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Story Queue Complaints / Processing Times

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We've received a few complaints recently that stories have taken a while to be processed.

I'd like to gently remind the more impatient of you, a few points.

The verifiers are all volunteers. It is quite often a thankless task, and they do an amazing job.

In the first 2 weeks of March alone, we have processed over 400 stories. Of those, 31% were rejected.

That means, our verifiers have to double-handle (and often triple-handle) almost a third of the stories submitted, which really doesn't help with clearing the queue on a daily basis.

What is perhaps most annoying about this, is those stories should never have been submitted in the first place.

The most common rejection reasons are:

a) Too many spelling and grammatical mistakes.

b) Formatting issues.

c) Submitting stories which break our content guidelines.

If you would like to see your story on site quickly, make sure you do the following prior to submitting:

a) Run your story through a spellcheck. Read your story at least 3 times to check for grammar issues. Spellcheck will not help you with the incorrect use of too / to / two, so make sure you check thoroughly.

b) Check how your story looks in the "Preview Story" pane, make any necessary changes.

c) Read our site guidelines relating to story submissions. If your story doesn't meet them, don't submit it.

Thank you.

Her Royal Spriteness
Just to add to this, first off, i get really lovely notes from people i verify stories for. thank you, it is appreciated. Secondly, read a story carefully and time yourself doing that. Then, multiply that times by 6 and then add 2. That's my daily work load - close to 90 minutes. Sometimes it's more, like right now when we are trying to catch up. Some of the mods do more than that. it's a labor of love, but it is a lot of work especially when some of the stories return not once, not twice, but 4 or 5 times before they are publishable, so yes, please be patient, we are working as fast as we can while still trying to maintain the highest quality possible for what is, THE best sight for erotica on the net. smile

btw. feel free to volanteer - we could use the help!

thanks and hugs,

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

btw. feel free to volanteer - we could use the help!

thanks and hugs,

That would be *volunteer, Ms Sprite!!


(was that a test?? Do I pass? Where do I collect my clocking in card? Or do I have to get a chip inserted into my neck or something?)
Quote by Mazza

That would be *volunteer, Ms Sprite!!


(was that a test?? Do I pass? Where do I collect my clocking in card? Or do I have to get a chip inserted into my neck or something?)

We're analysing your DNA now for suitability.
Quote by nicola

We're analysing your DNA now for suitability.

Nic, Mom, YOU KNOW I can't make the joke but..... YEAH!

(I love making Mommy laugh!)

xx Steph
Quote by nicola

We're analysing your DNA now for suitability.

Oh shit... I'm screwed then!!

(not a word, Steph, not a fucking word)
Quote by sprite
Just to add to this, first off, i get really lovely notes from people i verify stories for. thank you, it is appreciated. Secondly, read a story carefully and time yourself doing that. Then, multiply that times by 6 and then add 2. That's my daily work load - close to 90 minutes. Sometimes it's more, like right now when we are trying to catch up. Some of the mods do more than that. it's a labor of love, but it is a lot of work especially when some of the stories return not once, not twice, but 4 or 5 times before they are publishable, so yes, please be patient, we are working as fast as we can while still trying to maintain the highest quality possible for what is, THE best sight for erotica on the net. smile

btw. feel free to volanteer - we could use the help!

thanks and hugs,

Just wanted to add something to this....

Lush readers only read what we APPROVE.

They don't see the very many stories we can't approve for reasons of quality, site guidelines or plain weirdness! But we have to read AND ADVISE on every single story submitted....

To be honest, it's interesting, though it can be HELLISH when you're looking at totally sub-standard stuff, the stuff regular Lush readers don't see.... To try to explain to someone who's really keen to write for us that frankly, you need to put A LOT MORE effort into what you're giving us is sooooo hard! You don't want to put people off or hurt anyone's feelings.... But WE ARE quality controllers as well....

And then there are the times when you discover a New Writer who simply SHINES with talent! (Paperback Rita, Shylass, Harry Lime.... to name just three recent ones.... I could name 20 more....)

I make a point of writing PMs to writers to point out how I've edited the work. (Very often, it's simple but laborious work like paragraphing, inserting missing punctuation, correcting dialogue to house style, correcting the way we write numbers in prose form, fixing simple misspellings....) Most writers, 98% indeed, respond graciously....

I find it quicker to edit the stories I read as I go rather then to bounce them back and hope the writer can correct the work...

Because most Lush Writers are really excited to get the stories UP and receive those comments and votes. So they submit the work as soon as they can, and in their eagerness they miss basic errors and mistakes. (I do this Myself, there's not a single ONE of Stephanie's stories that doesn't contain a mistake!)

We story Mods TRY to catch those errors, but at any given point in our day there are maybe a dozen stories awaiting our attention. Yes, we do miss things.

But the Life-Blood of Lush is new writing. It's why I come here every day, to read new stuff. And we Mods try very hard to get as much new writing up as fast and as best as we can. (At the moment of my writing this, there are 14 brand new stories in my queue...)

We don't always get it right.

We do the best we can for a site we're all invested in.

xx Steph
Gingerbread Lover
I saw Steph's signature and figured every line of this song must somehow fit to the stories mods have to read, whether we get to see them or not...

I liked it, anyway.

Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

********************************CLICK THE BANNERS TO BUY THESE WILLY-STIFFENING BOOKS!********************************
Quote by Shylass
I saw Steph's signature and figured every line of this song must somehow fit to the stories mods have to read, whether we get to see them or not...

I liked it, anyway.

