Quote by Dancing_Doll
Looks like you're goin' down (on me), Kittygirl! ;)
Quote by Dancing_Doll
And MrMartigan - "piss in your mouth" and "half ass"... there's your Hardcore storyline! Write it - no excuses!
Quote by Dancing_Doll
OK, ok, I'll concede... concede that you do look good in those blue shorts, Kittygirl.
And MrMartigan - "piss in your mouth" and "half ass"... there's your Hardcore storyline! Write it - no excuses!
Quote by ParMach
Dear Nicola
Do you think a little more competitive spirit is required to make this competition work and generate some more interest. Maybe the $200 prize money is insufficient. Can I suggest that we throw in some pearl handle steak knives. Oh sorry that right we can't allow these lunatics access to any dangerous sharp implements.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by MadMartigan
Because, I'd evidently wind up covered in piss and abandoned in a hole.
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by ParMach
Oh and who do you think would come out the winner of that contest. The innocent looking petite blond girl maybe?
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by Mazza
I have started a story... Whether I'll be able to finish it in time is quite another matter (and I'm not reading any in the comp before I get mine submitted - it'll just make mine seem crap hahahah)
Quote by Mazza
I have started a story... Whether I'll be able to finish it in time is quite another matter (and I'm not reading any in the comp before I get mine submitted - it'll just make mine seem crap hahahah)
Quote by SITTING
I'm scared of entering now. Mine will seem vanilla.
Quote by flytoomuch
Quite right Emilia....you're very busy anyways. No need to enter. Perhaps write something light and fluffy?
[Ambitious John Grins......"Hope to hell that talented bitch stays out of this one!! Otherwise I'm dead in the water."]
Quote by SITTING
Too late! I'm now working on an entry... blame Ash! To be honest I'm struggling with it anyway. Unless I have a HUGE flash of hardcore inspiration, you'll probably beat me. Anyway, I'm pretty sure you rated above me last time, right?
Good Will ---|--- You Serious?