Some members are reporting that friends have appeared erroneously on their profile in the last few days.
To be investigated and confirmed, this is likely due to the migration of members from the mobile site which is closing shortly. Your accounts have not been compromised.
It would be preferable to leave these new friends on your profile, for the purpose of investigation, but please if you feel uncomfortable about that delete them.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
fyi, now my profile pages - mine and friends i am looking at - are messed up.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
With these new additions, I now have 1083 friends. Given that the limit is supposed to be 1000, will this affect my ability to add new friends?
I've been advised the friend cap was implemented as each time you log in, your friends' online, latest posts of theirs, stories etc. - all their activities basically, have to be populated.
So imagine that multiplied by thousands of members on the site at any one time. That's an enormous drain.
Unfortunately we don't have NASA's budget!
Please delete any unwanted friends you might have gained. There was a glitch in the exported file we were given, which included everyone who's sent you a request, regardless of whether you've accepted it or not. It's a bit of a job to now go through the lot and have them all removed automatically, and Gav is swamped with the site merger as it is.