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Which improvements or features would you like to see added?

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Quote by AngelicAdmirer
If I may suggest, I wouldn't mind seeing a version of the site optimized say for mobile devices. I'd only suggest the stories section be optimized, if you want to hit the forums or chat rooms then you can use a laptop or desktop. Just a thought, from someone who's recently got a mobile device.

Being worked on
Quote by Exakta66
Quote by DamonX
I was thinking that maybe the poetry and stories should be separated in some way. I've noticed some authors use mass influxes of poems to keep themselves on the top author list, relying on a few dedicated followers to give them top marks. A one-page poem really shouldn't be placed in the same category as a long, well developed story. Not that I care about "top" scores but it creates a bit of a skewed image of the best authors on the site.

Just curious Damon...are you implying that the only reason anyone expresses themselves through poems is to keep themselves on the Top Author list...merely a cheap publicity stunt, on the same level as, say for instance, overloading the forums on an adult story site with controversial questions designed to create arguments amongst the members of the site???
You know, a site where people go to generally escape that sort of thing...
As for poems having "a few dedicated followers"...I can tell you for a fact, that I have several poems with far more views/votes than any of my "straight sex" stories except "Your Eyes" which is an Editor Pick...
Perhaps we should remove "straight sex" and "supernatural" from being considered in the Top Author/Top Story lists...
I know your comments were directed at a couple of people on this site, of which I happen to be one of them. Yes, I have been on the TA list every month since I joined Lush, and I have been mostly posting poems in the last few months while I am working on a novel.
I know for a fact you have been around on other sites for some time, and even you can muster up enough brain cells to realize that if all I was concerned was making some list, I would not have 89 stories here on Lush. People who are primarily concerned with making the lists, tend to only submit their highest rated stories from other sites...any of the mods will tell you that I have tried to submit the vast majority of my 106 stories here on Lush...the fact is, and you can confirm this with Nicola, that I have more rejection notices here than most people have stories.
Your implication that somehow a one page poem is less worthy than a multi-page story is interesting. For the record, prior to my most recent story, the longest time I've ever spent working on a story or poem happened to be on a poem. Maybe you should try writing a poem sometime, and see how it goes...
I think that old adage applies here...
"If you can't, teach
If you can't teach, criticize."
Have a good day...

I can honestly say that I did not know you had written any poems. My comment was in no way addressed to you, and therefor I find your defensive response a bit amusing. Your prolific poetry (along with your shameless self promoting), has actually slipped under my radar. I, in no way, meant to disparage the art of erotic poetry. I just thought it should be in a separate category, as it seems to be on most other erotic story sites.

As for your other comments about my forum postings....I have made no secret of the fact that I enjoy debate, discussion, or what you so callously describe as "arguing." I think it provides a great exchange of ideas, viewpoints, in addition to a high degree of entertainment. For example, I was able to learn the entire and comprehensive history of the confederate flag! smile Yes, this is a sex stories site, but some of us to like to get a little more out of conversing with people beyond finding an audience "to hock our wares" to.

I do hold you in quite a bit of reverence though. You've managed to make all the regular members hate you, even without mentioning abortion, gun control or religion. Well done. :)
Just to add a different perspective to the question of Poetry and it's place in the top 10. I write both poems and erotic stories and, to be honest, although i might spend more time writing stories, the poetry is actually a lot harder and something i am prouder of in some cases. That said, i sort of have to agree with the fact that people are coming her for sex/erotica and, if they were to look at the top 10 and find that it was all poetry, they might get a skewed veiw of the site and not look beyond that.

Honestly, i think the top authors spots should be used to highlight the site to casual visitors rather then be an ego boost for a few talented few, and i'm not saying that in a mean spirited way... some of the works i've read here are amazing and the authors deserve their laurels. That said, for myself, i get those in the comments made either on the stories themselves or by other members in chat room, messages, etc. Personally, i find that the whole top author bit makes people a little overly competitive (and i am biting my tongue here about another issue that has no place under this particular subject heading).

in my opinion as an admittedly newer member, i think that Lush promotes its self as a site for erotic literature, and shouldn't divert from that course. i could easily ask 'why can't we have a catagory for non erotic lit', but once again, it would diversify the site beyond what i believe it's creators intended.

thanks for letting me share my opinion.


