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bullying!!! how to stop it!!

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Active Ink Slinger
i feel bullying has gotten out of control due to the fact we have no discipline in or out of school.parents,or any adult,should be more involved in a young persons life. its up to us to protect them!!whats your thoughts??( i agree with Lady GaGa)
well i dont know what lady gaga says and i am oh so sure shes qualified....ummm?

i think you said it already...the parents, teachers and adults are not taking care of the problem. i blame it on the phenomena of the adults in this world wanting to be friends with the kids. what needs to happen is those bullies need to be taken in hand, preferably by their fathers, and told sternly (and by this i mean put the fear of god into them) to cut this shit out. and then punished severely. at least thats how it will go down if my kid is ever a bully.
Advanced Wordsmith
I agree! Parents need to take responsibility for their kids actions. I think adults are so afraid of being turned in to the authorities for spanking or punishing their children. They need to stop worrying about that and punish these kids. It's ok for them to be friends with their kids but they also need to be an adult and teach them that friends are better then enemies. Our ancestors weren't afraid to lay down the law if their kids acted up and they turned out just fine so why are we not learning from them, a proven system that works! These kids need to be punished severely for their actions and know it will only get worse if they continue to act that way.

If I ever have kids and they act this way I won't hesitate to give them capital punishment.
The decisions we make dictate the life we have.
Follow your dreams, for those that do not will only try to discourage others.
Constant Gardener
Quote by Kornpopper
I agree! Parents need to take responsibility for their kids actions. I think adults are so afraid of being turned in to the authorities for spanking or punishing their children. They need to stop worrying about that and punish these kids. It's ok for them to be friends with their kids but they also need to be an adult and teach them that friends are better then enemies. Our ancestors weren't afraid to lay down the law if their kids acted up and they turned out just fine so why are we not learning from them, a proven system that works! These kids need to be punished severely for their actions and know it will only get worse if they continue to act that way.

If I ever have kids and they act this way I won't hesitate to give them capital punishment.

I am going to assume you meant to type: corporal punishment as what you did type - suggests that you would be willing to execute your own child(ren).

As a person who was born in 1960 in middle America and during a period of time when belts, green tree branches (switches), rolled up newspapers or magazines, fly swatters, lengths of garden hose, fan belts and wooden 'paddles' were being used extensively on my young friends (and a few times on myself) by my parents - I would have to say that beating on your own child to prevent that child from bullying or beating on another child...

Is one of the worst forms of teaching solutions or rectifying situations, ever devised by adult parents who have difficulty reasoning themselves when their own anger or displeasure is irked.

And having been physically bullied (by older or larger kids in my very small rural town and slightly larger school system) from the age of 6 to about 15, I can attest that while it was a pain in the ass (or nose/ears/shoulders/face) about the time I was 3/4ths the way through with puberty... That shit stopped pretty much overnight. It is amazing what rapid doses of testosterone and human growth hormone does to how other assholes attempt to coerce a person.

If you suspect your child is the bully, talk to your child(ren) and explain why that's bullshit. Don't raise your hand or fist to them. Do not perpetuate the violence, FFS's. If your child or your neighbor's kid(s) are the victim and you witness such - intercede.

In America...there is this thing called a juvenile detention center where 'we' put kids who grow up wanting to take advantage of weaker kids. Hopefully they will get some guidance and education there which their own parents did not know how to teach them previously. They may well receive the necessary counseling to help ease the violence they have suffered from their corporal punishment doling parents, so that the violence tendency is tamped down or extinguished altogether.

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Wild at Heart
You wanna stop bullying? Get all those pantywaists and poindexters to learn how to throw a punch and follow through with a few kicks and some spit to the face. Those bullies look for easy targets. Targets that will not fight back and not tell adults. Show your kid to fight back, harshly. Or maybe just teach them how to tell adults around him/her about the bullying situation. That works too. Then the bullying would most likely stop.
You'll find that bullying often crops up in the school environment... and by that I mean: school almost provokes it. In the home educated world it's a fair bit different, less competition, less boredom, parents have more time to spend educating their kid (in behaviour, not just subjects!) AAAAAND....most importantly: there isn't 30 kids per 1 adult. There's no ROOM for them to get away with murder (so to speak) as there are enough, caring, adults to keep an eye on everyone.

However, most parents don't have the luxury of being able to home educate their kids even if they wanted to so no point dwelling too much on that.

Magical_felix is correct, although I don't necessarily agree with his comment, the point is that people who are bullied are presenting themselves as targets. They lack the confidence and self esteem needed in this world to get by. I mean, as a kid I had a fair few people give it a try on me where I moved around schools a bit (the typical quiet, new girl scenario) but I managed to scare them all off without any violence. To be honest, apart from the full on hardcore thugs most of them can be scared off by a quick witted, smart assed comment.

