Is it being taken over by cats?
That certainly is a lot of hype to live up to...
Don't tell me! It's going to become a forum for evangelical Christian stories about faith, angels, and miracles
Designer condoms, with Lush logo on them?
All poetry has to be sonnets! Uugghh! I hate sonnets!!!
No member will be allowed to post unless naked
and one lucky Lush Member will be appointed to do house calls to check compliance
There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable."
C'è un fascino per il proibito che lo rende indicibilmente desiderabile.
— Mark Twain
Oh my god! I bet this announcement is gonna blow my brain right out of my skull and create a bloody pink splat on the wall behind me. I'm gonna get some Clorox wipes ready and sit back and fluff up.
Reminds me of going to the cinema and the previews of films to come before the film you went to see starts.