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Think long and hard about deleting your account, we may not re-verify previous stories

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Quote by hidden_agenda73
Step out into the real world, some time, and perhaps you would understand. I have never cared who might see me on this site, because I could always question what they were doing here as well. However, there are companies out there who value their reputations to the point that it might tarnish that reputation for someone in such position to be found on a site such as Lush. That said, we were able to work things out and I returned to Lush. It would be nice to be met with empathy towards what happens in the real world, as opposed to those denizens of Lush that seem to only exist in Fantasyland.

You kinda missed my point. Outside of your working hours, your time is your own. An employer cannot tell you what websites you are allowed to visit, what organisations or communities you are allowed to be a member of, what kind of pornography you are allowed to watch at home. The very idea is bordering on the Orwellian.
Quote by Liz

You kinda missed my point. Outside of your working hours, your time is your own. An employer cannot tell you what websites you are allowed to visit, what organisations or communities you are allowed to be a member of, what kind of pornography you are allowed to watch at home. The very idea is bordering on the Orwellian.

Maybe she's on-screen talent for the Disney channel. I actually think they do have clauses like that.
Quote by Liz

You kinda missed my point. Outside of your working hours, your time is your own. An employer cannot tell you what websites you are allowed to visit, what organisations or communities you are allowed to be a member of, what kind of pornography you are allowed to watch at home. The very idea is bordering on the Orwellian.

Actually, I can envision a scenario where this is entirely possible. My wife worked for many years for a corporation that was a front line contractor for NASA, the Department of Defense, and the NSA, among others, and held a top secret clearance. In fact, she processed clearance requests for the company's officers and engineers for a time, and later controlled the database of all of their classified documents and the handling and security of those documents.

On her initial security clearance, they not only went in depth with her on every job and activitiy she'd ever been involved in and interviewed all prior employers, they sent someone out to speak with neighbors and even went back to former friends she listed from high school, info they required on the application. Full body cavity search, metaphorically speaking.

Association with any organization that was viewed negatively (controversial, subversive, anything that could be used to coerce or blackmail you) was viewed negatively and was enough to prevent you from getting a clearance, or to lose one you already held. No clearance, no job, or at best, no chance for advancement. Not saying that's the case here, but it's one possibility.
Quote by Liz

You kinda missed my point. Outside of your working hours, your time is your own. An employer cannot tell you what websites you are allowed to visit, what organisations or communities you are allowed to be a member of, what kind of pornography you are allowed to watch at home. The very idea is bordering on the Orwellian.

You have no idea how Orwellian America has become. Many employers here routinely do background searches of applicants' online activities before even hiring them. Companies routinely incorporate fine-print contract clauses giving them extraordinary privileges to regulate employees' off-hours activities which may conflict with corporate 'sensibilities'. Privacy in America and much of the rest of the world has now become an outdated concept as corporations gain unchallenged power over our lives. Just TRY suing a corporation sometime for violating or infringing upon your legal 'rights'. If you have unlimited financial resources, you might actually pull it off!
Quote by Beffer

You have no idea how Orwellian America has become. Many employers here routinely do background searches of applicants' online activities before even hiring them. Companies routinely incorporate fine-print contract clauses giving them extraordinary privileges to regulate employees' off-hours activities which may conflict with corporate 'sensibilities'. Privacy in America and much of the rest of the world has now become an outdated concept as corporations gain unchallenged power over our lives. Just TRY suing a corporation sometime for violating or infringing upon your legal 'rights'. If you have unlimited financial resources, you might actually pull it off!

