Just to add a different perspective to the question of Poetry and it's place in the top 10. I write both poems and erotic stories and, to be honest, although i might spend more time writing stories, the poetry is actually a lot harder and something i am prouder of in some cases. That said, i sort of have to agree with the fact that people are coming her for sex/erotica and, if they were to look at the top 10 and find that it was all poetry, they might get a skewed veiw of the site and not look beyond that.
Honestly, i think the top authors spots should be used to highlight the site to casual visitors rather then be an ego boost for a few talented few, and i'm not saying that in a mean spirited way... some of the works i've read here are amazing and the authors deserve their laurels. That said, for myself, i get those in the comments made either on the stories themselves or by other members in chat room, messages, etc. Personally, i find that the whole top author bit makes people a little overly competitive (and i am biting my tongue here about another issue that has no place under this particular subject heading).
in my opinion as an admittedly newer member, i think that Lush promotes its self as a site for erotic literature, and shouldn't divert from that course. i could easily ask 'why can't we have a catagory for non erotic lit', but once again, it would diversify the site beyond what i believe it's creators intended.
thanks for letting me share my opinion.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
I am a new user here, but I would also like to see a way to control who sees you logged on. Like the old instant messengers you could pick who seen you and who didnt. Some I dont want to block but I have to be in the right mood to talk to or they take up a lot of your time when you want to talk to someone else. As far as saving chats, I like the idea because if you talk to a lot of people you could save the chat and refresh your memory instead of all that copy an past. Personally I have my pet peeves and so does everyone else and nothing makes me step on the brakes when someone crosses that line. I know I knew and trying to remember the last conversation is hard and if you are on your phone its even hard to copy and paste.
I really love this site and have meet some really nice people. I have learned so much through others on this site.
Great. Look forward to it.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Getting back to the original question at hand...
I think there should be two new smileys added...one that says "been there, done that" and another that says "whatever"...
I can answer and question and, in fact, hold whole conversations with just those two...
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
How about a smiley that says, "The Drama Llama is watching you"...
I think that would be very popular around here...
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
How about an animated smiley that says "Cat Fight" complete with two cats attacking each other and sound effects??? Just saying...
Please May we have some more words on the Thought of the day???? Thank you
Chat room improvement. Organize list of names alphabetically. Sometimes it gets hard to hunt down names when your talking to more than one person.
Thousands of user submitted stories removed from the site. You are nothing without your users or their freely submitted stories.
Yeah, I see that you're working on optimising for mobile already. Just letting you know, I've got an iPhone 4 and the one major problem is that when I bring up the active users window the scroll bar doesn't appear. So I only see the top section. Thats the only major issue, besides that, the chartroom window is big so you have to keep zooming In and out from the text entry field to the conversation field.
Gav, if you can figure out how to add scratch and sniff......I'd be in heaven. Thanks, man.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
How about a search option to see all a specified members forum posts?

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
If Lush adds too many more features, they're going to have to put out a book titled Lush For Dummies...
Still trying to understand the new online/offline thingy...but, I'll get it eventually...