You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by lacy46dd
suggestion: boss-proof lush screens

when reading any story, there are sex videos down the top of the right column of the screen; and the list of story-categories down the left column, e.g., anal, cross-dressing, exhibitionism, etc.

many times, lush users are in public, or semi-public environments, i.e.: offices, cafes, universities, libraries, etc. -- and it's indiscrete for outsiders to view these items

for cosmetic purposes: is it possible to move the most visually-glaring: and the large-font sexual words -- to the bottom of the screens, or someplace that the boss can't glimpse so easily, when wandering over a lush-user's shoulder

any thoughts?

amen to that - boss/spouse/family/friend proof - while i do understand the need for advertising, it's a little embarrassing to have it so in your face when someone's looking over your shoulder.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I am a new user here, but I would also like to see a way to control who sees you logged on. Like the old instant messengers you could pick who seen you and who didnt. Some I dont want to block but I have to be in the right mood to talk to or they take up a lot of your time when you want to talk to someone else. As far as saving chats, I like the idea because if you talk to a lot of people you could save the chat and refresh your memory instead of all that copy an past. Personally I have my pet peeves and so does everyone else and nothing makes me step on the brakes when someone crosses that line. I know I knew and trying to remember the last conversation is hard and if you are on your phone its even hard to copy and paste.

I really love this site and have meet some really nice people. I have learned so much through others on this site.

Quote by Notenough
I am a new user here, but I would also like to see a way to control who sees you logged on. Like the old instant messengers you could pick who seen you and who didnt. Some I dont want to block but I have to be in the right mood to talk to or they take up a lot of your time when you want to talk to someone else. As far as saving chats, I like the idea because if you talk to a lot of people you could save the chat and refresh your memory instead of all that copy an past. Personally I have my pet peeves and so does everyone else and nothing makes me step on the brakes when someone crosses that line. I know I knew and trying to remember the last conversation is hard and if you are on your phone its even hard to copy and paste.

I really love this site and have meet some really nice people. I have learned so much through others on this site.


I think what you are talking about is already a feature it's in your settings tab and look for the privacy settings
Quote by sprite
Quote by lacy46dd
suggestion: boss-proof lush screens

when reading any story, there are sex videos down the top of the right column of the screen; and the list of story-categories down the left column, e.g., anal, cross-dressing, exhibitionism, etc.

many times, lush users are in public, or semi-public environments, i.e.: offices, cafes, universities, libraries, etc. -- and it's indiscrete for outsiders to view these items

for cosmetic purposes: is it possible to move the most visually-glaring: and the large-font sexual words -- to the bottom of the screens, or someplace that the boss can't glimpse so easily, when wandering over a lush-user's shoulder

any thoughts?

amen to that - boss/spouse/family/friend proof - while i do understand the need for advertising, it's a little embarrassing to have it so in your face when someone's looking over your shoulder.

Those ads keep this place running and available to the readers and members without charge. It also makes it possible for a lot of authors to have their work posted and read, on a quality web site. There have also been authors who started here, who ended up being discovered by publishers and having their work go into print. Those are the positive sides to it, as far as I understand the question.

Ads you don't want your boss/family/friends to see versus not having to pay a user fee. It comes to down to that.

I'm laughing at the idea of a boss proof screen -- doesn't it make you wonder what's running across the boss's screen when no-one is looking?

Quote by nicola
Quote by AngelicAdmirer
If I may suggest, I wouldn't mind seeing a version of the site optimized say for mobile devices. I'd only suggest the stories section be optimized, if you want to hit the forums or chat rooms then you can use a laptop or desktop. Just a thought, from someone who's recently got a mobile device.

Being worked on

Awesome, nicola! Thanks!
Quote by DamonX
I was thinking that maybe the poetry and stories should be separated in some way. I've noticed some authors use mass influxes of poems to keep themselves on the top author list, relying on a few dedicated followers to give them top marks. A one-page poem really shouldn't be placed in the same category as a long, well developed story. Not that I care about "top" scores but it creates a bit of a skewed image of the best authors on the site.

