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Announcing the Winners of our "Time Travelling" Story Competition

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Our latest competition sparked some Marty McFly style electrically charged time travelling entries.

It was a pleasure to read through such a variety of themes and scenarios.

For the first time atop the podium, I would like to congratulate Deviantsusie for taking out first place. A wonderfully written story. This comment from one of our judges sums it up perfectly:

"I loved the combination of science and art and the huge amount of art history research in this was worn very lightly indeed. The character of Degas was so vivid and irresistible to both the main character and the reader. This swept me away, both erotically and emotionally."

Not much separated the 2 other stunning winning entries either, from Mags and Tamara. Congratulations to you both!

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder, by deviantsusie
The One That Got Away, by Saucymh
Beyond the Past, by tams_back_yay

I recommend everyone interested in this genre (and even if you aren't!), read the rest of the entries which make up the Top 10 (ok, 11!):

Skewpoint, by WannabeWordsmith
I Was Made For Loving You, by vanessa26
No Time Left For You, by Mojavejoe420
Starting Over, by CuriousAnnie
The Thief And The Stolen Heart, by Icarus11
Rolling In The Mud Of Semordnilap, by MadMartigan
There Is No Butterfly, by She
The Moment, by spuddick

I'll be in touch with the winners shortly, and awarding the EP's and RR's accordingly.

A huge thank you to everyone who entered this contest, to all our readers who voted and gave feedback, and to our panel of judges who read through the shortlisted entries.

A new competition will be announced very soon.


YES! i loved Susie's story. even the title was perfect. congrats to everyone. nice to see some new names and faces in the mix, too. a special shout out to Mohavejoe and Icarus who i thought had exceptional stories and are people i'm not used to seeing in the top 10. also to Vanessa who's story was a standout for me. everyone, though, just did amazing. ya'll should be proud of yourselves.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

It was a fun contest, for sure. Congratulations to the winners, and also the grand honorable mentions. Great job, all.

Congratulations to the winner, the runner-ups, honorable mentions and to all who took the time and had the courage to write and enter this contest. Well done to all!
Nice one, Susie. Adored your story - so well researched and it gave such a flavour of period Paris in the vivid descriptions. A well deserved win, as were Mags and Tam rounding out the top three. Loved all your stories.

I'm pleased to have been able to read so many - sadly not all yet - of the stories this time around and was impressed with the variety of topics and approaches to the theme, from Groundhog Day-esque time loops to Back To The Future romps, futuristic space adventures and beginning/end of the world explorations. Special mention to L8LastNight's "The Totally Accidental Time-Tripper" which, although it didn't make the top 10/11, is a riot of a story and well worth a look.

Congratulations to everyone who entered, placed and flexed their literary muscles in this competition. I enjoyed dreaming up and persevering with my entry, and feel privileged to have even made it where I did amongst all the greatness on display.


Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 117 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 3 poems with the following features:

* 30 Editor's Picks, 75 Recommended Reads.
* 16 competition podium places, 11 other times in the top ten.
* 22 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Congrats to the winners. Looks like it was a great comp.
Congratulations!!! Awesome!!


First Place - deviantsusie
Second Place - Saucymh
Third Place - tams_back_yay

Those are awesome stories!

And congrats to those finishing out the Top 10 for your fantastic Honorable Mentions!
Huge congrats to those mentioned and everyone who entered! I am honored to be published among you all!!! I truly loved all the creative stories and think I read them all!
Yay, I'm thrilled to be on the podium squished between Suzie and Tam

I read most of the stories in the competition and loved them all, so creative. I wouldn't have liked to pick a top 10.
Congratulations to everyone and thank you to Nicola and the judges

Quote by Saucymh
Yay, I'm thrilled to be on the podium squished between Suzie and Tam

I read most of the stories in the competition and loved them all, so creative. I wouldn't have liked to pick a top 10.
Congratulations to everyone and thank you to Nicola and the judges

you are such a tart. i admire that about you. also, i kind of want to get in on the sandwich action. please? smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Omg I am so shocked.. But so ecstatically happy.. I did a little dance round the room when I saw the results.

I hoped to get in the top 10 and to share the podium with Mags and Tam who are such creative writers is amazing.

There were so many amazing stories I don't know how you chose the top 11.. Thanks to Nicola and the judges and everyone who read and commented

Congratulations to everyone.. I'm off to open a bottle ?woohoo ?

My latest competition entry about a Christmas shopping trip

Congrats and thank you all so much for sharing your stories!
Curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification.
Quote by WannabeWordsmith
Special mention to L8LastNight's "The Totally Accidental Time-Tripper" which, although it didn't make the top 10/11, is a riot of a story and well worth a look.

Congratulations to everyone who entered, placed and flexed their literary muscles in this competition. I enjoyed dreaming up and persevering with my entry, and feel privileged to have even made it where I did amongst all the greatness on display.


