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NEW questions concerning the Membership options

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Quote by Belthazor

Is that for all authors, or are there specific specifications? And if there are, may I inquire as to what they are?

Can you please look further up at Adele's post and then Dani's response ... thank you smile.
Active Ink Slinger
Is it possible to create just a donation button, over and above the membership cost (just in case) - Lush is a fun place even when used only occsionally its worth the same amount requested... Thanks for your continued efforts. Run
Weaver of Words
Quote by Dani

Waiting for clarification on this currently, but we'll bring things up to speed ASAP

This is correct. To be 'grandfathered' in this way, submissions must have been published prior to January 1, 2015, as far as my knowledge goes.

thanks Dani
So if I get a Bronze Membership because I published stories, do i have to pay to keep that up? Or is it permanent? Or...?
Oh! Nevermind, forget my question. I saw the thing. Thanks!
Just a fly on the wall
Quote by simplyjohn

You will have all the features you have now until 30/6/15. Does that answer your question?

It does John. Thank You.
Until Then
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Well, now, having received the announcement, this all makes more sense.

So, other than the policy being put into place prior to being notified (and believe me, I understand technical glitches), I think this is a reasonable shift of policy. Servers cost money, this is a well run site, and worth a minimal cost. And it is very generous in terms of giving memberships to pre-existing authors (I don't know if I have published enough to be considered an author, but I guess I will soon find out). I may upgrade membership just to show support.

Thanks, Lush.
lite erotica is the biggest free story site lush is trying to get more money. I'm sure there's a fat bloke somewhere looking at all the cash rolling in from all you suckers. most of the work done is from volunteers and they make more than enough from adverts the fat bloke is just being greedy .
Just a fly on the wall
Quote by HeraTeleia

Ermm, when I paid for my gold membership, via PayPal, the transaction notation didn't reflect the nature or even the name of the site, so if you have privacy concerns--don't. There's nothing to be worried about. And honestly? $50 (the cost of a gold membership) is a freaking bargain for what this site provides.

I don't use pay pal and won't create a new account that needs to be monitored or watch any funds that are transferred into it disappear for non use of the account.

I know it's not a lot of money for the most basic of basic paid memberships but honestly just doesn't seem worth it when there are other bulletin boards and sites that I frequent that continue to cost me nothing.
Until Then
Site administrator
Quote by k99rky
lite erotica is the biggest free story site lush is trying to get more money. I'm sure there's a fat bloke somewhere looking at all the cash rolling in from all you suckers. most of the work done is from volunteers and they make more than enough from adverts the fat bloke is just being greedy .

You very clearly have not read the announcement by the site owner or the posts in this thread.
Active Ink Slinger
I honestly think you didn't explore all your options. Sites like Wikipedia (which pride itself on being free to the Internet) use the donation model so it won't force its userbase to pay for what it provides, and I think you could have done the same. There are people who come to this site for the many features you are now going to make payment a requirement, and while some may pay, I don't know if many others will. If anything, you might end up lowering your server load and membership base because you forced many to quit and look elsewhere.
Site administrator
Quote by kiera_nightgal

I don't use pay pal and won't create a new account that needs to be monitored or watch any funds that are transferred into it disappear for non use of the account.

I know it's not a lot of money for the most basic of basic paid memberships but honestly just doesn't seem worth it when there are other bulletin boards and sites that I frequent that continue to cost me nothing.

You dont have to use Paypal .. you can check out without creating a Paypal account.
Weaver of Words
Quote by tx89
This is a very poor business decision on behalf of 250,000 people in which this site believes will suddenly be a revenue driver.
Even at $1USD per member per year, they're raking in a quarter million a year to run this rather simplistic website. And the contributors are still the general public.

I understand the costs associated with such sites but there are statistics being left off, like the number of active users, average time between visits, etc.
There are people on here who have not accessed their account in years. While it looks great for membership numbers it is not truly reflective of the number of active members.

To me this looks like a way for those who own / run this website to capitalize on their success by seeking money from each of us.

If you understand that a great deal of the members are not active, the why even suggest that charging every member $1 USD a year would raise $250,000? in the last month, only a bit over 17,000 members were active. (you can see this by going to search members, checking the active this month box, but leave the member name box blank. the system will then bring up all the members that have created a profile, or logged on in the last 30, or 31 days. today, 884 pages @20 members per page. do the math.) this is a pretty typical amount. however, even inactive members are using bandwidth and storage space if they have pics and vids on their wall, or get emails. if you read the original announcement, bandwidth alone runs several thousands of dollars a month. that does not include equipment, cost of software and other expenses. And do you expect that Nicola should own and run this site without ANY compensation? and the possibility of each and every one of those 17,000 people buying even the $10 membership level is zero. my guess would be some where between 10 and 25% will, though I certainly hope it will be more.
then consider that that amount is a one time yearly fee.

last month, roughly 3400 new members joined. just on the first page of 20 people, 13 have not been back on since the day they joined. roughly 10,000 people have joined in the last 3 months, and only a third of those have been active in the last 30 days. If you use those statistics to extrapolate yearly figures, then you get 40,000 new members a yrs, 13,333 of which remain active for at least 30 days, and if 10 to 25% of those buy a $10 membership, that raises $13,000 to 33,000 in ANNUAL revenue. I don't see anyone getting rich on that amount. I am not a statistician by any means, and i hope i am wrong in my estimates. however, in the past, I have made many estimates that have proven to be eerily accurate, and with far less information than I have here.

