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Lush Stories 2.0. Please report bugs here

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Quote by WannabeWordsmith
Quote by Brookell
You never could select text when reading a story.  Currently you can and I hope this gets fixed.

There's nothing to fix, per se. The only people it will deter from copying are casual surfers. And they're unlikely to do so anyway. 

Anyone who wants to plagiarise your story that's "protected" by a right click blocker will do so either by using a) the browser inspector to copy stuff, b) a touch device, c) a plugin to counter the blocker, d) a script to download the page.

It's a fruitless endeavour. And slows the pages down fractionally. Selecting text is quite handy, imo, because people can quote their fave lines from your story directly in their comments!

That's really a crappy reason to allow stories to be copied.

What has happened to the option to jump to another topic without scrolling the the top of the page, then going back to the forum home page, then to the section and topic you want. that was an excellent and time saving feature.

Quote by adele
That's really a crappy reason to allow stories to be copied.

The site doesn't "allow" it. It doesn't disallow it. It never did. Lush v1 just put a piece of digital tracing paper over the screen so when you clicked, all the casual surfer got was paper, not the text beneath.

As Noll said, the content is already downloaded. It's on your device. Everyone who has viewed your story has "copied" it in some form! That's the way the internet works.

Put it this way: if Lush 2 resurrects the tracing paper, and someone presses ctrl-s so they can download and read your story offline, how should we smite them? Do you want some kind of legal comeback? "But Lush has a right click blocker in place to stop people copying my writing, your honour. Make them stop."

There are bigger fights to be had, imo.

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 112 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Quote by adele
Quote by LakeShoreLimited

I just read that the site is getting 250 requests per day, mostly about log-in problems. Sorry, I sent a couple myself. The problem I had was that I didn't realize that I had to fill out the "seeking" profile first. It just wasn't clear to me that it was necessary, because I already had a profile. Another member clued me in (on another site's forum) and then it worked. I did have to reset my original avatar image, however.

That's fine for those interested in a dating site. But Lush was primarily a writers site and many if not most people here may not want to fill out "seeking" information. I know I don't.

Well, I'd probably agree with you on that. Initially I was just happy to finally log-in. Although what I found here gives me pause.

Somebody advised me to make the "seeking information" a bunch of nonsense so that I wouldn't get any matches. In any case, is anybody getting any matches? I suspect that getting rid of it is not high on Lush's priories right now. 

Quote by DarkSide
Quote by Jen
Quote by DarkSide

I can't seem to publish a story that was migrated from the old site. It was waiting to be published and I've found the story, clicked on it, edited it so that I can see the publish button, I've also added a picture (from my file system - thanks). Submitted it. A popup appears telling me the story has been submitted and the blue banner at the top says that the story is currently in draft.

When I tab onto the Published stories - it is not there. When I go back to unpublished - it is there.

I was expecting a blue banner saying it was being verified in the published stories area - but nothing there. I tried six or seven times. 

Is this a bug? or is there a way to do this properly. 

Hiya, there is currently an issue with stories saved as draft. They're not being submitted unfortunately. If you can copy and paste the story into s new submission, and submit immediately rather than save as a draft, that should work smile

I'm not doing that - there's enough italics in that story and the current editor is stripping out all formatting. I'm not going through it all putting it all back in. 

Thanks for letting me know anyway.

Could fixing that editor be top priority please. It seems it's essential.

If that's what it takes, then I'll do it - I mean I won't try to submit a story (there is one) that is a holdover draft from the previous version. I assume we can still edit the "new" submission and keep it as a draft? Also, I guess the holdover version should be be deleted as soon as it is copied. Or maybe I should go back to my Word document and start from scratch. 

I'm still going to hold off for a few days until more shakes out and the backlog is reduced. Oh, you did say that we should hit the submit button immediately. Definitely want to wait, then.

Two bugs that I noted near the top of this thread have now been fixed! 

For about a week I wasn't getting any emails through from lush, but as of today I am.

And the issue of UK people being insulted by US flags has been sorted. Lush members now seem to have a LS label instead of a flag.

Quote by NicolasBelvoir

Two bugs that I noted near the top of this thread have now been fixed! 

