Loved playing with these. Just hated looking for them thru the house to reload then.
I remember tapes and carrying my stereo around on my shoulder to listen to them, before smaller portable headphones and tape players where available.
Ahhh, the Kodak Instamatic!
Not only are the flash cubes gone, but so is the company... (bet you never expected that back in the day, did you? I sure didn't.)
it means your tape was being eaten by your cassette player of course! lol
awwh the good ole days when things were simpler wish we could go back
A sign of extended vintage when you can remember your Grandmother's Pianola and the music rolls!
I'm suprised no one added writing on the label...all the times you would record over it... now add some scotch tape to the picture and see who knows the connection....
The only recording I had of my old band was a snapped cassette. A skilfull friend spliced it last year it was then played into a computer from a cassette player and turned into CDs so the scotch tape definiteley came in handy.