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What happened to the story Awakenings? It seems to have disappeared

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Can you give us any more information about the story?

Author? Category? Rough plot outline?
That story series is by a user names Goodhusband. He appears to have disappeared. :-( Makes me sad. He is a fantastic author, in my opinion.
Quote by RavenStar
That story series is by a user names Goodhusband. He appears to have disappeared. :-( Makes me sad. He is a fantastic author, in my opinion.

Thanks, you Star!

When a member deletes their account, all their stories go with them.
Yeah, him and all of his stories are gone. Which is awful. He was a great author, who was building quite a following. I'm upset.... I want to know how the story ends!
And it would appear that Lush lost some potential new members when he left. His stories on Literotica had a combined viewership of over 7,500,000. It would appear that he has quite a following. I, for one, will miss him dearly. He was a friend and a mentor to me.
His stories have also disappeared from Literotica. Does anyone know what has happened? I know his health was not the best.
I just did a Google search for him listing his username and the other site name together. It shows he's still a member with 12 parts to Awakenings listed including the most recent one from June 26, 2014. You could try contacting him there.
 Kissing your lips while straddling your lap. 
I know him. He's an old friend. He's a cantankerous sob. He gets his back up and won't relent. Cut him a little slack, but cut the site a little slack too. It was just a misunderstanding that went badly awry.
Quote by rusty65
I know him. He's an old friend. He's a cantankerous sob. He gets his back up and won't relent. Cut him a little slack, but cut the site a little slack too. It was just a misunderstanding that went badly awry.


Rather an overreaction it has to be said. I wrote to him a few times to try and clear things up. It seemed he didn't want to bend even the slightest bit.

I don't think asking someone to split up enormous paragraphs so it's easier for the reader, was too much to ask.
Quote by nicola


Rather an overreaction it has to be said. I wrote to him a few times to try and clear things up. It seemed he didn't want to bend even the slightest bit.

I don't think asking someone to split up enormous paragraphs so it's easier for the reader, was too much to ask.

I think there must be some confusion with another writer. Anyone who is familiar with Goodhusband's stories knows that he writes in very short paragraphs. If anything he could be accused of over paragraphing rather than under paragraphing.
Enormous paragraphs? Surely you jest.
Well, he may be a cantankerous old SOB but then again, so am I. He is one Hell of an author and just noticed that today he posted Ch 13 on Literotica. Hopefully he will continue the story there. Don't hold it against Lush that he left. He may be back since he left Lit to come here after some disagreement with them. Some authors post on both sites and get the best of both worlds. We shall see.
Quote by nicola


Rather an overreaction it has to be said. I wrote to him a few times to try and clear things up. It seemed he didn't want to bend even the slightest bit.

I don't think asking someone to split up enormous paragraphs so it's easier for the reader, was too much to ask.

I talked to Goodhusband. He assured me that this situation has nothing to do with paragraph length. He also told me that Nicola has not made any attempts to contact him.

He would prefer to not discuss this situation in a public forum and understands that he did over react. He attempted to send a letter to Nicola, but the letter was blocked.

Last night he emailed me the first chapter of a previously unpublished story and asked me to submit it to the site. It was his attempt to atone for his partial responsibility in creating this mess. This morning he saw Nicola's comment and asked me to withdraw it. I did.
I'd also like to point out that his ongoing concession that he over reacted in this situation hardly sounds like a man who wasn't willing to bend even the slightest bit
I never read any of the Awakenings series, I believe because they were cuckold (?) stories, but his stories must have been well-received, I recall him being on the Top Authors list quite a lot. It does seem a bit sad that for whatever reason (except for violating the TOS and writing about banned subjects) we've lost a popular author.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

Goodhusband writes under the same name on a Literotica, where he has published many cuckold stories. All 13 parts of Awakenings have been published there. It is a shame he has left Lush, which is a much more friendly and intimate site than Literotica, but he must have good reasons for coming here in the first place, and for leaving again.
My mistake, I was confusing him with another author re the paragraph length. Apologies on that front GoodHusband.

He was / is not blocked, I replied to him 3 times concerning a chapter of his which he couldn't find on the site a few days ago.

It was apparently disappearing sporadically for him, which I couldn't replicate. It showed up at the bottom of the first page when I checked, then the top of the second page 12 hours later when he said it had disappeared again.
I read his story and it was very well written. This whole dialogue is rather confusing. I know Nicola has done a great job putting together this site and find it hard to believe that she would say that she tried to contact him when she didn't. What does she have to gain if that was a lie? The thing about the paragraphs length seems a small issue so it is equally difficult to believe he left over that. I hope this is resolved. This is a small community.
The blue arrows in my screenshot above, indicate I replied to his message.

He asked about why his Chapter 21 was not showing.

I told him it was showing for me on page 1, and when he asked again, it was showing on page 2, some time later, as is the norm.

For whatever reason, it was not showing for him at the time. I have no idea why that would be the case, perhaps a technical issue with the site I am not aware of.

I asked him to use the "Contact Us" form in future for technical issues, as I am extremely busy, and have no control over how the site does or doesn't work. I guess he wanted my personal intervention and didn't like the answer I gave.

There was no indication he had an issue with me, or the site for that matter.

I am as shocked as anyone that he left. It's a shame, his stories were well received.

I hope this is resolved too Chuck. Btw, we have 1/4 million members and 4+ million visitors per month, so I wouldn't particularly call us a "small" community!
All I know is that this guy is one GREAT writer! If he's gone forever his work will surely be missed!