For about a week I wasn't getting any emails through from lush, but as of today I am.

And the issue of UK people being insulted by US flags has been sorted. Lush members now seem to have a LS label instead of a flag.

Nicolas, the link in your signature doesn't work. Wasn't sure if you knew that.

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

I was editing an already published story. I saved to draft. Came back to finish the editing, and pressed submit. The story remains in draft with the message "This story is currently in draft" at the top.

How do I get it out of draft?

Action conquers fear!

Are you trying to drive people away from Lush?

I'm being serious.  Since Lush 2.0 started I have gotten several identical emails that all have the same title:

"I'd like to know more . . .". 

And they all have the same body: "Oh hey there!

I've been checking out your profile and I like what I've seen, why don't you take a look at mine to see if we click?
Hope to hear from you soon. 😉 "

If this is the type of crap I can expect, I would like to discuss a refund of my Gold status because I am not going to be posting again.  I've published over 190 stories, I have an Omniun Badge that I was surprisingly proud to have earned in less than 3 years, but these emails indicate that this site is turning from a place to spend time, read quality stories and meet interesting people to something I don't recognize  and do not wish to be a part of.  Please tell me this is some sort of bug.  If not, please tell me how I can download my stories like we used to be able to on the old site and I will pack my bags and go elsewhere.  I am very unhappy right this minute.


Meddle Not In The Affairs of Dragons, for we are Crunchy and Good with Ketchup!

Is there no longer a way to report a picture in a chatroom that violates lush rules?

Several issues.

1- I cannot post pics/gifs into a private chatroom, even one that I create myself. I get a message saying 'Link Removed'

2- Sometimes I like to log on as incognito. Is this still possible?

3 - On My Profile, my Friends Lists is always listed in Username order. Is it possible to change the default to Online.

4- I lodged a request to be 'verified', in the Profile Search area. Any progress?

Cheers, and thanks!

Quote by NicolasBelvoir

Two bugs that I noted near the top of this thread have now been fixed! 

For about a week I wasn't getting any emails through from lush, but as of today I am.

And the issue of UK people being insulted by US flags has been sorted. Lush members now seem to have a LS label instead of a flag.

I noticed the LS tag when I went into a chatroom a bit earlier. It shows in some rooms, but not in others. And in some rooms I am seeing other flags, but not US flags.  So does this mean ALL lush members now show as LS and none of us get flags, but the SH people do? And if the people shown with flags are SH members, why are they allowed in Lush rooms and we are not allowed in theirs? (assuming the rooms listed under each country that say you must be a member to enter the room are rooms belonging to other site(s)). And can they see our profiles? do settings that are in our profiles, say like only allow whispers from friends also apply to members of SH?

Quote by GreginOz2

Several issues.

1- I cannot post pics/gifs into a private chatroom, even one that I create myself. I get a message saying 'Link Removed'

2- Sometimes I like to log on as incognito. Is this still possible?

3 - On My Profile, my Friends Lists is always listed in Username order. Is it possible to change the default to Online.

4- I lodged a request to be 'verified', in the Profile Search area. Any progress?

Cheers, and thanks!

In answer to #3, if you go to where it says sort, then select online, it will show who is online

Quote by adele
Quote by GreginOz2

Several issues.

1- I cannot post pics/gifs into a private chatroom, even one that I create myself. I get a message saying 'Link Removed'

2- Sometimes I like to log on as incognito. Is this still possible?

3 - On My Profile, my Friends Lists is always listed in Username order. Is it possible to change the default to Online.

4- I lodged a request to be 'verified', in the Profile Search area. Any progress?

Cheers, and thanks!

In answer to #3, if you go to where it says sort, then select online, it will show who is online

But it does not stick. If you go to someone's profile and back, you have to reorder again. Gets real boring. With any option here, it should stay as selected until told to change -- like every other site I use.
Quote by Brookell

Since Lush 2.0 started I have gotten several identical emails that all have the same title:

"I'd like to know more . . .". 

Quote by Brookell

Are you trying to drive people away from Lush?

I'm being serious.  Since Lush 2.0 started I have gotten several identical emails that all have the same title:

"I'd like to know more . . .". 

