How long should we keep messages on the server? What's reasonable. 3 months? Some of those dated back to October last year.
They take up an awful lot of room on the server, so they should be purged every once in a while.
Quote by Jebru
My vote would be for a way to keep individual older messages if they were of value to the receiver, but definitely to have an auto delete on sent messages.
Quote by WellMadeMaleQuote by Jebru
My vote would be for a way to keep individual older messages if they were of value to the receiver, but definitely to have an auto delete on sent messages.
Copy/paste to notepad.exe or word.doc
Quote by Jillicious
Maybe we could have an "Delete All" option for our inbox? I would probably use that all the time.
Quote by Exakta66
Only 2400??? I don't see a number here on Lush, but are you suggesting I go through all 69 pages in my inbox and start deleting??? That could be an all-day project...
Quote by Exakta66
Yo Scooter...Dude, put the joint down...
You will never get a notice on Lush about an author posting three fantasies a day...I hate to ruin your new math there, I'm sure it was a lot of work...
And WMM...thanks for the keg party/inbox clean up idea...I'll go get the keg and think about working on my inbox...
Quote by Remington
What if you added a lock message feature like what cell phones have? You can lock the messages you want so they don't get deleted. Just a thought..
Quote by Exakta66Quote by Remington
What if you added a lock message feature like what cell phones have? You can lock the messages you want so they don't get deleted. Just a thought..
I like that...also, if you could sort them by sender to see what you might want to save...just saying...
Quote by RemingtonQuote by Exakta66Quote by Remington
What if you added a lock message feature like what cell phones have? You can lock the messages you want so they don't get deleted. Just a thought..
I like that...also, if you could sort them by sender to see what you might want to save...just saying...
Yeah, sort the messages into threads so instead of having an inbox flooded with messages, it's organized by each person. You click on that persons name and it brings up the entire conversation or whatever is going on there, with that person.
Quote by scooter
I have my little ducks in a row miss LaPush
Now if I could just color code them