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The £100,000 white wedding for the 16-year-old girl who lives in a caravan

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I saw the mum and thought at first it was one of the bride'smaids. Next question is, since mum has had her boobs done (obviously) is the gift card for Dear Lil' Princess' heafty new knockers in the pile of gifts too?? LOL Oh, and just out of curiousity, how DOES one install a stripper pole in a caravan????
Has anyone seen the TV programme about girls and their sweet 16 birthday parties??

Spoilt brats with parents with too much money who spend and thousands and thousands on a party, its ridiculous. I had to turn it off because it made me soooooo angry!!
Quote by MMonroe
Has anyone seen the TV programme about girls and their sweet 16 birthday parties??

Spoilt brats with parents with too much money who spend and thousands and thousands on a party, its ridiculous. I had to turn it off because it made me soooooo angry!!

That kind of stuff used to bother me, as well. When I was young and broke, anyway. I kind of got over it in college. I knew the typical "spoiled little rich girl". Daddy bought her nice jewelry, a Mercedes convertible. Whatever she wanted. Nobody ever liked her because everyone assumed she was an asshole.

We got to talking one night. Alcohol was NOT involved, nor was hot, steamy sex. Just sitting around, shooting the shit. Turns out, she was a pretty nice girl. She had regular old dreams, just like everyone else. She had questions about her place in the world, and what her future would be like, just like I did. She KNEW most kids hated her, and she knew why as well. She floored me, when she said, "Is it MY fault that my Dad's a successful man? Is it MY fault he likes to buy me shit? He bought me that car on his own - I didn't ask fo rit. What am I supposed to do? Tell him, 'No, thanks, I'd rather be out driving some piece of shit car?' Fuck THAT! What would you do?"

And I had to admit - if I could trade places with her, I would have done exactly the same. And I'd probably be a much bigger asshole than she was because of it. We never connected besides that one night. But it taught me something. Three guesses as to what lesson it taught me...
I dont get it, she wants to be a glamour model? Someone seriously needs to point out that glamour models dont have fat-roles...

And seriously that dress is UGLY I wouldnt be caught dead in it, what a waist of Swarovski crystals, and all the other jewelry she had on made her look tacky...
now look.....i dont know how much 100,000 quid is in comparison to american dollars....but to me the number 100,000 is big enough on it's own. i was watching this show where the bride's pick out their wedding dress and even rich successfull people were not wanting to go over a $5,000 or $6,000 wedding dress. i feel like if her parents were going to spend that much on a dress she should have gotton something astoundingly beautiful, not some piece of cloth that barely covered her body! I still cant believe the minister/priest even married them with her looking like that, let alone let her in a CHURCH looking like she just walked out of a horrific strip club for brides. now, her parents are living in a TRAILER.....for the amount that he spent on her wedding he could have bought himself AND his daughter and new husband a nice house. i would have rather had a courthouse wedding and a huge house before my parents dropped thousands of dollars on a frickin wedding that's only for a few hours, and a damn trailer. Not to mention SHE HAD JUST TURNED 16 6 DAYS BEFORE HER WEDDING!!!! jezzzzz!!!

ok and as far as those sweet sixteen parties? yeah i had a massive street water balloon party at mine so....
16 going on what..? 30?

I’m just jealous – I used to be a daddy’s girl!!
Well, I'm glad we could all decide how these people should spend their money and live their lives.

Quote by LushPrincess
I’m just jealous – I used to be a daddy’s girl!!

You need a Daddy Princess?