Those are the things that make face book so immature and so full of drama that is why I have hated it for months now...all my sons Girlfriends and buddies have added me and it has turned into a pissing match with some and then the come to me and say "but mom so and so said this about me!!!" so I now have to stay off of it for my sanity.....

Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom" lmfao I fucking LOVE facebook almost as much as i love lush!
I knew there was a reason my partner banned me off facebook, lol
"I love facebook like you love cock" Hehe, dont think this will ever get old
"What are you going to do? Tell mum and dad I uploaded your dick sucking list to facebook? go ahead."
OMG I laughed so much I couldn't breathe.