That is the "wink" feature. Like all the other dating site-style features, they are a result of the building blocks used to create the new site originally being developed for adult dating sites. I've customised mine to say "sorry, I must have pressed wink by accident, please ignore" as I'll never use it. I imagine most of these features will become more optional over the coming months.

What people need to understand is that the technical side of the entire site used to be written and supported by a single person. They were no longer able to do that, could only give 3 months notice, and the infrastructure was starting to creak anyway. There were essentially 3 choices:

  • leave the site as it was with no means to fix technical issues until it fell over, leaving the owner with massive server bills for a site that didn't work and the rest of us without Lush
  • somehow find someone able to write and support the perfect upgraded site, requiring Lush to be offline for months as the old hosting expired before a perfect new one with manuals etc. was ready with no guarantee everyone would return
  • find someone able to put together a site that was at least designed for the traffic and user numbers that Lush had and bring the core functions of the site over (stories, friends, forums, ability to send some kind of message to each other) and transfer everything over before the other hosting expired with minimum downtime and then customise it in place.

They went with option 3, and the company who was willing to take on such a daunting task is one that specialises in adult dating. Naturally, the building blocks they had available to repurpose have that functionality deeply embedded in the code. It will take some time to unpick those without causing everything to fall over, but the intention as far as all announcements have said is not to change the focus of the site from being a story site. 

It will take some time to get all the features working perfectly - this is only week two. This sort of project would normally take months - please be patient. There are still users who can't stay logged in - that is obviously a higher priority than stopping "winks" (although I hope those do get turn-off-able sooner rather than later).

So please don't leave, Brooke, or anyone else. Give it a few months. A bunch of issues have already been fixed and little features added just in the past week. More will come.

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

Quote by LordCephius

I was editing an already published story. I saved to draft. Came back to finish the editing, and pressed submit. The story remains in draft with the message "This story is currently in draft" at the top.

How do I get it out of draft?

This is a known issue being worked on - the current work around is to copy it into a new story and submit immediately - don't save as draft.

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

I have both my friends list and my followers list set to show the max of 112 per page, yet when the Lush deems to log me off, when I log back on, it defaults to 28 per page. What is the point of having settings and options if it does not retain what you select? Is this going to happen to all our settings?

Quote by kistinspencil
Quote by adele
Quote by GreginOz2

Several issues.

1- I cannot post pics/gifs into a private chatroom, even one that I create myself. I get a message saying 'Link Removed'

2- Sometimes I like to log on as incognito. Is this still possible?

3 - On My Profile, my Friends Lists is always listed in Username order. Is it possible to change the default to Online.

4- I lodged a request to be 'verified', in the Profile Search area. Any progress?

Cheers, and thanks!

In answer to #3, if you go to where it says sort, then select online, it will show who is online

But it does not stick. If you go to someone's profile and back, you have to reorder again. Gets real boring. With any option here, it should stay as selected until told to change -- like every other site I use.

yea, I just wrote that up. it also does not hold the number of people on a page. And at least on both my friends pages, and my followers pages, even the alphabetical is not correct. There are at least 2 or 3 groups of names alphabetized. 
Quote by StarBelliedBoy
Quote by Brookell

Since Lush 2.0 started I have gotten several identical emails that all have the same title:

"I'd like to know more . . .". 

Quote by Brookell

Are you trying to drive people away from Lush?

I'm being serious.  Since Lush 2.0 started I have gotten several identical emails that all have the same title:

"I'd like to know more . . .". 

That is the "wink" feature. Like all the other dating site-style features, they are a result of the building blocks used to create the new site originally being developed for adult dating sites. I've customised mine to say "sorry, I must have pressed wink by accident, please ignore" as I'll never use it. I imagine most of these features will become more optional over the coming months.

What people need to understand is that the technical side of the entire site used to be written and supported by a single person. They were no longer able to do that, could only give 3 months notice, and the infrastructure was starting to creak anyway. There were essentially 3 choices:

  • leave the site as it was with no means to fix technical issues until it fell over, leaving the owner with massive server bills for a site that didn't work and the rest of us without Lush
  • somehow find someone able to write and support the perfect upgraded site, requiring Lush to be offline for months as the old hosting expired before a perfect new one with manuals etc. was ready with no guarantee everyone would return
  • find someone able to put together a site that was at least designed for the traffic and user numbers that Lush had and bring the core functions of the site over (stories, friends, forums, ability to send some kind of message to each other) and transfer everything over before the other hosting expired with minimum downtime and then customise it in place.

