The quality of writing and imagination on display in this competition was off the charts. So much so that it was actually a top fifteen sent to the judges, who then had the thankless task of whittling the stories down to a top ten.
Warmest congratulations go to AmuseBouche, who takes the top spot and $150 with her magnificent tale, Je m'en fous! Lupus takes 2nd place and $100 with his sexy cyberpunk tale, and TheShyThespian rounds out the podium places with a $50 prize for his wildly entertaining steampunk story, containing some of my new favourite character names.
Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a story to the competition and kept the judges entertained with your writing. My thanks also to the judges for all your assistance.
I'll be in touch shortly with the winners, regarding your prizes.
A new competition will be announced soon.
1. Je m’en fous! - AmuseBouche
3. The Intimate And Top Secret Files Of Lady Agnes Jackhammer - TheShyThespian
4. There Is A Lovely Country - Sprite
5. Play Like Heaven’s Watching - LuceDevlin
6. Punk’s Undead - starbelliedboy
7. The Hyde Contagion - Satinsmiles