, or any other touch screen phone before, but I find the HTC interface very easy to use and I get good functionality from the phone. Plus it was a free upgrade on a £20 a month contract, so that was nice.

Of course two days later my bf gets himself an HTC Desire HD. Seriously, men just can't stand their women having better gadgets than them!
Quote by Mistress_of_words
I've got an HTC Wildfire and I love it. I've never had an iPhone, or any other touch screen phone before, but I find the HTC interface very easy to use and I get good functionality from the phone. Plus it was a free upgrade on a £20 a month contract, so that was nice.

Of course two days later my bf gets himself an HTC Desire HD. Seriously, men just can't stand their women having better gadgets than them!

Too true the HTC interface is spectacular they are truly gifted device makers and programmers. My friend w/ benefits has the HTC evolution 3d at first unwashed mad jealous lol but I love my phone and that 3d without the glasses stuff on the 3ds the evolution and the LG just gives me a headache does aanyone else feel that way its JUST TOO WEIRD
Quote by bigguns

Too true the HTC interface is spectacular they are truly gifted device makers and programmers. My friend w/ benefits has the HTC evolution 3d at first unwashed mad jealous lol but I love my phone and that 3d without the glasses stuff on the 3ds the evolution and the LG just gives me a headache does aanyone else feel that way its JUST TOO WEIRD

Bigguns you mentioned that you use a browser / phone that has spell check correct?
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Quote by Dudealicious
Quote by bigguns

Too true the HTC interface is spectacular they are truly gifted device makers and programmers. My friend w/ benefits has the HTC evolution 3d at first unwashed mad jealous lol but I love my phone and that 3d without the glasses stuff on the 3ds the evolution and the LG just gives me a headache does aanyone else feel that way its JUST TOO WEIRD

Bigguns you mentioned that you use a browser / phone that has spell check correct?

Yes when I'm on my computer I use Google chrome which has a built in spell check. Its pretty sweet although sometimes when posting quickly I will ignore it. However when posting from a phone or my tablet (as I am doing now aand did with the post you quoted I rely on autocorrect. Autocorrect not only butcher's my posts beyond recognition sometimes but if I butcher a word terribly enough it won't correct it and you will see the error. Sorry for that, spelling is not my strong suit.
iPhone 3 am I behind? Damn thing is dominating my life! I very rarely log into my pc these days. I love the notes app, I have a running list of songs to download, movies I want to see, stories I'm trying to write, etc. A friend just shared the with me and it's great! I Lush to my hearts content on my phone, email, text, shop, you name it!
There is no 'APP' for ennui................................................

xx SF
Just got the 4s when i switched to sprint. i really like the siri feature.
The BB. I love the Blackberry when they ae working lol
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Active Ink Slinger
I've got an LG.. don't know anything else about what type of LG, but it's a texting phone. I had to buy a hard shell case for it, because the last phone I had got smashed in the closing car door, and the screen busted. (I think the case cost more than I paid for the phone itself.) I got the cheap plan, and unlimited local (in state, because we're all under the same area code here) calls, and I can text anyone anywhere in the country. No roaming fees, because I never leave the area... All of AK is considered "local area", as explained above.

My cell works as pretty much my everything... calendar/schedules, note pad, alarm clock, calculator, camera (in a pinch... I prefer my "real camera") and keeping in touch device. Unless, I want to do anything online. My cell doesn't have access to net, I can't send or receive "media" messages (read: no pics), and somehow I seem to get the low battery when I really need the darn thing to work (like, sitting in a ditch somewhere needing a tow out).

It's also my "home phone". All my kids (yeah, including hubby) use my cell when they call their friends (thinking about it... this could explain the low battery issues), and whenever we have to give out a "number you're most likely to be reached at", mine is the one usually being given.

Hubby has his own cell, and the kids have two -no, not each. Just two; one for home, and one for field trips in case they need to get hold of me in an emergency. But, they go through TracFone, and we have to buy all their minutes for talk/text. I think at least one of those phones could go online, but we've strictly forbidden it, because it eats through the minutes. And as I've told the kids, when we call them, they better be able to answer the phone. Both of the kids' phones are for emergencies, or direct communication to parents. Which is why I don't argue when they ask to use my cell to call friends. Besides, I have records of who/when they've called out. And who is calling them.

So... to recap. We've all got basic (crap) cell phones (a total of four in our household of six), that call and text, but nothing else (communication wise). But I wouldn't be able to function well without mine.
Story Verifier
I'm an electrical engineer and designed them. I know what they do when you hold it close to your head and I don't own one.

Wish my kids and grand kids didn't either.
I am always a gentleman.
I have an old-fashioned flip phone - while it could connect to the net, I prefer to save money and have not subscribed to a data plan - nor texting either - talk is all I do with it
Active Ink Slinger
I have a Sony Xperia T for personal use and then I have a blackberry for work
I have a Droid Razr M.It's great
i'll even put my number on here haha

don't be afraid to call or text =]
The ONLY use I have for them is EMERGENCY communication. Other than that I almost wish using them was outlawed! Too many fools THINK it doesn't impair their driving; NEWS FLASH IT DOES! And then, there are the constant annoying interruptions on the golf course! Even IF the ring (or whatever OTHER racket it makes) doesn't disrupt your swing, you wind up waiting time and again for them to finish their conversation before you can get on with your game. By the third call I just want to take it away from them and throw it as far as I can into the next water hole!
Don't you remember people when people were stoked they could call me from a store, and didn't have to put a quarter in? Now, cellphones can do this, and that, who the hell cares?
Active Ink Slinger
I have a older Blackberry it was my first smart phone and will soon get the newer one.