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Lush Stories 2.0. Please report bugs here

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Please use this forum to report technical issues and bugs that the development team can prioritise. Please don't use this thread for design features that you would like. Migration will be ongoing for a while and technical issues will be prioritised. Thanks smile

Males are gaining access to the Ladies room.

"This is being looked at, but in the meantime we have put a locked room in the regional section, Admin" 

Minor glitch with IM not working on some pages (e.g. Profiles). Clicking the two-speech-bubble icon just highlights the button but no chat box appears. Works fine on most pages.

"This is a bit flakey, we now have it on the dev list, Admin" 

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 112 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Is there going to be a way to remove the section where it asks for your location? I tried to put in something, but it told me to be more specific and it wouldn't allow me to move on without writing anything. I'm fine with people knowing what country, or what Island I live on, but knowing my region is a bit much. Thanks for any help xoxo

"You can just select a country if you have privacy concerns or select private in privacy settings, Admin"

The timeline has been removed?

"You can see a new version on your logged in home page if you select activity, Admin"

I've lost all my badges and it looks as if I'm not logged in at the top red bar.  Looks beautiful but not really working very well.

"This should now have been resolved, Admin"

Quote by syleussnow

The timeline has been removed?

Not quite the same, but you can see comments and likes here:

First - well done team for doing the transition so promptly. And the new version is very good.

Emails don't seem to be working for me. I should get an email when I get a lush message but that isn't happening yet.

Also, in some of the chatrooms there's a flag, and I get stars and stripes even though my location is set to UK.

Edit, sept 14: both these issues now fixed! 😀

Profile updates, changes to what information is asked for/ displayed, badges etc are all still a work in progress. These are design things rather than technical bugs and will be addressed as we go on thanks

Quote by seeker4

I want to be able to switch off the dating site BS on my profile. I am not "Seeking" anything

Somewhat ironic given your username. 😎

Yeah, I haven't figured how to turn that off either yet. I managed to turn off the "people" bit by adding a type of person, hitting save, then removing all the selections and hitting save again. But I can't get rid of distance, age range or smoking.

I tried setting the sliders to least or most or widest or both ends the same value (hehe and on mobile it looks like 55-year-olds are out of luck... It jumps from 54 to 56 lol). No dice. The Seeking section won't go away.

Presumably we just need a way to null those fields from the UI and they'll disappear from the profile. One for the snagging list down the road.

"This seeking bit should be completed in the next week or so, other bits are already in profile settings, Admin"

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 112 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

I lost a majority of my badges.  Will there be a timeline and will we be able to categorize our stories by category.

Will we be able to look at stats anymore?  Will we be able to look at the most popular story, most viewed and all time.  

We seem to not have too much control over settings anymore.  It’s very basic.

How do we see comments to our stories?



"All badges should be back now, Admin"

Can’t post YouTube videos on profiles or chatrooms tried both the link and embed neither worked.

"You can do these in profiles, and chat links work externally, Admin"

Story series are not in order and can’t find away to rearrange them back into correct order 

"This bug is now fixed, Admin"

For the past few months I’ve been using Instagram and been using the site to post my photography . Here’s the link to my profile

My recommended read

here’s a link to my photography album in my media

From kistinspencil

If I check "Remember Me" the login popup goes into an endless loop. If I leave, it takes 3 or 4 tries to get the login window to even open. When I finally do get in, there is no way to get to my profile -- the top banner stays the same. I have to find one of my stories or posts and click my avatar to get there.

"This bug is now fixed, Admin"

From AimeeTison

Since the site update, I've noticed my malware program blocking websites pop-ups due to Trojan while on Lush. 

I can’t access the regional rooms. I’m in the uk, but the flag in some rooms shows me as in the USA. 

"The flag issue is being worked on at the moment, we should have a resolution by the end of September, Admin"

Don’t tempt the lonely and perverse

How come I have lost 2 of my Badges Bronze member and been on over a year

"Missing badges should now have been fixed, Admin"

Block lists appear to not have migrated.  Everyone I had blocked is now unblocked.

"These have now been re migrated and bug fixed, Admin"

fyi - badges disappearing seems to be pretty common across the board. they will be restored. not sure when, but it will happen. 

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

When I click on Chatroom, I go directly into the Lounge. 

Curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification.

When posting a url in the comment section of a profile it does not display the gif or image.  It only displays the url.

The "Notebook" feature which allowed private notes on profiles seems to have gone away.  Have all the notes been lost?  (I used this feature extensively.)

"This feature has been lost unfortunately, it's on the development list to re build but could be a few months yet due to workload, Admin"

You can’t search by the members name anymore.

How do we get rid of seeing peoples footers?  Not interested in seeing those.

We don’t have a list of the moderators and admin team anymore.  Will we be able to see that?

"Click on the magnifying glass icon on the top right for member search, list of moderators page on the development list, Admin"



Platinum membership but it's showing as gold ..will this be fixed ? 

"You will still have the correct level but not showing on site, we hope to have a fix in place for this by the end of September, Admin"

It looks like competition entries in Lush® 2.0 top out at 15.

I’m not sure if that’s a coding glitch or not (or if the top ten entries got mixed up with the regular entries), but I know for a fact that the three competition links I'll show below had more than 18 total entries.

"This bug has now been fixed, Admin"

Maybe the issue will fix itself when Lush® 1.0 gets fully ported over to Lush® 2.0. 😊

📜 🖋️     S e m i t a l e n t e d   S c r i b b l e r     🖊️ 📃

Confused about the rules for my Lush Stories® song titles game? → Click HERE.

I cannot quote/like/edit forum posts. No button to add new media on the media tab. Only partially logged in, have to relog in to change pages and it always says Log In, never has my avatar. I have compared to my husband’s account and his works as advertised. My chat button does not work either nor can I check my emails. All of these bugs are not present on his account and really disrupt my usage of Lush at the moment. In all fairness there are many attributes that I really like too.

"This bug has now been fixed, Admin"

Not quite sure if this belongs here, but I seem to be getting logged out each time I move to a different part of the site?

"This bug has now been fixed, Admin"

Quote by Mysteria27

You can’t search by the members name anymore.

How do we get rid of seeing peoples footers?  Not interested in seeing those.

We don’t have a list of the moderators and admin team anymore.  Will we be able to see that?



Scroll down and hit 'advanced'. You can put a username in there

Quote by Jen
Quote by Mysteria27

You can’t search by the members name anymore.

How do we get rid of seeing peoples footers?  Not interested in seeing those.

We don’t have a list of the moderators and admin team anymore.  Will we be able to see that?



Scroll down and hit 'advanced'. You can put a username in there

went to test that out and discovered that my search button doesn't work. lol 

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by AppleByBoom

Not quite sure if this belongs here, but I seem to be getting logged out each time I move to a different part of the site?

Quote by Jen
Quote by Mysteria27

You can’t search by the members name anymore.

How do we get rid of seeing peoples footers?  Not interested in seeing those.

We don’t have a list of the moderators and admin team anymore.  Will we be able to see that?



Scroll down and hit 'advanced'. You can put a username in there

All I see is:

Date joined

Recently online


You cannot put a members name.

Does not appear that a user can create a chat room which allows pictures.  It suggests I "upgrade," but I am already a paid member.

Also no option to delete a chat room once you have created it.  It asynchronously deletes after awhile if everyone leaves, but this means if people remain in the room the owner has no way of destroying the room.

"This bug has now been fixed, Admin"