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Is alien sex allowed?

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Quote by Irene
As it turned out, the story was rejected for being too long (!?!), so that sorts that.

Irene, I am the Mod who removed your story. I believe I was quite clear in my message to you:

Reason for deletion:

Stories that are over 10,000 words should be divided into separate chapters. Please make the changes and resubmit.
I don't often chip into these things but this time I hope I can help you a little bit.

I write stories and I have had 2 rejected, one of them still is.

You've joined a club, ok maybe not an exclusive club but a club nevertheless. It has rules and when we join we agree to abide by them.

That means that even if we don't agree with them all the time, we must just learn how to adapt. I sense you may not want to do that, but it isn't the owners or moderators fault. I now think I've worked out what is and isn't acceptable. I also accept that I'll probably cross the line one day and have another story thrown out.

Sorry, but that's the way it works.

If you think I can help you to fit into the rules, please ask. If you think I can help you avoid them, you haven't got it yet. Good luck, but don't give up.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Quote by SweetPenny
Quote by Irene
As it turned out, the story was rejected for being too long (!?!), so that sorts that.

Irene, I am the Mod who removed your story. I believe I was quite clear in my message to you:

Reason for deletion:

Stories that are over 10,000 words should be divided into separate chapters. Please make the changes and resubmit.

Hey that a new rule? I am sure there are stories on Lush that are over 10k words...

In the meantime, you all can watch some good alien porn...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by DirtyMartini

Hey that a new rule? I am sure there are stories on Lush that are over 10k words...

It is a very fair request. There are indeed stories longer than that, and if the Mod dealing with the story can get through it without a time lag of half an hour, then it goes. But when there are twenty stories wating for verification, and a long one appears that also requires very close attention to the details, then it's very possible that the Mod will make the request.

A story that is quite long can, and often will, wait far longer in the queue before being verified. A story that is over 10,000 words long, and that suddenly breaks site guidelines within the last 500 words (and yes, I dealt with such a story recently), is extremely frustrating for a Moderator to face, as it means her or his time has been wasted, the story is removed, and then the process has to be dealt with again when the story has been corrected and resubmitted.

You know this, Alan, but I'm not sure everyone reading does, so I'm going to say it again. The story moderators are volunteers. We volunteer our time, and we enjoy it. We help out many writers, and do a lot in terms of helping get a story so that it is right that many people, authors and readers, don't know about. But it is still our time, and so asking for a story to be broken into chapters is entirely justifiable, in my opinion. It makes for a very sweet relationship between the moderating team and the writers who are happy to comply with the request.
Very well put Gypsy.

I consider this matter closed.

These questions aren't really meant for authors, I've moved this to the site feedback forum. They are a matter of site policy and rules.
Quote by gypsymoth
Quote by DirtyMartini

Hey that a new rule? I am sure there are stories on Lush that are over 10k words...

It is a very fair request. There are indeed stories longer than that, and if the Mod dealing with the story can get through it without a time lag of half an hour, then it goes. But when there are twenty stories wating for verification, and a long one appears that also requires very close attention to the details, then it's very possible that the Mod will make the request.

A story that is quite long can, and often will, wait far longer in the queue before being verified. A story that is over 10,000 words long, and that suddenly breaks site guidelines within the last 500 words (and yes, I dealt with such a story recently), is extremely frustrating for a Moderator to face, as it means her or his time has been wasted, the story is removed, and then the process has to be dealt with again when the story has been corrected and resubmitted.

You know this, Alan, but I'm not sure everyone reading does, so I'm going to say it again. The story moderators are volunteers. We volunteer our time, and we enjoy it. We help out many writers, and do a lot in terms of helping get a story so that it is right that many people, authors and readers, don't know about. But it is still our time, and so asking for a story to be broken into chapters is entirely justifiable, in my opinion. It makes for a very sweet relationship between the moderating team and the writers who are happy to comply with the request.

Also most readers prefer the erotic stories they read to be shorter. I know as a reader that I have limited time due to life and other responsibilities to sit through a 10000+ words story.
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Loislane

Also most readers prefer the erotic stories they read to be shorter. I know as a reader that I have limited time due to life and other responsibilities to sit through a 10000+ words story.

i was just about to make this comment too - while i do love longer stories, i find it difficult to read them upon the computer screen rather then a book, especially if i'm likely to be interupted by PMs or whatever. as a reader, i'd rather have something broken up into bite sized chapters so i can keep track of where i am in the story and enjoy it - otherwise, it's going to have to be above and beyond exceptional for me to invest the time. In fact, i make it a rule when writing that, if it exceeds 8 pages at 14 font in word, it's going to probably get broken into seperate chapters.

as Penny and Gypsy said, what they do is a labor of love, and it's a lot of work that we, as readers/writers don't see - much as i may have been cranky about being forced to rewrite something because it bent the sites rules a little too much, i am also aware that it means someone has to read it twice in order to verfify it - can you imagine having to re-read your 10,000+ story twice when the que of stories is building up and you're trying to take care of dinner or work or just enjoy being on Lush and chatting with friends?

despite my occasional gripe, i love my mods and hey, in the end, if you don't like the rules, you're free to take your stories elsewhere. in the past, those stories that i had to clean up a bit? the original versions were given, via email, to a few friends, so they could enjoy them as intended, and in some cases, i thought the cleaned up, abide by the rules versions, were actually better then the orginals (thanks, Gypsy - Blondie's Wild Ride 2 was one such case, making me feel a world of guilt over the hastily contructed voodoo doll i'd made in your image *blushes*)

ok, enough sucking up here - gotta go put gift baskets together for the mods, so next time i push the line, they don't out right ban me

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Btw, I happen to agree with all the above...the longest single chapter story I've written is 6700 words...
I just happen to know there is a story posted here a couple months ago that is over 13k...I have not got to it myself in part because of its length, even though I know the author is an excellent writer...

What I'm gathering here is that it is not really a rule, more like a request...

You know you want it, you know you need it bad...get it now on
Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
Quote by DirtyMartini
What I'm gathering here is that it is not really a rule, more like a request...
