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Timeline Information. Is it too much information?

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I LOVE the newish timeline addition to our accounts. There is only one thing that bothers me personally, and that is since we got it members have more opportunity to figure out who gave them which scores. From comments I have seen, and when talking to friends, it's becoming obvious to me that this is causing some people to get irritated and narky at strangers and friends because people give them scores of 3 and 4 and not 5's every time they write something. If we all did that, it would be a popularity competition and I know that's a subject which has arisen before. Until recently, I've never seen so many votes of 5 since I've been a member here.

Could Lush consider omitting that information from our timelines because I've mainly seen having access to that information is breeding hostility between members. Personally I never score anyone under a four because if someone has enough courage to upload something they wrote, then they deserve something higher than a 3 but that's just my opinion. I certainly wouldn't want someone to give me a score of 5 because they thought I expected it. I'd rather they vote honestly. People seem afraid to do that though.
I totally understand your point, however I haven't seen what I would consider a pattern. Lush has always had a generous voting readership, IMHO.

Personally, I like it. It lets me know when a vote was cast and it's nice to see when someone thought enough to give an opinion even if they didn't feel a need or have time to comment.

Just my opinion
Another option would be to change the screen that they log in to see, and not use the timeline feature at all.

The option is in the 'Settings & Privacy' section:

Oh yes Liz, I see your point, and personally I love the info that the timeline gives me as well Milik. It's not me that's worried about looking at my own timeline, it's members who are looking at the score someone else gave them and getting upset about it and downvoting that person in return, whether they deserve it or not. I haven't been affected by this at all, however I'm seeing friends receive spiteful down votes because they gave a score of less than a five to that person. Am I flogging a dead horse that's been flogged too many times before? I searched for a similar post but found nothing.

Thanks for replying smile
Quote by trinket
Oh yes Liz, I see your point, and personally I love the info that the timeline gives me as well Milik. It's not me that's worried about looking at my own timeline, it's members who are looking at the score someone else gave them and getting upset about it and downvoting that person in return, whether they deserve it or not. I haven't been affected by this at all, however I'm seeing friends receive spiteful down votes because they gave a score of less than a five to that person. Am I flogging a dead horse that's been flogged too many times before? I searched for a similar post but found nothing.

Thanks for replying smile

I don't think it's been beaten to death. You bring up valid issues. (Besides, I like flogging my horse
Quote by Milik_The_Red

I don't think it's been beaten to death. You bring up valid issues. (Besides, I like flogging my horse

Just as well we're not talking about birds then, hey?
I've seen the same thing Trinket. I don't think I have been victim of it either.

I like having the info too and try to think each person that I now know just votes on my story too. But I have seen others who have gotten mad over a vote they got. I know of one who has just quit voting because they didn't like writers knowing and being able to figure out what they voted.

The only problem that I have is the same as it has always been when a person say votes a 3 when the majority of scores have been at least 4 or 5. Then you get this random 3 and the person doesn't comment to say why. It just leaves you wondering.
Quote by HotBttmInBriefs
The only problem that I have is the same as it has always been when a person say votes a 3 when the majority of scores have been at least 4 or 5. Then you get this random 3 and the person doesn't comment to say why. It just leaves you wondering.

This is why we have a feature which allows authors to require a comment when a story is scored. If people are concerned about the reasons for the scores on their stories to that extent, they should really consider enabling this option.

I personally feel the pros outweigh the cons in this instance. As Milik said, it's nice to see when someone has read your work, even if they perhaps didn't have time to comment on it.
Quote by Liz

This is why we have a feature which allows authors to require a comment when a story is scored. If people are concerned about the reasons for the scores on their stories to that extent, they should really consider enabling this option.

I personally feel the pros outweigh the cons in this instance. As Milik said, it's nice to see when someone has read your work, even if they perhaps didn't have time to comment on it.

Liz, It has only happened one or 2 times for me with that. Most times the person does comment.

It hasn't happened enough that it bothers me or that I would want to go that route. I have debated doing that in the past. I just feel it turns more people off to do the forced commenting. So have just chosen not to.
Personally, I don't like it. It's too revealing.

We played with the options to even allow people to see who voted what on stories - that didn't end well!

I think it's better this kind of information is hidden, to prevent ill-feeling / revenge voting etc.
Quote by nicola
Personally, I don't like it. It's too revealing.

We played with the options to even allow people to see who voted what on stories - that didn't end well!

