Quote by NishasWorld
We didn't have punk, we had Bhangra. So by having a wider title of ‘Subversion’ or ‘Iconoclasm’, the same themes could be explored more inclusively.
I read the description of the competition to mean anything about subversion or rebellion, not literally "punk" as it's been known to most people, myself included. Once I started reading the linked article detailing all the various "punk" genres it became clear most of them have little to do with what I thought of as punk.
I'd love to read an entry from a British Indian perspective. I was pretty vocal during the Noir competition about preferring stories that broadened the genre away from the usual Forties and Fifties New York/Los Angeles settings, even if they were still mostly white protagonists. I would have cheered nonwhite entries on too, if not more.
I will, however, admit my protagonists are white males, because my protagonists are all me. Not sure it would even be appropriate for me to pretend to write from a nonwhite perspective, but I hope others will, and I do appreciate the world you have been building in your stories.