Yeah, but if memory serves me right, she works in the music biz in SF, CA. Seems they'd be a bit looser and if not, why wouldn't they be cool with lush when they fine with being in a n open relationship with several other couples on a semi regular relationship? Just seems a bit odd is all

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I'm sort of wondering what the big deal is about some stories being deleted. Isn't it the quest of a writer to write? Just create some more.
Quote by sprite

Yeah, but if memory serves me right, she works in the music biz in SF, CA. Seems they'd be a bit looser and if not, why wouldn't they be cool with lush when they fine with being in a n open relationship with several other couples on a semi regular relationship? Just seems a bit odd is all

Well she isn't in the music business in SF, CA and there is a big difference between what I do with my friends and what internet sites I might belong to. Being a member of Lush is relatively public domain, what I do in my bedroom is not. I am sure I will get trashed for saying it, but too many Lush moderators seem to think the world revolves around you and this site, and it does not. This site is meant to be a hobby, or a distraction for many people looking for something else in their life. Again, if you could step out of your Lush shells for a bit and try to see the world from outside of Lush you might understand all of these things a bit better.

What I really don't understand is that my original post on this thread was a thank you to the moderators that work on stories, at this site and for the great job that they do. I was a victim of Lush rules and I understand that and take full accountability of that. How this got into a discussion of trashing Reese and her life away from Lush, is beyond me, but oh so typical of the drama that continues to permeate this site.
Quote by Green_Man

I'm sort of wondering what the big deal is about some stories being deleted. Isn't it the quest of a writer to write? Just create some more.

I am actively writing a couple of new stories, but I had several people ask me to write continuation of story lines that I had posted. My goal was to get the original stories back up to make the continuation a bit smoother for those that read subsequent stories, that might not know the back story without reading the original story.

Again, if people would REALLY read my initial post, you would see it really has nothing to do with having stories deleted at all. When I tried to re-post a story recently, it probably would have gone through had I not owned up to the fact that it had been posted before and had come down when I had left Lush or when my Lush account was hacked.

It certainly is a sad state that when someone tried to post something nice about what goes on here, and believe me that is not always easy to do, it somehow gets misconstrued and turns into a mountain of false accusations, and preaching by those that somehow think they are better than everyone else here.
Quote by hidden_agenda73

Thank you for all of the hard work you put in to keep this site viable, legit, and entertaining.

We appreciate the thanks more than you know. We're volunteers, but we love this place. We are inundated with many story submissions every day, and pride ourselves on verifying them quickly.
Therefore, you can see why we have these rules in place - we don't enjoy spending time on stories that already bare our multiple efforts of edits and time only to do it all again - and why it would be insensitive to ask that of us.

Thanks for understanding, Reese. If you have new stuff to publish - by all means.
Quote by TangerineSky

We appreciate the thanks more than you know. We're volunteers, but we love this place. We are inundated with many story submissions every day, and pride ourselves on verifying them quickly.
Therefore, you can see why we have these rules in place - we don't enjoy spending time on stories that already bare our multiple efforts of edits and time only to do it all again - and why it would be insensitive to ask that of us.

Thanks for understanding, Reese. If you have new stuff to publish - by all means.

Thank you, as well. The first decent non-attacking response by a moderator in this thread.
Quote by hidden_agenda73

Well she isn't in the music business in SF, CA and there is a big difference between what I do with my friends and what internet sites I might belong to. Being a member of Lush is relatively public domain, what I do in my bedroom is not. I am sure I will get trashed for saying it, but too many Lush moderators seem to think the world revolves around you and this site, and it does not. This site is meant to be a hobby, or a distraction for many people looking for something else in their life. Again, if you could step out of your Lush shells for a bit and try to see the world from outside of Lush you might understand all of these things a bit better.

What I really don't understand is that my original post on this thread was a thank you to the moderators that work on stories, at this site and for the great job that they do. I was a victim of Lush rules and I understand that and take full accountability of that. How this got into a discussion of trashing Reese and her life away from Lush, is beyond me, but oh so typical of the drama that continues to permeate this site.

*shrugs* doesn't really matter to me either way. Thing is, you've made a point of being pushy to the moderation team and about the site in the past so don't be surprised that your thank you sounds less than sincere to many of us. As for being a victim of lush rules? Dude. And don't even preach to me about drama. That's beyond laughable.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.