Already writing one that fits the theme, but it's 1k words even now. I really don't want to compress the heat of the story to make it fit the word count. Hell, that scene will probably exceed the word count, never mind the setup and closing.
With the closing date being after the new year, there's at least time to muse.
Good luck to all who enter. Nice theme, especially given our early winter up here.
To clarify, the theme here is Winter and that picture is inspiration? Or do we actually have to work from that picture? Winter I can do in spades (I am Canadian, after all) but that picture ain't my winter.
I'm loving that picture ...
I am sure I can come up with something
Holy shit, I have an idea and some words down. I might be able to enter this!
(I feel like I always say this and end up taking too long. Lol)
There’s an extra challenge in it when you’re in 38C heat and humidity, trying to write about winter wonderland and snow. ???
I'll have to start thinking on this....
No promo for the comp in the featured items on the front page this time? I just cycled through the images and there wasn't one.
Another idea in, and shot down. I'm already 2k words into the setup, and enjoying the way it paints my MC too well to cut any of it out. It's utilizing some of the stuff I've picked up in the research rabbit hole. Not enough word space left to fit into the guidelines. Another one that will be on theme, but posted outside the contest. I'm officially 0-2.
Guess I'll start mining for another source of inspiration.
Well, both of my "Fit the theme but won't fit in the word count" stories are up. LOL
I'm about halfway through "Leigh Ride" and about halfway through the wordcount, so we'll see if this one will squeeze in, or whether it will be my 0 for 3.
Mine is hovering just below the word count and is into editing and refining so I should be good there. One week left to get it done and in, though, before I go on vac.