Thanks so much for the callout, WW! (and I couldn't resist my cheap cry for additional attention to my story by quoting your post biggrin )

Definitely a fun category, and I nodded my head as I read the list of winners and honourables. So many heavy hitters with a few new additions which is wonderful to see. No arguments from me! Thanks, everyone who administered the comp! Now... where the hell is my comp badge? lol
Quote by L8LastNight

Thanks so much for the callout, WW! (and I couldn't resist my cheap cry for additional attention to my story by quoting your post biggrin )

Definitely a fun category, and I nodded my head as I read the list of winners and honourables. So many heavy hitters with a few new additions which is wonderful to see. No arguments from me! Thanks, everyone who administered the comp! Now... where the hell is my comp badge? lol

if it helps, Jen says your was her favorite. not making that up. lately, the issue really has been the wealth of quality stories we have to pick from.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by L8LastNight

Thanks so much for the callout, WW! (and I couldn't resist my cheap cry for additional attention to my story by quoting your post biggrin )

Definitely a fun category, and I nodded my head as I read the list of winners and honourables. So many heavy hitters with a few new additions which is wonderful to see. No arguments from me! Thanks, everyone who administered the comp! Now... where the hell is my comp badge? lol

if it helps, Jen says your was her favorite. not making that up. lately, the issue really has been the wealth of quality stories we have to pick from.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
YES! i loved Susie's story. even the title was perfect. congrats to everyone. nice to see some new names and faces in the mix, too. a special shout out to Mohavejoe and Icarus who i thought had exceptional stories and are people i'm not used to seeing in the top 10. also to Vanessa who's story was a standout for me. everyone, though, just did amazing. ya'll should be proud of yourselves.

thank you ❤ xx

Congrats to the winners and top 11 and everyone who entered
There were truly some amazing stories ❤

Well done to all the authors who entered; as always, there were so many wonderful stories both within and outside the top eleven. Congratulations to my fellow writers in the top eleven, your stories were all fabulous, a tribute to our craft.

So well done susie mags and tam. Congratulations, your stories were so brilliantly done.

Thanks to Nicola and all those who organised and judged this competition. Loved being part of it.

Do check out my latest story:

Festive Flash competition: The Ghost of Christmas Past

And my other stories, including 5 EPs, 24 RR's, and 15 competition top 10's including my pride competition winner: On Oxford Street, This Gay Girl Found Pride While Playing With Balls

Quote by sprite
YES! i loved Susie's story. even the title was perfect. congrats to everyone. nice to see some new names and faces in the mix, too. a special shout out to Mojavejoe420 and Icarus who i thought had exceptional stories and are people i'm not used to seeing in the top 10. also to Vanessa who's story was a standout for me. everyone, though, just did amazing. ya'll should be proud of yourselves.

Congratulations to the Winners! They were truly great stories and I'm honored to be in the Top Ten! And thank you Miss Sprite for the special shoutout, I'm honored and humbled.

While I'm at it, I'd like to thank KimmiBeGood who forced me to finish my story. I had mentioned to her that I started a story but had given up. She threatened me with a severe virtual tongue lashing if i didn't finish it, so I did. Although, the tongue lashing may have been the better option?

When's the next contest?
Quote by Mojavejoe420

Congratulations to the Winners! They were truly great stories and I'm honored to be in the Top Ten! And thank you Miss Sprite for the special shoutout, I'm honored and humbled.

While I'm at it, I'd like to thank KimmiBeGood who forced me to finish my story. I had mentioned to her that I started a story but had given up. She threatened me with a severe virtual tongue lashing if i didn't finish it, so I did. Although, the tongue lashing may have been the better option?

When's the next contest?

give us a week, dammit! lol probably about that. not sure of the theme yet, tho we have some good suggestions going. def not a covid-19 theme, fyi! silly

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by Mojavejoe420

Congratulations to the Winners! They were truly great stories and I'm honored to be in the Top Ten! And thank you Miss Sprite for the special shoutout, I'm honored and humbled.

While I'm at it, I'd like to thank KimmiBeGood who forced me to finish my story. I had mentioned to her that I started a story but had given up. She threatened me with a severe virtual tongue lashing if i didn't finish it, so I did. Although, the tongue lashing may have been the better option?

When's the next contest?

I am so happy you finished it!!! It was amazing and look at you now - excited about the next competition already!!! Ha! Happy for your Top 10!
Couldn't be more delighted for Susie! Her story was outstanding! Many congratulations!

Very well done to Tam and Mags, also great stories, the Top 11 and all who entered. The standard and imagination in everyone's stories was phenomenal!
Huge congratulations to Susie! I've always loved anything I've read by you and am excited for this one!

I'm definitely excited to read the other amazing stories that came out of this contest. Well done to the writers, readers and thank you to the judges and Nicola of course! smile
So many favorite writers on this list! Congrats everyone, and I look forward to reading your words!

Well done, Susie!

Congratulations to Saucy and Tams, and to everyone that placed!

I have a new story out! Wish You Were Here A teasing sub may I have pushed too far, but the punishment is oh so sweet.

If you haven't already, please check out my story with leftlingula. A husband and wife rediscovered each other and It all started with one simple word...
Nightshade Part 1 & Nightshade: Part 2

Congratulations Susie, for a well-deserved win! and to Mags and Tams for your top 3.