Happy slaying.

Quote by gav
I thought about giving something back to the community for all your efforts in finding bugs with my code. From now on, all worthy bugs (to be determined by me) reported to me, the reporter will be issued a new a shiny Bug Slayer badge for your profile page.
Happy slaying.
Quote by gav
No badge for you!
Quote by Mazza
So Gav, I've noticed that every time I log into Lush, the unverified story queue is HUGE and if I go online, I get these little black box things that keep appearing on my screen and dirty pictures appear on my wall too...
Quote by gav
I thought about giving something back to the community for all your efforts in finding bugs with my code. From now on, all worthy bugs (to be determined by me) reported to me, the reporter will be issued a new a shiny Bug Slayer badge for your profile page.
Happy slaying.
Quote by Mazza
So, synchronicity being what it is, I actually just got stung by a bee!!
First time in my life! A big, fat bumble bee! My whole arm aches and it's actually sore to type...
bizarre, huh?