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Awesome Member Award. New. Please Read.

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Active Ink Slinger
or maybe just the "Heart" Award? Something simple to recognizes generosity and the goodness/kindness of their heart.
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
– William Shakespeare (from A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by MsDirtyLittleSecret
or maybe just the "Heart" Award? Something simple to recognizes generosity and the goodness/kindness of their heart.

*nods* one of my thoughts was actually a simple heart, nothing more, nothing less. the word 'heart' is probably a better choice, tho. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by littleduchess
Love some of these ideas!

I thought maybe SuperLushious or SuperLush could work. It could apply to anything that makes them an exceptional Lush member.

what about supercalifragilisticexpialilushious? (sp?) lol smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by sprite

lol - not even going there. i'm already putting up the walls for when i pick 'the wrong person' or i don't pick 'the right person'. i mean, my hate mail folder is already taking up an entire server all by it's self.

We could have a badge for "Considered the wrong choice for Frabjous Award" Award
Story Verifier
Quote by Liz
Maybe just an 'Awesome' badge?

But a different colour so it stands out. Super special badge. smile

Once again, Liz has hit the target squarely in the bullseye! (Great idea Sprite!!)
Active Ink Slinger
@ Her Royal Spriteness: Love supercalerificexpialigocious (?sp) too; but I think it would need to be shortened to s-c-x-g...or something equally memorable. Which Gav could turn into a lovely badge!
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by Buz

Now that's a great idea for a badge too.

Titties are a great idea for anything. Don't limit them. It's offensive.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Dani, you should have a custom tittie badge already. Lol.

Like the potato badge but titties.
Active Ink Slinger
How about ?
"The Benevolent King" or "The Benevolent Queen"
"insensitive prick!" – Danielle Algo
Quote by MsDirtyLittleSecret
One of my favorite (and a well known) quotes is "My religion is simple. My religion is kindness." - Dalai Lama.

So you could call it the Dalai Award for people who show great amounts of kindness and generosity towards others here on the site.

Tha Lai award ;)


The Bee's Knees
Quote by Stormdog

I like it, and the alliteration works too - Marvelous Member. Tried to come up with an "L" one too (for Lush) but not thinking of a lot of positive L words. Lovely Lushie was about the best I could do.

i absolutely adore alliteration as well! how about, laudable lushie? anyhoo, add me to the list of people who think this is a wonderful idea! i think a lot of people will dig this and it'll raise spirits all around. beautiful concept?

Say. Her. Name.

Sultan of Smut
This might be difficult to fit on a badge, but the word WAS invented because something was so great that there was not yet a word to describe the magnitude of its greatness.

Check out my latest - a humorous collaboration with trinket and a Recommended Read
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Emerson501
This might be difficult to fit on a badge, but the word WAS invented because something was so great that there was not yet a word to describe the magnitude of its greatness.

lol - i like it, though it does sort of make me think of 'scum' and 'scrotum' a bit. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Active Ink Slinger
Rachel, I really like your words The "Awesome Member Award." Maybe the "Above and Beyond Award." People will say, "Hey, you know she/he just got the new Awesome Member Award?! Pretty cool huh?"
We DO have members who bring compassion and class to this site, just to name two.
Cool idea. How about we call it the "ICE" badge? Reflective of a number of things such as 'cool' Lushie, like an iceberg 90% is what you don't see. (I think the award would usually go to someone who is not just superficially involved with Lush and had many contributions to Lush that many of us what not be aware of. I = Involved, C = Compassionate, E = Excellence?
and the badge is an iceberg, like this example but hopefully not so crudely rendered:

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by LYFBUZ
Cool idea. How about we call it the "ICE" badge? Reflective of a number of things such as 'cool' Lushie, like an iceberg 90% is what you don't see. (I think the award would usually go to someone who is not just superficially involved with Lush and had many contributions to Lush that many of us what not be aware of. I = Involved, C = Compassionate, E = Excellence?
and the badge is an iceberg, like this example but hopefully not so crudely rendered:

i kind of like this one. it's actually in the running.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Annamagique
May I suggest the 'Good Egg' award with gold lettering or is that just a little too old fashioned English?

