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Bad Habits

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Biting my nails
I Curse Way To Much

Flirt Way Too Much

I Talk To Myself And Sometimes I Answer Too

I Have A Unconscious Fascination With Upper Case Letters And Exclamation Points When Posting. I Try To Catch Myself, But Usually Dont. Its Fucking Annoying!!
i tend to watch a bit of porn when ever i get on my laptop and then things get out of hand.....
Quote by erikeika
i tend to watch a bit of porn when ever i get on my laptop and then things get out of hand.....

Are you sure they don't get in hand?
I am told I have a habit of being late to things.
I've been known to cancel on people a lot - from social outings to appointments to dates to general plans.

I never miss the really important things that I commit to, but I often back out of random things last minute if I'm not in the mood. My friends know this upfront about me though so are rarely shocked, but it's still a terrible and too-frequent habit.
Starting something, like a drawing, and never finishing it.

Also, getting up late, (I love sleep)!
I say "sorry" constantly, even when it clearly isn't my fault, or there is nothing to be sorry about. I'm always getting told off for it.

I keep turning my alarm off in my sleep (I have 8 that go off, with one across the room - I get out of bed, turn it off, and get back in bed again without remembering it).

I can't sit anywhere that people are behind me and I refuse to go through a door first. I have to have a "safe" corner to sit in at the pub or restaraunts, and even mates' houses.

These are the most prevalent amongst many other things.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Quote by Vunala
Flirting =X..

That's not such a bad habit, considering how good you look.
I swear alottt.... gets me into trouble, and i say 'like' alot, and i just generally talk alot. it annoys some people
Going to bed 2 - 4hrs hours before I have to get up for work for months and months or until the spell breaks and I'm back to sleeping 'normal' hours (read 6hrs for me) for a week and then the vicious cycle starts again!
I was gonna answer this thread way back in the Fall, and just got around to it. I procrastinate - even with things I like doing
I use tobacco, and I love coffee
I masturbate ...... a lot! LOL
and anothr I suppose I should mention, since a dear friend has called me on it several times in the recent past - I tend to go into stream of conciousness when having a converstion or internet chat
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
I sometimes take out my frustrations on my closest friends.
Is procrastination really a bad habit? I do it all the time but think of it a a personality trait that cannot be changed. I have used it to my advantage on occasion.

My actual bad habit is commenting on other peoples rudeness.
I've got a potty mouth. It's bad sometimes lol
I tend to sleep at odd hours due to my addictions (reading, chatting)
Too competitive and have to win.
Like Buz I am very competitive and quite the sore loser
I bite my nails too much and can be quite impatient.
Drinking too much coffee
Are you truly awake?
Quote by NightFox
Starting something, like a drawing, and never finishing it.

Also, getting up late, (I love sleep)!

Yeah, it's the same with me.
Quote by 1curiouscat
I´m kind of compulsive with showering...

I cant properly wake up if I don´t shower and never sleep well if I don´t shower bf getting in bed.

I used to be the same, but now I only need a shower to wake up, in all fairness I'm sure taking one before bed helps keep your bed clean lol.
Over-analytical. I read too much into small things, makes me sound so paranoid and worried about everything.
1) I procrastinate. Glad to see I am not alone on that one.

2) I frequently run 10 minutes late. It drives my husband crazy.

3) I'm really not sure if this is a bad habit or a personality trait, but again, it drives the hubby crazy. I read a lot. At night, I will be reading a book or online story, and I am totally unaware that he has been telling me a story or trying to point out something that he found interesting. I mean, he's right next to me and I am totally not there, which means that I ask him to repeat things often. It's not that I don't care what he says. I do. I just tend to get lost in what I'm reading.
I swear too much.
delete button pusher

DBP for short

I regret it for about 10 mins .... fretting ... then I say in my usual bad habit way .... uh, fuck 'em

I sometimes spend too much time working on things that aren't really that important.