I think it's better this kind of information is hidden, to prevent ill-feeling / revenge voting etc.

I could see taking the voters name away. I would like it to at least tell me that a vote was cast, even if it does not say exactly when or by who. That would be enough for me.
Personally, I think that people need to grow a thicker skin. Perhaps the info should be removed, but what people need to realize is that voting is subjective. In all honesty, some folks work is genuinely a 3, but here the story garners a 4 or 5 because someone doesn't want to get offended. I don't get that; some stories don't deserve a 5...
I really like the information, as it makes it quicker to thank the people have voted on my stories, (regardless of score) I would be sad to see the feature removed.

My is that if an author can't take getting a score lower than they deem unworthy of their story, then they should simply disabled scoring.

If some who scores lower than a four isn't prepared to stick by their opinion and give feedback to authors who may receive said score, shouldn't be scoring the story in the first place.

At the end of the day it's not life and death if you get a low score on your story, if you're a good writer then people will read your work regardless.
Quote by Jayne33
I really like the information, as it makes it quicker to thank the people have voted on my stories, (regardless of score) I would be sad to see the feature removed.

My is that if an author can't take getting a score lower than they deem unworthy of their story, then they should simply disabled scoring.

If some who scores lower than a four isn't prepared to stick by their opinion and give feedback to authors who may receive said score, shouldn't be scoring the story in the first place.

At the end of the day it's not life and death if you get a low score on your story, if you're a good writer then people will read your work regardless.

I am in total agreement with you Jayne. I always send out a thank you no matter the score or comment. If they can take time to read, score and or comment, the least I can do is thank them.

Quote by Jayne33
I really like the information, as it makes it quicker to thank the people have voted on my stories, (regardless of score) I would be sad to see the feature removed.

My is that if an author can't take getting a score lower than they deem unworthy of their story, then they should simply disabled scoring.

If some who scores lower than a four isn't prepared to stick by their opinion and give feedback to authors who may receive said score, shouldn't be scoring the story in the first place.

At the end of the day it's not life and death if you get a low score on your story, if you're a good writer then people will read your work regardless.

I agree with you. How are we suppose to know when to improve without feedback. If more people commented, the scores would be meaningless. My earlier work was a mess and my scores ran from 3's to 5's. At the time I was like 'WTF??'

Had more people told me they marked me down because of errors, I might have improved more quickly. That's one reason I'm so supportive of Lush's tight quality control as well.
speaking for myself, comments are important to me. scores, not so much. that's me, obviously, and i've had a lot of time to get confident about my writing abilities. when i first started writing here i was very score conscious as well. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
speaking for myself, comments are important to me. scores, not so much. that's me, obviously, and i've had a lot of time to get confident about my writing abilities. when i first started writing here i was very score conscious as well. smile

I totally agree Sprite, however there is one reason why scores matter. All of the sites stories are ranked by score. The authors top list is as well. With one low score, a story basically drops out of sight and that denies the casual reader a chance to read what might have been an excellent story.

I really don't know what the solution would be though. Indexing 30000 stories presents problems no matter how you do it.

I would like to see a 'number of comments' tab or something similar, anything that gives the casual browser a chance to find work which might have been good but somehow received the random 3
I honestly think that the timeline is great the way it is.

The only thing that would "improve" it, in my opinion, would be if you could see all your comments, wall posts, quotes, scores etc, by clicking a category link at the top of the page (the same as you can click on your newsfeed/profile page - I know that sometimes if there's been a lot of activity on my 'profile' you sometimes have to do quite a bit of scrolling to see who's done what)

With regard to scoring, I just think that it is what it is. We have such a huge membership now that my observation is that the way people vote has changed.

If you want to keep all 5s, then forced commenting is the way to go (although that's not infallible and personally, I generally don't vote in those instances as I prefer it to be my choice, not something foisted on me)

My scores are generally lower now than they used to be (not that I've actually posted anything in a while) I just suck it up now...

If people like what I write, great, if not, that's fine too...

It's all good...
I like the Timeline exactly as it is.

As for as comments to vote or not, that is a good option that each individual member can either turn on or off. I like options.
If you've changed your settings so that it won't show if you've scored a story on Friends Activity then I'd hope that would mean that fact is also hidden from the Timelines - if not, then it should.

The flipside of that setting, along with the setting that hides the stories you've commented on means that I often miss stories enjoyed by friends whose opinions on stories I usually share. I really can't see the point of hiding the fact that you commented on stories - for me it runs against the spirit of the site.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

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Quote by overmykneenow
If you've changed your settings so that it won't show if you've scored a story on Friends Activity then I'd hope that would mean that fact is also hidden from the Timelines - if not, then it should.