They went with option 3, and the company who was willing to take on such a daunting task is one that specialises in adult dating. Naturally, the building blocks they had available to repurpose have that functionality deeply embedded in the code. It will take some time to unpick those without causing everything to fall over, but the intention as far as all announcements have said is not to change the focus of the site from being a story site. 

It will take some time to get all the features working perfectly - this is only week two. This sort of project would normally take months - please be patient. There are still users who can't stay logged in - that is obviously a higher priority than stopping "winks" (although I hope those do get turn-off-able sooner rather than later).

So please don't leave, Brooke, or anyone else. Give it a few months. A bunch of issues have already been fixed and little features added just in the past week. More will come.

It seems to me that if that had been explained up front, perhaps there would be far less complaints. one week and already 13 pages of reports, some of which have already been addressed. Perhaps people would have waited a couple of weeks before complaining and just made a list to check after that.
Quote by adele

It seems to me that if that had been explained up front, perhaps there would be far less complaints. one week and already 13 pages of reports, some of which have already been addressed. Perhaps people would have waited a couple of weeks before complaining and just made a list to check after that.
Everything I said was simply a summary of the various site announcements over the past few months and my knowledge that coding is hard. The post at the top of this thread specifies it is only for technical issues, not feature requests and that migration is ongoing. On the first page it was suggested people note the latter down for later.

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

Quote by StarBelliedBoy
Quote by adele

It seems to me that if that had been explained up front, perhaps there would be far less complaints. one week and already 13 pages of reports, some of which have already been addressed. Perhaps people would have waited a couple of weeks before complaining and just made a list to check after that.
Everything I said was simply a summary of the various site announcements over the past few months and my knowledge that coding is hard. The post at the top of this thread specifies it is only for technical issues, not feature requests and that migration is ongoing. On the first page it was suggested people note the latter down for later.
Prior to yours, I don't remember seeing any single clear explanation about the circumstances of the enforced changes. I never saw three options defined anywhere.

This is a bug report, if a somewhat meta one. Lack of communication. 

Managing expectations is very important for such a massive change, but the entire process has been done with scant regard to members - upon whom the site is entirely dependent for content. 

This was posted three months ago. I'm sure the need for clear communication will be taken on board, however please remember that the site is run by volunteers in their spare time except for the new development team. Most of that time is taken up verifying stories. I'm only posting here because I'm at work and it's easier to get away with a sneaky forum post than reading through an 8000 word gangbang story smile

Punked competition entry: Punk’s Undead

A very naughty Catholic schoolgirl: Emma (Part 1) (RR) | (Part 2)

Horror: Women Of Dark Desires(RR), Doll Parts (EP), Lo! Baphomet! A Queer Erotic Horror (OS)

A cheeky little micro: Go Fuck Yourself!

With reference to Profile Orb > My friends

My friend was last online on the evening of switch over day (7th). Yesterday though, the "last online" status on my friends changed to "2 weeks ago" and remains at "2 weeks ago" this morning. Given it is the 15th this morning, it should be 7/8 days or 1 and a bit weeks ago. Not 2 weeks as shown.

The same is true with the readout on the actual profile pages e.g.

Seems likely to be an algorithmic boundary error.

Quote by dlcalguy
Quote by StarBelliedBoy
Quote by adele

It seems to me that if that had been explained up front, perhaps there would be far less complaints. one week and already 13 pages of reports, some of which have already been addressed. Perhaps people would have waited a couple of weeks before complaining and just made a list to check after that.
Everything I said was simply a summary of the various site announcements over the past few months and my knowledge that coding is hard. The post at the top of this thread specifies it is only for technical issues, not feature requests and that migration is ongoing. On the first page it was suggested people note the latter down for later.
Prior to yours, I don't remember seeing any single clear explanation about the circumstances of the enforced changes. I never saw three options defined anywhere.

This is a bug report, if a somewhat meta one. Lack of communication. 

