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I have noticed that on many occasions there have been changes made to my stories when submitted for verification.
Before you mods lynch me, this is not a complaint but rather an observation.
The changes to which I specifically refer are when there are two ways of spelling words.
The English way and the American way.
Obvious words such a colour/color tend not to be altered but when the difference is that of 's' or 'z' such as endings of 'ise/ize', I do find it quite annoying when our US cousins change the spellings.
For example, in my latest story, the word 'realise' was changed to 'realize'.
I would ask, therefore, with the utmost respect of course, that moderators be careful when altering such words.
I may be wrong but I imagine that it works both ways and English mods should not alter the US spelling to English either.

Am I being picky or does anyone else feel this way?
WooHoo!!!! 27,000 views! Could I dare to hope for a famous story...
I generally agree.

My guess, as an American, is that spellings such as "colour" are not as obtrusive or obviously different to American eyes. They'd be more likely to go through, and perhaps even to go unflagged by a spell checker in US mode. I think we have a tendency to adopt British spellings on occasion to add some perceived idea of class or distinction. I'd say I see the British spelling "theatre" at least as often if not more often than the local "theater."

But stuff like "realise," to say nothing of things like "cheque," "kerb," or "tyre," would be a lot more likely to be noticed and therefore to raise the possibility of alteration.

Personally, I'm with you. If there's no policy of what spellings are to be used, it would seem logical to allow each story to use either set, as long as the story was internally consistent.

I get more annoyed when mistakes get actively introduced. I've had apostrophes added to simple plurals, conjunctions removed to leave behind run-on sentences, and other similar mistakes added as well. It's easy to get peevishly upset, in part because the result has my username on it and no one else's, BUT...

As anyone who has ever written, edited, or collaborated on ANYTHING knows, mistakes are an unavoidable part of producing or copying written text. Mistakes can be minimized through care, competence, and perhaps most importantly time, but they will always occur. (In fact, if you study the transmission of manuscripts before the printing press, there is a whole field of study that pertains to analyzing what kinds of mistakes are likely to happen under what sorts of conditions, so that the editors have a good shot at reconstructing the author's original text, since the original manuscripts have crumbled into dust long ago).

It's very easy to feel so protective of one's own work. Which is understandable.

Yes, everything should be consistent and correct every time.

That said, I can't imagine doing the jobs the mods are doing, and I'm incredibly grateful to them. I've learned a good deal from them, and even when they make mistakes, I'd say the balance is heavily in their favor when weighed against my bloopers.
Either spelling is fine. It was probably just that the verifier was using grammarly or similar, or exhausted from late night festive partying/verifying combo.

If it happens, just pm the verifying mod to query. Likewise for any changes you're not happy with.
Quote by Jen
Either spelling is fine. It was probably just that the verifier was using grammarly or similar, or exhausted from late night festive partying/verifying combo.

If it happens, just pm the verifying mod to query. Likewise for any changes you're not happy with.

This. The mods/verifiers on this site are pretty damn good, probably the best of any literary submission site on the Interwebz, but they're still human. Communicate.

I know that with my last story, although accepted on the first submission, the mod/verifier sent me a note saying that I might want to use spellcheck, as I'd used a word that she thought I'd misspelled. Nope. It was just a word that she'd never come across before, and therefore with which she had no prior familiarity (I don't use spellcheck, but I'm guessing that since the word is rarely used even spellcheck might've flagged it).

As to the British English/American English, speaking as a person with dual U.S./Canadian citizenship, I've not personally ever had a mod/verifier send back or modify a story for my use of the British English spelling of words, but I'm sure it happens. Depending on the spellcheck being used, I imagine "humour" could be flagged or not flagged as an incorrect spelling. Again, communicate.
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I've learned a lot of lingo and a lot of words (spelling aside) from being a verifier. We have stories from all over the world. Google is my BFF. I was literally modding a story the other day where a word that sounded similar to another was used. I thought they'd simply mistyped as we all do sometimes but I googled the word I'd never heard of and holy crap it was a real word and definitely used correctly. Lol! Anyway, everyone's human and we all screw up sometimes, whether accidentally like Jen said or the fact that we may just not know that spelling or word. No one is perfect. Just communicate with the verifier. smile
Quote by HeraTeleia

I know that with my last story, although accepted on the first submission, the mod/verifier sent me a note saying that I might want to use spellcheck, as I'd used a word that she thought I'd misspelled. Nope. It was just a word that she'd never come across before, and therefore with which she had no prior familiarity (I don't use spellcheck, but I'm guessing that since the word is rarely used even spellcheck might've flagged it).

What was the word?
There are quite a few words that vary from British English to American English. We probably all know about humour and humor. And in Annamique's story it was realise and realize. Realise is correct for her.

Also, there are words that use two l's in British English and just one l in American English.

On the L's"

British - American
cancelled - canceled
cancelling - canceling
levelled - leveled
levelling - leveling
quarrelled - quarreled
quarrelling - quarreling
travelled - traveled
travelling - traveling
libelled - libeled

However, British English and American English agree on these words: annulled, controlled, patrolled, extolled, and enrolled.

It can be a lot to keep up with but we're all doing our best. So if anyone notices that in verifying we've edited a word incorrectly, please let us know. I for one, know I'm fallible. I think that's two l's in fallible, though my spell checker is showing it is incorrect. I'm sticking with two.
Quote by Verbal

What was the word?

Had to ask, didn't you? The word was "laving", the gerund form of the verb "to lave", meaning "to wash", specifically over or against something.

I think in the story she was licking his balls or something, and the mod thought I meant to write "loving" instead of "laving". Yes, I am a walking thesaurus with tits. It's a fabulous thing.
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You can spell these words the British way or the wrong way, we don't mind. smile
Quote by HeraTeleia

Had to ask, didn't you? The word was "laving", the gerund form of the verb "to lave", meaning "to wash", specifically over or against something.

I think in the story she was licking his balls or something, and the mod thought I meant to write "loving" instead of "laving". Yes, I am a walking thesaurus with tits. It's a fabulous thing.

I've used it before. Substitutes for 'licking' are always useful. biggrin
Quote by Liz
You can spell these words the British way or the wrong way, we don't mind. smile

The american pronunciation of vase is just odd!!! As is our house was burglarised.No it wasnt it was burgled!!!!
Quote by HeraTeleia
Yes, I am a walking thesaurus with tits. It's a fabulous thing.

I'll just have to give you a read.
Quote by HeraTeleia

Yes, I am a walking thesaurus with tits. It's a fabulous thing.

Yes it is. smile I was very proud of using the word "gravid" recently, but the mods apparently knew the word. I was bummed.