Quote by Seeker4
She's not saying the coins would be exchanged in chat. The action being paid for would be done in chat, then the payor would reward them by putting coins on their stories.
I can see other scenarios where this could be abused, too. Not to mention the kind of gameplaying that can happen as people jockey to get coins.
As I said, I'll see how this plays out, but the concerns expressed by utterchaos and some others are not without merit.
Quote by sprite
anything can be abused. if someone really wants to abuse it, they'll probably figure out a way - our job is to make sure than any one that abuses it gets their hands slapped or what have you. i mean, in the past we had abuses with voting - not that much different, really and, personally, i would rather see a little abuse if it means rewarding some of better and more popular writers. or, really, anyone who writes. 
Granted, cyber-for-coin is not ideal.
However, as long as there is the ability to gift something, somewhere on the site, this will happen. Regardless of what rules we have or what new rules we bring in to combat it.
People already roleplay in chat/PM for the gift of membership upgrades.
As long as the person paying for membership/coin is complicit and fully aware of what is happening, then is there a much greater issue??
This could have the added bonus of keeping members on-site, rather than sharing content via an off-site source, like OnlyFans for example (which we have seen being mentioned first hand, on profiles and in chat).
Gifting Lushcoin could potentially reduce the cost of what is gifted if a member cannot afford much, whilst still wanting to make a contribution.
Lushcoin rewards those writers which have truly, top-tier ability and (hopefully) prevents them taking material elsewhere which is financially funded in a professional authorship capacity.