What's that in me spyglass? Why, it be Orgy Island! Lower the mainsail, it's time to expose this traitor and toss 'em overboard.
It appears the heat y'all applied to me crew was too much for Krystal and she made off to the bow chaser, booty in hand. The booty in question being Danny. We all gasped an' cheered as, cornered, they kissed. Then watched agog as they ground, groped, licked and plundered each other's parts while we drifted toward the island, rigging forgotten. There be masts aplenty from the men aboard, let me tell yer. And the deck slippery underfoot from all the ladies wantin' a taste.
After that rousin' performance, seemed almost a shame to pursue Krystal with the tip of me sword to the plank. But rules be rules.
Never one to shy away from exhibition, as the island loomed, she turned to face away from us an' we gawped as she gave a wave, stripped and charged off the end o' the board with a spring, pirouetting into the sea. Last I saw was her red hair streakin' behind her as she powered away, laughin' and whoopin'.
We drew up starboard an' disembarked, setting up camp on the beach for a few days' rest. Plenty of rum will be spilled, shanties will be sung, and after dark skulduggery will be had between crew members as we take time out from lootin' and moddin'. Won't be the same without Krystal, but in the backs of our minds, we somehow all know she'll find a way to swim ashore and smile, suck and fuck 'er way back into our hearts.
Even though only one sharp-eyed scallywag correctly identified the ringleader, that Bear disqualified hisself by bein' too wordy (says the wordiest bastard that sailed the seven seas, ha!). So, among some heartily entertainin' tales of sea-based shenanigans, for which I thank ye all, I do decree the winner to be........ KimmiBeGood.
Raise a mug of grog and sing a song with me to celebrate her victory. The doubloons will be in yer chest by nightfall.