The flipside of that setting, along with the setting that hides the stories you've commented on means that I often miss stories enjoyed by friends whose opinions on stories I usually share. I really can't see the point of hiding the fact that you commented on stories - for me it runs against the spirit of the site.

Yes---as you say in your signature more clearly READ STORIES! Best part of the site is our large array of gifted writers.
It's ok to say "scores shouldn't matter", "people need to grow a thicker skin" etc but the fact remains that a lot of people ARE revenge voting because they know who gave them less than a five. Then the next person passes that on. I can clearly see this is getting very ugly amongst my own friends. WE might think its childish but that's not going to stop people feeling that way. Is it a good idea to keep a dispensible feature and promote ill will amongst some in an online community? In my opinion we should not have to use one or a mixed combination of other features to counteract a new one that adds new problems. My main point is yeah sure the whiners should all grow up and stop being petty, but the fact is, that's not going to happen. As far as some stories deserving higher scores than others, isn't that the decision of the reader? One person might think a story is worth a 3, another might love it so much they give it a 5. Who is right and who is wrong? I'm not having problems at all with revenge scoring or Ill will from other writers but I am watching this problem getting bigger and uglier.
Quote by trinket
It's ok to say "scores shouldn't matter", "people need to grow a thicker skin" etc but the fact remains that a lot of people ARE revenge voting because they know who gave them less than a five.

do what i do - think of it as a refection upon them, not your story. if people want to be petty jerks, let them be petty jerks. sooner or later people figure them out and start treating them as they deserve.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

do what i do - think of it as a refection upon them, not your story. if people want to be petty jerks, let them be petty jerks. sooner or later people figure them out and start treating them as they deserve.

How would they deserve to be treated Princess Spritelette?
Quote by trinket

How would they deserve to be treated Princess Spritelette?

kind of like the stuff you step in and wipe off on the curb.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I have been on Lush for over a year now, I also have over 100 stories and one thing I have learned is, you’re never going to make everyone happy. People who are going to get bent out of shape over a three, two or one, needs to just relax.

Yes, we as authors bust our humps to do well writing and to get a low score sucks. But you know what? Oh well. They just have poor taste in writing. Get over it. Does it matter what they think? The more people read it, the score will go back up to five, eventually. As long as people keep scoring.

I just got a two the other day on one of my stories, it had a perfect five. Now it doesn’t, guess what? I don’t care. Why? Because 45 other people thought it was 5 worthy.

People just need to relax. If it is the same butthole who keeps down-scoring, block them! Also, Lush mods do pretty good at staying on top of jerks who down-score too much.

And, I’m with the others, I like knowing who has scored, so I can thank them. So, suck it up, buttercup. Focus on those who DO like your stories.
Quote by Milik_The_Red

I totally agree Sprite, however there is one reason why scores matter. All of the sites stories are ranked by score. The authors top list is as well. With one low score, a story basically drops out of sight and that denies the casual reader a chance to read what might have been an excellent story.

I really don't know what the solution would be though. Indexing 30000 stories presents problems no matter how you do it.

I would like to see a 'number of comments' tab or something similar, anything that gives the casual browser a chance to find work which might have been good but somehow received the random 3

I love this idea, Milik. Very wicked!
Quote by overmykneenow
If you've changed your settings so that it won't show if you've scored a story on Friends Activity then I'd hope that would mean that fact is also hidden from the Timelines - if not, then it should.

The flipside of that setting, along with the setting that hides the stories you've commented on means that I often miss stories enjoyed by friends whose opinions on stories I usually share. I really can't see the point of hiding the fact that you commented on stories - for me it runs against the spirit of the site.

No, if it is hidden on your Friends Activity, it still shows up on the Timeline. I have mine hidden, but when I score/comment it is still seen to said author on their timeline.
Quote by sprite

kind of like the stuff you step in and wipe off on the curb.

Like this??? ahhhh yes....... now you're talkin Princess

Everyone seems happy with timelines, but the issue seems to be with scoring, the loss of anonymity and it's knock-on effects.

How about, not showing scores until at least 5 are in? You can see if someone scored you, but you wouldn't know who had awarded what. This retains the anonymity of scores, and as no scores are initially shown, maybe there's less incentive to "jump on a bandwagon" - be that a positive or negative one.