Huge thanks to leftlingula who undertakes a double role on Lush, splitting his time between verifying stories and also helping to moderate the chat rooms. How he still finds for time for his own writing is beyond me, but I'm ever so grateful he does.
Thanks LL for all the work you put into the site. It's greatly appreciated, as is your discerning eye for tasteful smut, lol.
The award for September goes to one of the site's most popular and long standing members, techgoddess. Despite having only recently joined the mod team, Kat has already made a remarkable contribution when it comes to verifying stories, and we're very grateful to have her on board.
October's award once again goes to the veritable queue slayer known as Cydia. This lass is a one woman fighting machine at times when it comes to tackling the never ending line of smut we have waiting to come through the Lush doors.
Each of the above wins $100 to spend on sex toys. Fine, they can spend it on whatever they want, but if it's not sex toys, what's the freakin point?!