*Kisses You*

xx Steph
Active Ink Slinger
Your a little love Steph, you helped me no end xxx
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by stephanie

Lush readers only read what we APPROVE.

Lol...and yeah, the same thing applies over on the blue site as well...for instance, we had a story submitted not long ago where I swear not one word, two syllables or more, was spelled the same way twice in the story...

Was thinking maybe we could have a section here where we could post some of the more entertaining rejected stories...sort of a "humor" section...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by DirtyMartini
Was thinking maybe we could have a section here where we could post some of the more entertaining rejected stories...sort of a "humor" section...

That's not very nice, you meanie.
Quote by Sarahshort
Your a little love Steph, you helped me no end xxx


Pay attention, you daft bint!!!


(And it was my pleasure!)

xx Steph
I submitted a story to a competitor's site (well, they try) a few months ago, it took 12 days to see the light of day on their site.
Quote by nicola
I submitted a story to a competitor's site (well, they try) a few months ago, it took 12 days to see the light of day on their site.

With Respect, Mom, probably need to up your game.......

(Nice knowing All Y'All.....)

xx Steph
Quote by nicola
I submitted a story to a competitor's site (well, they try) a few months ago, it took 12 days to see the light of day on their site.

With Respect, Mom, probably need to up your game.......

(Nice knowing All Y'All.....)

xx Steph
It had everythin, plat, spelln, charkter developeming. I d/k wut there problm wuz.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by nicola
It had everythin, plat, spelln, charkter developeming. I d/k wut there problm wuz.

there is no respect for genius these days - it's very sad.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Well I for one would like to give my heartfelt thanks to two story mods in particular for their help in getting my story Miss Scott published. Those story mods are Stephanie and Gypsymoth, so thank you to both of you. I was having a little trouble with that story, probably because it was the first BDSM story I'd ever written and their help was greatly appreciated. I would also like to say, to all the authors out there (if it's ok with the story mods), don't be afraid to ask for feedback if you're having trouble with getting a story approved - the mods don't bite. And of course thanks to Nicola for making this site in the first place. I raise a glass to you all!
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by DirtyMartini

Lol...and yeah, the same thing applies over on the blue site as well...for instance, we had a story submitted not long ago where I swear not one word, two syllables or more, was spelled the same way twice in the story...

Was thinking maybe we could have a section here where we could post some of the more entertaining rejected stories...sort of a "humor" section...

I was gutted when this thread died off.

Can there not be an anonymous posting of terrible excerpts, or something? Please?
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

********************************CLICK THE BANNERS TO BUY THESE WILLY-STIFFENING BOOKS!********************************
Active Ink Slinger
As much as it eased the pain of verifying coming across a very amusing mistake (most often, not a mistake ) I think we could lose a few members if they found that we were having fun at their expense
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Fugs
As much as it eased the pain of verifying coming across a very amusing mistake (most often, not a mistake ) I think we could lose a few members if they found that we were having fun at their expense

i know! if Nicola ever finds out about the stuff we say about her writing... ummm... she can't see this, can she?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Very true Fugs, it would be rather disrespectful.

My speciality is writing formulaic trite...
Quote by Gurlyboy
Well I for one would like to give my heartfelt thanks to two story mods in particular for their help in getting my story Miss Scott published. Those story mods are Stephanie and Gypsymoth, so thank you to both of you. I was having a little trouble with that story, probably because it was the first BDSM story I'd ever written and their help was greatly appreciated. I would also like to say, to all the authors out there (if it's ok with the story mods), don't be afraid to ask for feedback if you're having trouble with getting a story approved - the mods don't bite. And of course thanks to Nicola for making this site in the first place. I raise a glass to you all!

Wow! How Very, Very kind of You! *BLUSHES!*

Just doing our Job!


Big Kiss!

xx Steph!

(PS. Gypsymoth DOES bite... Well, sort of nibbles and teases, really....)
Quote by Fugs
As much as it eased the pain of verifying coming across a very amusing mistake (most often, not a mistake ) I think we could lose a few members if they found that we were having fun at their expense

But WE'RE NOT having fun at their expense!!!

We're merely pointing out errors so that our fellow Mods can be aware to look out for similar 'blips' in other stories....

We're NOT making fun!

Absolutely NOT!

As IF!!!



xx Steph.....

(BTW, Fugs, I've got a CRACKER for You!!!!! You'll wet your pants!)
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by Fugs
As much as it eased the pain of verifying coming across a very amusing mistake (most often, not a mistake ) I think we could lose a few members if they found that we were having fun at their expense

Okay, then, please feel free to PM me with my own mistakes (or painfully awful thingies). There's nowt like a "I can't believe I wrote that!" to stop a lass doing it again (hopefully). That's what I think, anyway.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

********************************CLICK THE BANNERS TO BUY THESE WILLY-STIFFENING BOOKS!********************************
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Shylass

Okay, then, please feel free to PM me with my own mistakes (or painfully awful thingies). There's nowt like a "I can't believe I wrote that!" to stop a lass doing it again (hopefully). That's what I think, anyway.

yours are all perfect, so no worries *hugs* smile even the one that we had to send back was really good!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by stephanie

But WE'RE NOT having fun at their expense!!!

We're merely pointing out errors so that our fellow Mods can be aware to look out for similar 'blips' in other stories....

We're NOT making fun!

Absolutely NOT!

As IF!!!



xx Steph.....

(BTW, Fugs, I've got a CRACKER for You!!!!! You'll wet your pants!)

i poke fun at Steph, but i am told he enjoys the abuse. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.