It's annoying, I agree.
The "Fetish Sex" competition (November 2016) has no first or second place stories anymore.
It is annoying when members who have placed in competitions leave.
I asked Gav if he could make it so that their stories remain, however he said that a story requires a corresponding database member entry or there's nothing to hook it to. Something along those lines.
I'll ask him to take a look at it again once he's made the site transition in the next fortnight or so.
It looks untidy apart from anything else.
We discussed another option of moving everyone else's stories up a place should it happen, but it became too complicated.
I pulled a comp winner because I wanted to sell it on Amazon.
I'd offer to put it back, but I imagine the only thing more annoying than someone pulling a comp winner is having to repost a comp winner after it's been pulled.
I'd consider moving the stories in that comp all up one place or two, as the case may be.