hi. some of you know me. some of you don't. doesn't really matter either way. what does matter is that LushStories is a story site. It says so right in the name. LushSTORIES. so please, don't send in notes. don't send in lists. don't send in "letters to penthouse". they WILL be returned. send in STORIES. (I don't care how good you are, 11 words does NOT make a story - not even a micro!) and don't send in stories that have zero sex in them. or the sex is something like this. They fucked. once again, i don't care who you are - two word sex scenes are NOT erotic. IF a story takes you less than 5 minutes to write, it's probably going to be rejected. please save yourself the trouble and don't force my mods to spend more time writing a rejection note than it took you to write your damn story. it takes away from other people who are actually attempting to write stories.
thing is, i don't care if you're still learning, or if english is your second language. if you are making an attempt to write something we can publish, i am 100% behind you. if you're not, though, i'm gonna get cranky at you. you have been warned. thanks for listening.