Gets my vote.
Sounds a bit like Miss congeniality award. Lol. But... I like it. Awards fuel incentive. After reading some of the heated discussions in the forum, this idea might bring about some civility... or not.
Quote by ChuckEPoo
After reading some of the heated discussions in the forum, this idea might bring about some civility... or not.

Wishful thinking, Chuck.
Quote by ChuckEPoo
Sounds a bit like Miss congeniality award. Lol. But... I like it. Awards fuel incentive. After reading some of the heated discussions in the forum, this idea might bring about some civility... or not.

If you think that a badge will distract me into being good, then....ooooo SQUIRREL!

Internet Philosopher
I don't have an opinion on a name, but I think it's a damn good idea. Anything that promotes our feeling of community is a positive thing. Great idea
Gravelly-Voiced Fucker
Quote by Annamagique
May I suggest the 'Good Egg' award with gold lettering or is that just a little too old fashioned English?

I called a girl a "good egg" back in college and she was HORRIBLY offended. I kept asking why and she finally told me that "eggs get laid" and when she was in high school a "good egg" meant you got laid a lot. I was mortified (I am easily mortified at the idea of offending someone). So I don't know if it means the same thing to everyone.
Quote by Burquette

If you think that a badge will distract me into being good, then....ooooo SQUIRREL!

You good? Never. I kinda like you naughty. ;)
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by MostPreciousLittle
Dani, you should have a custom tittie badge already. Lol.

Like the potato badge but titties.

I've been trying to get one for years.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

What makes one and awesome member?
Quote by Verbal

We could have a badge for "Considered the wrong choice for Frabjous Award" Award

OMG!... Nooooooo ... we have 300,00+ members sweet man .... can you imagine the cost of all those badges?

I know ... you just want a pretty blue badge too....
Quote by sprite
Ok, been working on a new program since it's either that or lay in bed and watch game shows. this one, i'm going to need a little help with from anyone interested. here's a little history and the premise.

I was looking for a way to thank Buz. he's probably one of the nicest guys on lush. he reads stories, gives great comments, offers advice and help, he' a genuinely lovely person to work with, and really, i can't say enough good things about him. while i've been sick he's been sending me daily PMs of encouragement, something that really has made a difference in my life, so i thought, he needs to have a 'nicest guy on lush award'. i wanted to call it The Buz. we're not, for reasons that make a lot of sense, but still, in my head, it's gonna be called The Buz. lol

so, here's how it works. it's a little like the mod of the month, only there's no cash prize. sorry, but that's just not doable. there WILL be a unique badge, and i'll be doing a write up of the person chosen and people can add to that if they'd like.

right now, the project name is "the intangibles award". basically, it's not based on one thing, but i'll be picking (and it's more likely going to be weekly, or bi weekly then it is monthly) someone based on a variety of things. what they add to the site, be it inspirational, generous, helpful, funny, thoughtful, etc. i just thought it would be a nice way to give back to a lot of people who make lush what it is - there's a lot of you out there.

just so you know, it's not going to be mods, btw. we have our own thing. that's not what this is all about. hopefully, this will be taken in the spirit that it's meant to be.

now... i need a little help from all of you. first, i need a good badge name. i thought about Spirit, but that's too close to my user name, and this is not all about me, so i tossed that. Tangerine sounds a bit like Intangible, but might be a bit too.... fruity. so please, post or PM suggestions and i'll give credit to whoever comes up with the best name.

secondly, i have a list of people i think deserve it, and it's pretty solid, but eventually, i'll run out of names and while i keep an eye on things, i do miss stuff. also, i'm trying to avoid favoritism. so... if you think someone deserves this, PM me with their user name and a short write up of what they bring to Lush so i can put them on my radar. i don't want someone slipping through the cracks simply because i don't run in the same circle. i don't do chat rooms, for instance, and there are probably some great people who make those a positive experience.

this will probably kick off sometime this week or this coming weekend - i need to get Gav off his lazy ass to create a new badge, after all. i swear to god, the man does nothing around here but eat and fuck. *sighs*

hopefully, this will be fun - i know i'm looking forward to it.


Actually ... often the first ideas can be the best... and as I share your opinion of Buz why not keep it ... as the "BUZ Award"... or just "BUZ" ... with that awesome blue background.

Whatever you do not everyone will agree... but it's a neat thought.