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Announcing the Winners of our "Foolish" Story Competition

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This competition was highly entertaining on a number of levels.

We had some fabulous entries and only 6 points separated the top 2, from a panel of a dozen judges.

Great work Phil, Jeff and Jake! You take out the Top 3 spots:

The Foolish Freshman, by PhilU.
Locke, Cock & Two Smoking Jetboots, by WannabeWordsmith.
Mindfuck: Love and Payback, by Jaymal.

Making up the Top 10 are these wonderful entries:

All Systems Functioning, by GrushaVashnadze.
Netflix and Chill, by Wilful.
The Emu, the Kraken, and the Fool for Love., by CuriousAnnie.
Mesmeric Tarot, by PervyStoryteller.
Harebrained Or Lesbian Bunny Sex Cult, by vanessa26.
All Tamara's Panties, by deviantsusie.
Pussified, by VioletVixen.

A huge thank you to all those who took the time to craft their stories, to our shortlister, judges and everyone who commented and voted on the stories.

EP's and RR's will be allocated shortly.


Well done to all those who entered; as always, there were so much wonderful writing both within and outside the top ten. A call out to Cumgirl Daisy and Luca for their fabulous stories.

Congratulations to those in the top ten, your stories were all brilliant. Literally ten of my favourite writers, and a special call out to Grusha for your best finish.

Special congrats of course to Phil, Jeff and Jake, great stories from three fabulous writers who I adore, so well done.

Thanks to Nicola and all those who organised and judged this competition. Loved being part of this, my sixteenth competition in a row.

I can't but help observe three Australians in the top six, we rock guys. And special congrats to my fellow Coven members Susie and Violet, the three of us in the top 10.

Do check out my latest story:

Festive Flash competition: The Ghost of Christmas Past

And my other stories, including 5 EPs, 24 RR's, and 15 competition top 10's including my pride competition winner: On Oxford Street, This Gay Girl Found Pride While Playing With Balls

Congrats to everyone who threw their story into the hat and thanks for the shout-out, Annie. . It was a really pleasant surprise to see all three of us in the coven who entered represented. Third time's the charm as they say. My first top 10, and I couldn't be happier with all the wonderful feedback my story's received.

Special congrats to the three winners - WW, Jaymal and PhilU. Have some champagne for three fabulous entries.

And, Grusha! This recognition was a long time coming in my opinion so I'm absolutely thrilled you placed fourth.

Vanessa, your story cracked me the fuck up so I'm super stoked to see it here too.

Also congrats to Pervy Story Teller for one fun pervy tale and Wilful for panty-fetish-turned-hot-sex.

Yes to Daisy and CumGirl's stories too. I'll link them here in case anyone's missed them the first time.
Diary of a Special Girl
Dear Cum - The Fools

Can't wait for the next one to try and hone my skills again.

Congrats to the Top Three,
those that made up the top ten
and to those that entered this competition.

Woohoo!!! Way to go Top Ten! All who entered this comp drop by Rumps Bar for drinks today! You all rock! Phil, WannabeWordsmith, Wicked Jake - you killed it!

Many who entered, in my mind, wrote my favorite of their competition pieces - CuriousAnnie, VioletVixon, AAnna, WannabeWordsmith, and Grusha!

The comps are a great way for me to read different authors on this site. I wouldn't have found my collab buddies, TheShyThespian and MojaveJoe420, without the comps. So, thanks to Nicola for putting them on for us!!

Congrats to all!
Congratulations to Phil, WW and Jake on the podium and to the Top 10. Fabulous stories one and all!

This was such an inventive contest and everyone's creativity dazzled. Well done everyone who entered the comp!
Congratulations.. It had to happen eventually that a male writer would win the competition. First one since October 2018, and what an appropriate theme for you to do it.

Well done to everyone who entered and I'm so happy to see myself included on the list.

Drinks in Rumps

My latest competition entry about a Christmas shopping trip

Congratulations to the top three places, and a special well done to Philu for his most worthy entry breaking out ahead of the pack.

Absolutely fabulous writing and imagination was on show in these stories. Podium holders and top ten well done.

My bookshelf includes 227 stories, which include 76 collaborations;

One Editor's Pick, Three Series Awards, Fifty-three Recommended Reads, and Eight Famous Stories are included. Go to


A richly deserved podium - congrats to one and all! Don't envy the judges having to make the call, though, with so much accomplished writing and variation on show!
Goodness me. I'm astounded to have been picked second. Wow.

I singled out "Phil's amazing entry on my self-promotion thread a few weeks ago" but was sure that PervyStoryteller, JayMal, CumGirl, Wilful, VioletVixen, deviantsusie, LucaByDesign and, ohhh, a huge handful of other entries would thrash mine into oblivion. I thought Grusha especially would be on the podium, with his most refined work to date (imo) - it's great to see your hard graft recognised. Congratulations. Bzzzzzzt.

Following on from what Susie said, this is an interesting top 5 as it's all blokes; the first time in, well, ever perhaps? Certainly as far back as 2010. No doubt the ladies will be back on top soon enough. Just where I like 'em

Huge congratulations to anyone who entered. I read as many as I could get my hands on in the time and was thoroughly entertained. This was a tough contest with so many varied takes on the wide thematic elements given in the brief. I can't even begin to imagine how anyone would shortlist, let alone judge, so thank you to the panel for making time to read them. And thanks as always to Nicola for giving us this wonderfully supportive platform to showcase our writing.

I'm off to buy some jet boots with my prize money

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 117 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 3 poems with the following features:

* 30 Editor's Picks, 75 Recommended Reads.
* 16 competition podium places, 11 other times in the top ten.
* 22 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

I send out a grand congratulations to one and all, especially the three on the dais, and those great ones below them with honorable mentions.