Though, as in any situation in life, violence should be used in self defence if need be.

How to stop bullying? Those kids need some self esteem and confidence installed in them, sure, more teachers/general supervision towards these kids would help... but that person will not stop being bullied in their life until they develop enough self esteem to walk around NOT looking like a target.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by Kornpopper
I agree! Parents need to take responsibility for their kids actions. I think adults are so afraid of being turned in to the authorities for spanking or punishing their children. They need to stop worrying about that and punish these kids. It's ok for them to be friends with their kids but they also need to be an adult and teach them that friends are better then enemies. Our ancestors weren't afraid to lay down the law if their kids acted up and they turned out just fine so why are we not learning from them, a proven system that works! These kids need to be punished severely for their actions and know it will only get worse if they continue to act that way.

If I ever have kids and they act this way I won't hesitate to give them capital punishment.

As a person who was born in 1960 in middle America and during a period of time when belts, green tree branches (switches), rolled up newspapers or magazines, fly swatters, lengths garden hose, fan belts and wooden 'paddles' were being used extensively on my young friends (and a few times on myself) by my parents - I would have to say that beating on your own child to prevent that child from bullying or beating on another child...

Is one of the worst forms of teaching solutions or rectifying situations, ever devised by adult parents who have difficulty reasoning themselves when their own anger or displeasure is irked.

In America...there is this thing called a juvenile detention center where 'we' put kids who grow up wanting to take advantage of weaker kids. Hopefully they will get some guidance and education there which their own parents did not know how to teach them previously. They may well receive the necessary counseling to help ease the violence they have suffered from their corporal punishment doling parents, so that the violence tendency is tamped down or extinguished altogether.

I applaud you for this post Jeff.

As a mother of 3 children, that have not been spanked, beaten with various items (like I and many others were) I have managed to raise very well behaved, kind, thoughtful, respectful children. They, unlike myself, did not have to learn through fear. When they were little I got an earful, from many people, about how children need to be disciplined (physically punished) and how I would regret my choice to parent with love and logic. I never did. IMO, resorting to physical punishment is just lazy parenting or a losing self-control. Children learn through example. If you have a bully on your hands, take a good look at yourself and the example you are putting out there for them.
Quote by LusciousLola
Quote by WellMadeMale
As a person who was born in 1960 in middle America and during a period of time when belts, green tree branches (switches), rolled up newspapers or magazines, fly swatters, lengths garden hose, fan belts and wooden 'paddles' were being used extensively on my young friends (and a few times on myself) by my parents - I would have to say that beating on your own child to prevent that child from bullying or beating on another child...

Is one of the worst forms of teaching solutions or rectifying situations, ever devised by adult parents who have difficulty reasoning themselves when their own anger or displeasure is irked.

In America...there is this thing called a juvenile detention center where 'we' put kids who grow up wanting to take advantage of weaker kids. Hopefully they will get some guidance and education there which their own parents did not know how to teach them previously. They may well receive the necessary counseling to help ease the violence they have suffered from their corporal punishment doling parents, so that the violence tendency is tamped down or extinguished altogether.

I applaud you for this post Jeff.

As a mother of 3 children, that have not been spanked, beaten with various items (like I and many others were) I have managed to raise very well behaved, kind, thoughtful, respectful children. They, unlike myself, did not have to learn through fear. When they were little I got an earful, from many people, about how children need to be disciplined (physically punished) and how I would regret my choice to parent with love and logic. I never did. IMO, resorting to physical punishment is just lazy parenting or a losing self-control. Children learn through example. If you have a bully on your hands, take a good look at yourself and the example you are putting out there for them.

I agree with you both. We're raising three boys and tend to find the more time we spend with them having conversations, playing games, listening to what they have to say etc, the better they behave.

There's something missing in the life of a bully and his/her parents are usually too busy or don't care enough to figure out what it is.

It's also easier to bully now, which may be why it's more prevalent. Mobile phones, the Internet and other forms of technology make it much simpler (and more effective) for kids with too much time on their hands and too little guidance from their parents to get up to no good.
Active Ink Slinger
btw just so u all know,Lady GaGa was bullied in school and since a 14 yr old boy was bullied so severely because he was gay,he committed suicide.and the bullies ever sent emails to his home on the day of his funeral saying they were glad he was dead.pretty sad how people have become!!
Active Ink Slinger
Bullies seem to be lacking many things.
But the single most important thing would be respect.
As parents our goal should be to teach our children well, and always show them respect.
There is only one way in the world to teach respect.
That is to show your children respect when they need it most.
That goes for teachers, police, doctors. Anyone who deals with young, or old.
If a person hands out respect, it will come back to them.