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Unsuspend me or I'll take you to court!!!

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Did you say classy action suit?

(I think a tux is technically still a suit)
I'd hate to be one of the 'voices' in his head.....he'd have me accused, tried, sentenced and convicted within the space of a minute......notice the 'special' attention here to the word 'space'... yeah, this dude is definately out of this world. (k)
Active Ink Slinger
The Lush Matriarch might want to liken herself to the oprator of a magnificant private musium to which she invites visitors free of charge. The few requirements for entry include respect of others and respect of the treasures. Now consider te case of a patron / visitor who comes in and smashes a valuable piece.

Yes, we would all (and the courts too) agree that the custodian of the treasures has full right to ban the individual who could not adhere to a few simple rules. Lush is a treasure.

The quiet and always horny old guy in Sunny Florida USA
That was sweet GranPa.
You get 'faux' sued a lot ,Nicola (grins)
Rookie Scribe
Does anyone else realize that he said "the police told me to come down and file a lawsuit immediately" ummm maybe you should consult someone who knows how the CJ system works. the police file reports on incidents YOU HAVE TO GO TO COURT TO FILE A LAWSUIT. Sorry that was the dumbest and most ridiculous part to me where i had to point it out
Quote by Impish_Grin
Quote by mazza
Oh dear...

dammit - just posted a really funny pic, then realised it breaks the rules

dammit, sorry!

Which rule in particular?

Aw, it was a pic of a crybaby, saying 'Mommy, someone on the internet doesn't like me'

So, although it was awesomely funy and pertinent, it breaks the 'no minors rule'...

I'll see if I can find something similar...

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by DirtyMartini
What else can we sue for, btw? How about if one of my stories gets a low vote?

That could cause me undue mental stress...hmmm, just thinking here...

Let me go talk to my imaginary lawyer friend and get back to you...

oh, now i feel bad about all those 3's i gave you...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Story Teller
This post actually made me laugh, which brightened my day. Gotta love stupid people.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by DirtyMartini
Quote by sprite

oh, now i feel bad about all those 3's i gave you...

Don't feel bad about the 3's...

Actually, the 3's were the high votes on a couple of my stories...just saying...

yeah, thing is, there's no zero! believe me i tried to find a way, but 1 was the lowest i could score you smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
The other thing that strikes me funny is that unless this individual is from Australia, US courts can't do anything about it can they. Either way not very bright.
Ehhhhh, What's up Doc?
The Linebacker
Since I can't sue Australia I think I'll sue that little gecko lizard on the TV insurance commercials that talks with an Australian accent!

Internet Sensation
Oh what a cute Gecko!
ey mate a mighty ceute gecko isnT it?
Well, he won the court case, and now I have to pay his $50K proctologist fees

I haven't heard from him again actually
damn thats an expensive protologist sorry nicola what a pain in the ass ;)
Rookie Scribe I'm new here..been lurking around reading stories.
didn't really plan to do anything much beyond that, let alone join yet another forum, but this thread came up..
also, I'm going to spoil the fun a little bit, with a serious note.
after having lolled quite a bit over it, I've come to realize the lols had a bitter aftertaste for me..and I suppose for any other italian forumite/writer who has bumped into it over the last days.
our local king of sex-gossip and court jester-general of the G8, the prime minister, together with his cronies, is in the process of approving a law that will in fact allow precisely such things as have been threatened, to happen in our apparently not so democratic country.
from the moment that law becomes effective, anybody who has written (I suppose on italian websites) anything about anybody else, be it as blog, newsflash, public information or..well.. in any other form, may be forced by the subject of their writing to delete whatever it was they said and post an identically formatted rebuttal of what they posted. the "nice" touch to this? the enforcement comes directly from the subject of their writing, who will not even need to take the writer to court, for a third party to be the judge as to whether something untrue (and therefore slanderous) has been written.
there is no independent judge anymore. it roughly goes like this:

A writes "B was arrested for shoplifting" on his blog, facebook account, news site if he happens to be a journalist.
B takes offence and contacts A
A has 48 hours to remove the "slander" and post on his website/blog/facebook account something like: "I'm sorry, I've lied, B did not get done for shoplifting, I made a mistake"... no, smiley faces or sarcastic observations are not allowed either.
if A fails to comply, fines, trials and general unpleasantness ensue...
whether B has or has not been arrested for shoplifting is irrelevant.. not even an autenticated copy of a police report or an appeal in court can assist A in not having to "rectify".
the matter has stoked quite some protests, amongst others from the Italian Wikipedia site, who closed down for a couple of days in protest...
mmmh website won't let me post wiki links to the events... anyhoo.. it's easy to google wiretap law italy and bump into the story.

so..yeah..not 100% relevant to this situation, which includes a ban.. but it did resonate with current events.
Internet Sensation
That just mean that people have to stop being so easily offended.
Divine Rapscallion
Welcome to Lush, melting_pot!

Is the new law in Italy a done deal, or is there a chance that it won't be approved? It sounds pretty screwed up to me. Under our laws in the U.S., truth is always a valid defense against a defamation charge.
Maggie R
Rookie Scribe
thanks for the welcome..

I'm not sure whether it's done or not..several amendments have been filed for debate..and I understand it's still a rather big issue..
the way I see it, what's being punished is not telling a lie, but offending people.. and it's entirely in the hands of the "offended party" to determine what offends them and what doesn't.. if this thing holds, anybody could claim to be offended any time they're mentioned on the internet.. and ask for the mention to be pulled from the website. if the truth offends me, I may well have an instrument that allows me to legally have the truth removed and instead support a lie I prefer to the ugly truth.
in other words, people with a lot of money, a media staff and/or a political agenda may very well hire a team of censors and basically wipe the net of anything negative said about them..thereby massively influencing the public opinion.
yes..that sounds and probably is a little extreme..I doubt the law is as as "bad" as that.. but that's precisely the point of the debate.. the law is worded poorly and basically an over reaction of certain people protecting their private interests through "new laws" hastily put in place. as it is, the law does point in that Orwellian direction
I suppose part of the mess comes from the fact that most of the people who put this law together have very little understanding of how the web actually works.
we'll see what happens.