How about the subject matter we call TRIBBING? I think it is one of the most beautiful things women do. I also wonder if men ever do it in some way?????
Isn't it just possible that we have too many categories already? May I quote Polonius:
"The best actors in the world, either for
scene individable, or poem unlimited.
Seneca cannot be too heavy, nor Plautus too light. For the law of writ and the liberty, these are the only men."
Really good writing - I suggest this is the point Shakespeare was hinting at, tongue firmly in cheek - is uncategorisable. And that's good.
If looking for feedback on MeaganAnne's suggestion I vote "Hell Yes!" Which might stem from my infantile and perfectly understandable breast fetish. Either I was bottle-fed as a baby or the fact my own meager offerings made me much more aware and attracted to those with more of a natural endowment. I haven't written a breast fetish story . . . OK, I confess, I have written several, just not gotten them to the point of publishing one. This new category would cause me to unhook the bra and get comfy and finish one or two of them :-)
Meddle Not In The Affairs of Dragons, for we are Crunchy and Good with Ketchup!