And some would rather it happened elsewhere. There was nothing more disheartening than coming in, clicking New Posts, and finding five threads of The Think Tank mob sniping at each other at or near the top of the list. If they had been useful, productive discussions of politics and world affairs, as tends to happen on other boards I am on, fine. But half the time, if I bothered to look, it was just same BS from the same people over and over. So why tie up mod time dealing with crap like that? If the Politics forum on my site was like that, I'd shut it down and ban political discussion in a trice. As it is, I have sometimes been dismayed with the tone of discussion in that forum.
So I don't blame the administration for wanting to be done with The Think Tank and I certainly don't miss it. I have too many other places to go for that kind of alleged discussion.
If they do bring it back, I hope they can adjust the filters on New Posts (or let us create our own filters) to remove Think Tank threads.