AND, by the way, this site is FAR from simplistic. it has complex chat rooms, including user created rooms that can be customized and even locked. It has forums that, while they may need some revamping, are far superior to others I have seen, not only just allowing entries, but giving you the ability to quote someone where the original post shows in the new post, but also allows a forum signature and the inclusion of pics, gifs and vids, as well as the ability to edit your own post. They have a fairly complex email system that not only allows you to send one email, but also to all your friends, or any number of individuals. they have profiles which not only can contain a wide variety of information, but which is also highly customizable. they have instant messaging AND private chats that have a number of features. show me another site that has all these features and does not use some method to raise revenue.
Quote by simplyjohn

You have been gifted it by the site since you are an author .. expires 2034 I think you will find.

Great thanks !
I am just a regular member. When the time comes where lush starts charging, will I automatically be charged? I see regular members aren't allowed to upload pictures. Does this mean that I have to delete all my pictures before the change or I will be charged?
Regarding the new premium library, which I know isn't up yet. What exactly is the criteria for getting your work in there? Do they have to be recommended reads or editor's picks? What exactly? I consider my work is to be at least relatively good, even though I don't have a single RR or EP. If my work can't get in, well, that will be another big disappointment. Not that I want to restrict people from reading my work, it truly is just a matter of principal here.
Site administrator
Quote by kornslayer1
Regarding the new premium library, which I know isn't up yet. What exactly is the criteria for getting your work in there? Do they have to be recommended reads or editor's picks? What exactly? I consider my work is to be at least relatively good, even though I don't have a single RR or EP. If my work can't get in, well, that will be another big disappointment. Not that I want to restrict people from reading my work, it truly is just a matter of principal here.

I would suggest that the criteria etc. has yet to be finalised otherwise it would be up and running now. Please be patient and all will become clear smile.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kornslayer1
Regarding the new premium library ...

I have not previously heard of this. Is there someplace where I can find more infor about it?
Quote by TraceEkies

I have not previously heard of this. Is there someplace where I can find more infor about it?

As SimplyJohn said, it hasn't all been finalized yet, otherwise it would be up. Still to me if my work is denied because they don't think it's good enough, well, that is gonna be a giant slap in the face.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kornslayer1

As SimplyJohn said, it hasn't all been finalized yet, otherwise it would be up...

I understand that plans for the premium library have not been finalized. What I don't understand is that you (kornslayer1) have at least heard of a premium library, whereas I have no recollection of it having been mentioned. Have I missed a link or thread or something else about it?
Quote by TraceEkies

I understand that plans for the premium library have not been finalized. What I don't understand is that you (kornslayer1) have at least heard of a premium library, whereas I have no recollection of it having been mentioned. Have I missed a link or thread or something else about it?

I sent you a PM with a link to the original forum post.
Site administrator
Quote by TraceEkies

I understand that plans for the premium library have not been finalized. What I don't understand is that you (kornslayer1) have at least heard of a premium library, whereas I have no recollection of it having been mentioned. Have I missed a link or thread or something else about it?

This is a post from Nicola in the old Q&A thread:

The Premium Story Library, hasn't been activated yet, but here's a brief rundown.

It will contain stories which authors do not wish to make available to the general public. These will typically be meatier works, longer stories, or even complete ebooks.

How the idea came about, was that an author contacted me, saying she'd like to share her other stories, but not in a way that content thieves have easy access. She very kindly said she'd allow us to publish her works, to support the site, if they were behind a pay wall as it were. This means her work is more protected, and it adds to the draw of paid membership.

The library will grow over time. It will contain ebooks / longer stories, which we consider to be of a very high quality. Authors who contribute to the Premium Library, will of course get more exposure to their work, and it's likely that they will be more widely read as a result.
Active Ink Slinger
Hubby is a little concerned about how I pay for this...

Is it possible that I could buy a prepaid Visa Card and use that to pay for my membership?

Sorry if this question was already asked, I have been looking but I didn't see it.

Thanks! smile
I hope you enjoy my latest poem!

Secret Little
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kornslayer1

I sent you a PM with a link to the original forum post.

Got it. Thanks.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by simplyjohn

This is a post from Nicola in the old Q&A thread:

The Premium Story Library, hasn't been activated yet, but here's a brief rundown.

It will contain stories which authors do not wish to make available to the general public. These will typically be meatier works, longer stories, or even complete ebooks.

How the idea came about, was that an author contacted me, saying she'd like to share her other stories, but not in a way that content thieves have easy access. She very kindly said she'd allow us to publish her works, to support the site, if they were behind a pay wall as it were. This means her work is more protected, and it adds to the draw of paid membership.

