Congrats to all!! And huge thanks for so many great stories, you're all truly amazing!
Curiosity is one of those insatiable passions that grow by gratification.
Congratulations to Mags, Liz, and Elliot.. Mags, your story was so cool.. amazing how you made everything happen in those last few words. A well deserved winner.
I'm just so happy to be in the top 20 and to get my first Editor's Pick.
There were so many great stories, a fabulous competition.. thanks to everyone who entered!
Congrats to everybody on an awesome competition!
A round of applause to you all and all the other entrants.
Congratulations to Mags! An outstanding piece for 1st Place! And congrats to Lizzy and Stormy, 2nd and 3rd.
And all the runner-ups were great too! And very creative. Really this comp was awesome. It kicked ass!
I can't figure out how to write these damn micros, much less judge a comp of them! Congratulations to everyone who did, including Mags, Liz, S-Dog, and all those who placed. Great comp!
Congratulations to the winners, the rest of the top 20 and also to everyone else who entered!
It is not easy managing a 100 word tale.
It was fun entering for the first time and I am looking forward to the next one.
Congratulations to Saucymh!
Well done all other participants.
Great job judges.
Congratulations everyone!!!
Congratulations to Mags...
and to everyone else that were mentioned as the runners up.
There were some wonderful stories and I read and scored every one of them. I don't know how the judges managed to separate them all.
I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!
Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!
Congratulations, all. That one was a bloodbath!
Some truly remarkable entries. Amazing how 100 words can conjure up so much. I still can't get the image of glittered pubic hair out of my mind!
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill. Congrats to Saucy, Liz and Stormy, I would take my hat off to you, but I am not wearing one of those . . . so I'll have to take my bra off . . . oops, working from home today, so not wearing one of those either. I guess you will have to settle for my PJ top! Your stories were wonderful and, to be honest, I wish I knew how the judges picked between you! I do know I would make a terrible judge!
Congrats also to the top 20 listed here as well. I'm sure it was a tight comp considering my thoughts on those stories as well. Some had me laughing, some thought-provoking, quite a few had me tearing up, and still others left me more than a little frustrated LOL. One of the hallmarks of a great story for me is wondering what happens next. I can pretty much guarantee I would sit there thinking that exact thing on those stories.
I would also like to echo Nicola, I saw so many new names here, which made it extra exciting. So many new voices which sent me to new authors to read as well.
I have enjoyed the Micro category and am amazed at the turnout. Personally I think micro's are harder to write than longer stories — but then I am a pretty wordy pain in the ass most of the time. I mean just look at this post! LOL
Meddle Not In The Affairs of Dragons, for we are Crunchy and Good with Ketchup!
Congratulations Mags and Liz and Stormdog and everybody else! This was such a fun competition, I felt like it really challenged everyone and made us all think differently about how we put together a story. Some really imaginative pieces!