Congratulations to the =d> winner, =d> =d> runners up, =d> and the =d> top ten =d> stories. Well deserved honours all.

A huge congrats to the top ten. More than deserved So great to see some new faces there

And a big thank you to everyone who participated. It was an honor to participate with you and there were many stories I enjoyed thoroughly
Quote by deviantsusie
It had to happen eventually that a male writer would win the competition. First one since October 2018, and what an appropriate theme for you to do it.


Well done to everyone. Some stonking stories in there
Quote by Jen
Well done to everyone. Some stonking stories in there
wow... def using that in my next story. "She had a stonking set of tits." (work in progress)

This competition theme required a tremendous amount of literary talent. To be able to combine humor and sex and make it clever, smart, and erotic had to have been a daunting task. And the quality that showed up was amazing!

Congratulations to all who entered, especially those who placed in the top ten. Strong accomplishment for sure.

Phil, WW, Jaymal... huge congratulations on your stories taking the podium.
Yeah, what a difficult theme topic. I contemplated entering but couldn't figure out what the fuck to write that fit the theme.

Regardless, congrats to the winners AND the placers. What a creative bunch. It speaks well to the sense of community here at Lush for everyone to pull together and compete at the same time whenever a comp hits.

I'd like to borrow the word stonking too. Is there some sort of form we need to fill out?

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Quote by Ensorceled
Yeah, what a difficult theme topic. I contemplated entering but couldn't figure out what the fuck to write that fit the theme.

Regardless, congrats to the winners AND the placers. What a creative bunch. It speaks well to the sense of community here at Lush for everyone to pull together and compete at the same time whenever a comp hits.

I'd like to borrow the word stonking too. Is there some sort of form we need to fill out?

Stonk form 307.
Quote by WannabeWordsmith
Goodness me. I'm astounded to have been picked second. Wow.

Hey, WW, you were a fav of mine. I freakin' LOVE James Bond and that was tricky biz you tackled, playing on his likeness. You had to walk a fine line to keep your character sexy and a badass agent, while working in some foolery. I know the work you had to put into that storyline to achieve just the right balance. Bravo!!!
Congratulations to everyone who gifted their time and amazing creativeness for this comp!

Lots of great entries, most of my favourites are listed in the top ten, Violet and Grusha definitely high up, also CumGirl and Luca, and the one who I think got the theme to the T, el_henke. Oh, Kimmi, I still think your micro rocked big time!

Thank you so much to all who participated!

Curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification.
Congratulations to the top three, as well as the top ten. Y'all done did good. Also, a very well done to the other entrants. Entering competitions isn't always easy, but it's fantastic to see the high quality of writers we have here. I always love seeing how people push themselves in competitions. Everyone should be very proud. xx
Congratulations to the top 3 and top ten and everyone who entered.

I particularly loved all of the top three! They hit the theme spot on in their creative entries.

I also was seriously in love with VioletVixen's story, Grushna's and Susie's so I am excited to see them on the list and honoured to be amongst them.

A couple shout outs to few others that I thought rocked it

Green_man, El_Henke, AAnna. ( Among others )

It was a great comp, Thank you to Nicola and all the judges.
It's lovely to be on the podium with Phil and WW - many thanks, judges, and well done those two! Frankly I feel a degree of awe at the contributors in this comp writing in ways of which I can only dream. It's a long list, but let me just mention Grusha's All Systems Functioning, one of several stories which made me lloll (literally laugh out loud loudly) and VioletVixen's Pussified, which imo was the best piece of writing in the contest. Also CumGirl's The Fools - insane genius, so no change there.

I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this, and love that I'm contributing on Lush at a point when there's so much awesome writing to enjoy and learn from. Much love and foolery to all.
Sweet Epiphany: "Proud and Kinky" Competition Second Place:
Mindfuck: Love and Payback - "Foolish" Competition Third Place:
The Ghost of Fucks That Never Were - "Debauched" Competition Second Place:
Huge congratulations to Phil, Jeff, Jake, and the rest of the top ten - and truly, to all who had the creativity, energy, and courage to enter. I didn't read all of the entries, but I read a bunch and they were all very humorous and well-written. Certainly enough to scare me off, so I went the lazy route and just enjoyed everyone else's efforts!

I saw above where someone had commented that the 3 podium-sitters and indeed, six of the top ten were males, which was so far off the usual pattern that it makes me think that perhaps foolish is what we do best. Surely it can't just be coincidence!
Hmm... I just checked again and it really does look like nicola is not trying to fool me. I'm a bit stunned. I did think when I saw this topic, 'This might suit me,' but I never thought I'd win...

I really had no idea how the judges would pick this one... as I commented at some stage, it's possibly even harder to pick what people will find funny than what they'll find hot. I thought the stories listed 2nd, 3rd and 4th might take the podium spots.

Anyway... firstly, I wanted to say thanks to nicola for running the comps, which are always fun, and thanks to the judges.

And a big congrats to all those who made the top 10 and to all those who didn't but who still wrote some great stories.
Congratulations to all the winners and all who entered. We have some really great authors here!
Congratsulations to the three big money winners and to the top ten almost but not quite money winners. And to all my fellow also-rans,just wait, another contest will be coming, sooner or later, probably. ;)

RUMPLATIONS: AwesomeHonky Tonk and Cyber Bar
Home of the Lush "IN" crowd: indecent, intoxicated, and insolvent
a place to gossip, share news, talk sports, pimp a story, piss & moan, or just grab a drink. Check it out.

Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterwords. -- ROBERT HEINLEIN