The library will grow over time. It will contain ebooks / longer stories, which we consider to be of a very high quality. Authors who contribute to the Premium Library, will of course get more exposure to their work, and it's likely that they will be more widely read as a result.

Thank you, I had not previously seen this. I will await implementation.
Active Ink Slinger
Maybe I'm just plain thick, but where can I find out what the respective 'Benefits' are for each level of Membership? (i.e. Gold/silver and bronze)
I am published on this site and read that this guarantees automatic 'Bronze' membership, but there was also a rider saying it depends upon # of stories printed etc. Once again, could someone clarify please?
As a footnote: I was a member of AFF for many years, and despite them turning it into a money making machine they at least gave free gold membership to certain single girls under their 'Icebreaker' offer. This was on the basis that it was single girls who drew in the full fee paying guys. (sexist i know, but hey, a girl has to use any advantages going. Right? )Are there any such plans envisaged with the 'New Lush' ?
Active Ink Slinger
I fell that we members who were here before the change should be grandfatherd in to the new system with out charge anyone joining after 1/1/2015 are stuck by the new requirements.

I for one have seen a drop in membership since couple of catigories were remove, I was planning on leaving then, but have stuck it out, With this new change came in as a bush whack item with out warning....

member should have been give a warning order befor this was drop on the membership. JMHO
Prolific Writer
It's only $10.00 for a bronze membership. They have given you a free bronze membership until July.

I cannot even believe you are all crying about a lousy $10.00.

Obviously they are in need to charge. It looks like you either pay or this lovely website might have to shutdown.

If you can't come up with $10.00 then that is really sad.

Go see what else is on the internet. You will never find a website like this. This is top notch. You have top notch stories, a forum, chatting, emailing. I mean this is a really special place.

You all have 6 months to figure out how to buy a bronze membership for $10.00. The ten dollar will cover a whole year for you.

Its almost embarrassing to read these posts. You are crying over $10.00.

You should only see what other websites charge for these exact same things. The other big website that is still free is run horribly. The people there threaten people on their stories. You can't even have your account deleted there. You can only imagine how bad it is run.

I again say I will always support Lush Stories. It is an amazing place. Thanks to all that bring us such high quality website.

Hugs and Licks...

Active Ink Slinger
During the time that I’ve been a member of this site, I’ve made some wonderful friends, and so it pains me to hear about the changes that are being made, however, I guess changes like these are the sign of our times. There are a couple of questions that immediately come to mind. I read in the newsletter the following statement: ‘Existing members who are successfully published on site with us, will be given an unexpiring Bronze Membership from the off (depending on certain criteria - # stories / poems, views, avg. score etc).’ My question is, what about someone like myself that has never published a story, but has co-authored several. Will we qualify for that Bronze rating? I have co-authored four of SueBrasil’s published stories, with more in the works at the moment. Each time that we have done this, I’ve received a letter from the website asking me to confirm that I was a co-author, so I know the site is aware of whom the co-authors are. I’d estimate that approximately 30 – 50% of the content of those stories have been written by me. So far I’ve never felt that I was good enough to match the high standards set by the other authors on this site, however, I am learning, which now brings me to my second question.

Unless I’m misreading the descriptions of the new categories, anyone with only a free membership will be able to receive an online letter (a private message), but they won’t be able to send one. Sometimes, after reading a story and with the idea of trying to learn better ways of writing, I’ve written to the author and asked them why they wrote some part the story the way they did. I’ve even mentioned some way that I might have written it, and asked for their opinion. After these new changes become effective, will I still be able to do this?

Please don’t take away our one great means to communicate with each other, which inspires closer friendship, in turn leading to higher levels of readership. Poking each other through that little black box can go. I’ve always found that method to be restrictive anyway.

I understand how videos and music can use up a lot of valuable bandwidth, so I can’t help but wonder, why on a website that is supposed to be devoted to people that write stories, are these videos even here The same applies to the music that some have on their profile page. Personally, I find it very annoying when I’m looking at their page, to suddenly have some music that I may not even like, come blaring through my speakers. Even the name you chose for this website specifies lushSTORIES and not lushVIDEO or lushMUSIC. There must be many other sites where a person can upload videos or their favorite music. By removing even these two items, wouldn’t this decrease your bandwidth usage by a considerable amount each month?

As far as the chat rooms go, I’m undecided about them, so I’ll leave that topic for someone more knowledgeable to discuss. If you will continue to allow all of us to private message each other, then I don’t see any purpose in allowing personal chat rooms to be set up.

Thanks for providing this space and for allowing me and others to express their thoughts and feelings. That is one of the things that I love about this website.
If you're feeling bored during this Covid-19 epidemic I’d like to suggest
you take a peek at a story I collaborated with SueBrasil, a brilliant author.
It's about a mistake in judgment a lady makes concerning a friend, based
on the hurtful words of someone that only thinks of himself. Will that
conniving person succeed in ruining a beautiful friendship, or will she see
through his lies? It's gradually creeping up towards the 30,000 mark
and we’d love any votes or hearing whatever comments you may wish
to make. It is listed in my profile under ‘FAVOURITES’ as Apologize.