Why not just use the poem section of the forum? Unless it's a love poem, then it should be published in that section.
Quote by chefkathleen
Quote by DamonX
I was thinking that maybe the poetry and stories should be separated in some way. I've noticed some authors use mass influxes of poems to keep themselves on the top author list, relying on a few dedicated followers to give them top marks. A one-page poem really shouldn't be placed in the same category as a long, well developed story. Not that I care about "top" scores but it creates a bit of a skewed image of the best authors on the site.

Why not just use the poem section of the forum? Unless it's a love poem, then it should be published in that section.

Right on, Chef. As a matter of fact, I'm going to remove one of my poems, as it really (upon further reflection) is in no way...erotic. It's simply dirty in a juvenile way and not really something I should have posted in there, anyway.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by chefkathleen
Quote by DamonX
I was thinking that maybe the poetry and stories should be separated in some way. I've noticed some authors use mass influxes of poems to keep themselves on the top author list, relying on a few dedicated followers to give them top marks. A one-page poem really shouldn't be placed in the same category as a long, well developed story. Not that I care about "top" scores but it creates a bit of a skewed image of the best authors on the site.

Why not just use the poem section of the forum? Unless it's a love poem, then it should be published in that section.

Right on, Chef. As a matter of fact, I'm going to remove one of my poems, as it really (upon further reflection) is in no way...erotic. It's simply dirty in a juvenile way and not really something I should have posted in there, anyway.

I didn't see it. Will you post it in the poem section then?
Quote by chefkathleen

I didn't see it. Will you post it in the poem section then?

I will for you. It's a humor piece.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Great. Look forward to it.
Getting back to the original question at hand...
I think there should be two new smileys that says "been there, done that" and another that says "whatever"...
I can answer and question and, in fact, hold whole conversations with just those two...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by Exakta66
How about a smiley that says, "The Drama Llama is watching you"...
I think that would be very popular around here...

Shit probly be the most used one here lol
Quote by bikebum1975
Quote by Exakta66
How about a smiley that says, "The Drama Llama is watching you"...
I think that would be very popular around here...

Shit probly be the most used one here lol

Yeah, I might wear out my smiley button if I had that one...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Please May we have some more words on the Thought of the day???? Thank you
Quote by savanna
Please May we have some more words on the Thought of the day???? Thank you

I can agree on that...another 100 or so would make a big difference...
I also think that there should be a Gav Appreciation Day
I know you don't like me mentioning other sites Nicola...but, one thing I've learned from my time on other sites is just how nice Lush is (and believe me, I've told quite a few people, including admins on other sites)...not just in terms of features, which Lush is clearly the best, but the fact that everything works here...something I think people take for granted...
So, lets raise our glasses and salute the hardest working member of Lush...Drama Llama...ooops, I mean Gav...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Chat room improvement. Organize list of names alphabetically. Sometimes it gets hard to hunt down names when your talking to more than one person.
Thousands of user submitted stories removed from the site. You are nothing without your users or their freely submitted stories.
Quote by Exakta66
Quote by DamonX
I was thinking that maybe the poetry and stories should be separated in some way. I've noticed some authors use mass influxes of poems to keep themselves on the top author list, relying on a few dedicated followers to give them top marks. A one-page poem really shouldn't be placed in the same category as a long, well developed story. Not that I care about "top" scores but it creates a bit of a skewed image of the best authors on the site.