Managing expectations is very important for such a massive change, but the entire process has been done with scant regard to members - upon whom the site is entirely dependent for content. 

I know this is not the forum thread to post into. However I am just wanting to respond to your comments here. Nicola did post 3 months ago in the Site Announcement/Feedback section here in the Site Related part of the Forums. A Thread Titled "Upgrades and Changes to Lush". In that thread Nicola made it clear that Lush was going to change. She even listed some of the expected changes.

I am not sure if this is a bug, or if anyone else has experienced an issue like this or similar.

I was in the "My Media" section on my profile. I was trying to set up some albums & add pics to them. After creating 2 albums & adding 1 pic to 1 of the albums I am now getting an "error page" I have logged out of Lush, cleared history, cleared cache, shutdown my laptop, walked away from Lush (& laptop) for a few hours. After logging back in & clicking "My Media" I still get sent to the "error page"
The page says
"An error occurred
An error occurred during execution; please try again later"

I know there are many other bugs that need fixing. This is not urgent for me, personally. Just thought I would add it here as I had not seen any other posts like this one.

To all the people working behind the Scenes - Thankyou for all your hard work.

Quote by adele

Is there no longer a way to report a picture in a chatroom that violates lush rules?

There is, you click on the individual and 'report' that way. If you're concerned, a screenshot might also be handy. 

The Mens room on the previous platform did not have any restriction in terms of access. It was always accepted that anyone could join the room. Perhaps therefore its a quick win to create that room permanently with images allowed.

Quote by AngelWorthy
Quote by dlcalguy
Quote by StarBelliedBoy
Quote by adele

It seems to me that if that had been explained up front, perhaps there would be far less complaints. one week and already 13 pages of reports, some of which have already been addressed. Perhaps people would have waited a couple of weeks before complaining and just made a list to check after that.
Everything I said was simply a summary of the various site announcements over the past few months and my knowledge that coding is hard. The post at the top of this thread specifies it is only for technical issues, not feature requests and that migration is ongoing. On the first page it was suggested people note the latter down for later.
Prior to yours, I don't remember seeing any single clear explanation about the circumstances of the enforced changes. I never saw three options defined anywhere.

This is a bug report, if a somewhat meta one. Lack of communication. 

Managing expectations is very important for such a massive change, but the entire process has been done with scant regard to members - upon whom the site is entirely dependent for content. 

I know this is not the forum thread to post into. However I am just wanting to respond to your comments here. Nicola did post 3 months ago in the Site Announcement/Feedback section here in the Site Related part of the Forums. A Thread Titled "Upgrades and Changes to Lush". In that thread Nicola made it clear that Lush was going to change. She even listed some of the expected changes.
To be fair, there are many who don't use the Forums at all. I don't spend any time in there (though I knew about the changes coming) - I didn't even know it existed for my first year. It's not the best way to cascade communications.

Think Of Me… - 1st place in the 'Dirty Talk' competition.

Down the Rabbit Hole - 3rd place in the 'Unleashed' competition.

The Intimate and Top Secret Files of Lady Agnes Jackhammer - 3rd place in the 'Punked' competition.

Samhain Shenanigans of the Satyr - 3rd place in the 'Halloweenie' competition.

Quote by AppleByBoom
Quote by adele

Is there no longer a way to report a picture in a chatroom that violates lush rules?

There is, you click on the individual and 'report' that way. If you're concerned, a screenshot might also be handy. 
Please however copy and paste the image url into the report reason field to help investigation.
Quote by adele
Quote by NicolasBelvoir

Two bugs that I noted near the top of this thread have now been fixed! 

For about a week I wasn't getting any emails through from lush, but as of today I am.

And the issue of UK people being insulted by US flags has been sorted. Lush members now seem to have a LS label instead of a flag.

I noticed the LS tag when I went into a chatroom a bit earlier. It shows in some rooms, but not in others. And in some rooms I am seeing other flags, but not US flags.  So does this mean ALL lush members now show as LS and none of us get flags, but the SH people do?

Everyone in Lush now has a Lush 'flag', yes. I haven't personally seen anyone from any other sites able to enter any of the Lush rooms, so I'm not sure that they are able to