Just curious Damon...are you implying that the only reason anyone expresses themselves through poems is to keep themselves on the Top Author list...merely a cheap publicity stunt, on the same level as, say for instance, overloading the forums on an adult story site with controversial questions designed to create arguments amongst the members of the site???
You know, a site where people go to generally escape that sort of thing...
As for poems having "a few dedicated followers"...I can tell you for a fact, that I have several poems with far more views/votes than any of my "straight sex" stories except "Your Eyes" which is an Editor Pick...
Perhaps we should remove "straight sex" and "supernatural" from being considered in the Top Author/Top Story lists...
I know your comments were directed at a couple of people on this site, of which I happen to be one of them. Yes, I have been on the TA list every month since I joined Lush, and I have been mostly posting poems in the last few months while I am working on a novel.
I know for a fact you have been around on other sites for some time, and even you can muster up enough brain cells to realize that if all I was concerned was making some list, I would not have 89 stories here on Lush. People who are primarily concerned with making the lists, tend to only submit their highest rated stories from other sites...any of the mods will tell you that I have tried to submit the vast majority of my 106 stories here on Lush...the fact is, and you can confirm this with Nicola, that I have more rejection notices here than most people have stories.
Your implication that somehow a one page poem is less worthy than a multi-page story is interesting. For the record, prior to my most recent story, the longest time I've ever spent working on a story or poem happened to be on a poem. Maybe you should try writing a poem sometime, and see how it goes...
I think that old adage applies here...
"If you can't, teach
If you can't teach, criticize."
Have a good day...

Rock on Exakta
Quote by savanna
Please May we have some more words on the Thought of the day???? Thank you

Never mince words,,,
savanna says it strait up
Yeah, I see that you're working on optimising for mobile already. Just letting you know, I've got an iPhone 4 and the one major problem is that when I bring up the active users window the scroll bar doesn't appear. So I only see the top section. Thats the only major issue, besides that, the chartroom window is big so you have to keep zooming In and out from the text entry field to the conversation field.

Like a lot of the ideas shared so far.

The following are the three that I am most interested in right now:

1. The reason I like the chats being saved is for story writing purposes. Right now I either copy and paste it, email back and forth or use another online chat.
2. I would like to be able to "sort" my messages. At least by person.
3. I have an iPhone too, so I am glad you are working on mobile improvements with chatting!

Thanks!!! smile
Quote by savanna
Please May we have some more words on the Thought of the day???? Thank you

No thanks... Don't mean to be rude but some people could take advantage of this, and I really don't want a story/or poem on my recent activity list... I want to see activities from all friends ... not just the one. I personally think if you have a extra long 'thought'... send it by mail or submit it (if it is even yours ~ if not give credit where credit is due ~ sorry pet peeve).

Talking about Recent Activities list... I would like to have an option to be able to choose what we share with our friends in our activities. I would love to be given a choice to show who I added or share or not share that I just posted an image or even a 'thought'. Sometimes I don't think it is necessary to share this information...

I don't mind it appearing on my profile... but not on friend's recent activities list. I sometimes come on here with my settings set to 'block all' because I do not feel like talking to anyone, yet suddenly feel like posting in the forums or voting on a story, but then I get busted that I am online because friends get notified when I do something, and those little black boxes start appearing. I would just like an option for more privacy, even with friends.

and if we have set our settings to 'block all' if our names would not appear in the forums... again, another way of getting busted like I will now when I hit the post button

I would like to say a BIG THANKYOU to Nic and Gav for allowing us to now see what a message contains in an email
Quote by nicola
Does anyone have any suggestions / ideas?

I would like to see a few things. If these are already available and I'm just being "technologically challenged," I'd appreciate it if someone would let me know how to enable them.

- I'd like to be able to see a list of my own activity, similar to what I can see for my friends. I don't always remember which stories I've commented on or scored, and I can't find that information anywhere without going to each story individually. It seems odd that I can see more about what my friends are doing than about what I am doing.

- On the subject of the Recent Activities list, I agree with Harmony about this:

Quote by Harmony
I would like to have an option to be able to choose what we share with our friends in our activities. I would love to be given a choice to show who I added or share or not share that I just posted an image or even a 'thought'. Sometimes I don't think it is necessary to share this information...

- Finally, when I log in, I'd like to start at my profile and then navigate from there. Is there any way to change one's personal home page to something other than the site's home page?

Quote by nicola
I like to ask this question once in a while to see if there are any good ideas for site improvements we can incorporate.

I love that you ask for, and LISTEN TO, input from members! Of course not all of the suggestions can be implemented, but the fact that you give them due consideration and do everything you can to make the site user-friendly means a great deal. Thank you.

~ Rascal
Maggie R
Gav, if you can figure out how to add scratch and sniff......I'd be in heaven. Thanks, man.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
How about a search option to see all a specified members forum posts?

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!