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Announcing our "Masturbation" Sex Stories Competition

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Quote by sprite

stop it - you're starting to ruin masturbation for me - and i love masturbating!

Which suborder is your fav?

I’m going to hike to Tuktoyuktuk, NWT to see if some of my First Nations neighbours can be more helpful with my predicament. Forty types of snow, man. Even the Karma Sutra listed more than one type of position.
Okay so questions on the parameters of this assignment and thank God for limiting me to 2500 words, can the person who is masturbating be watching someone else having sex or would that be breaking the spirit of competition?
Another great competition theme Nicola. Have my story written, just sitting on it for a day or two to before sending it in to be moderated and published.
Quote by Ping


That's pretty darn witty. I love it!

I have a friend who is master of the dangerwank. He always insists on telling us about his sexcapades, lol. Feel free to use, your titles are always pretty entertaining smile
Quote by secondsamuel
Okay so questions on the parameters of this assignment and thank God for limiting me to 2500 words, can the person who is masturbating be watching someone else having sex or would that be breaking the spirit of competition?

It's fine so long as the masturbation bit isn't just there as an afterthought to make a sex story suitable for the comp.

But yeah, having some visual stimulation and taking care of a resulting need, whether with or without the knowledge of the people having sex sounds like a fun story
Any story with masturbation as the primary theme, is fine.
Quote by nicola
Any story with masturbation as the primary theme, is fine.

Quote by Jen
I have a friend who is master of the dangerwank. He always insists on telling us about his sexcapades, lol. Feel free to use, your titles are always pretty entertaining smile

Awesome. It’s always those crazy friends, never us.

I’m torn between a love story and something off the rails. I don’t have much experience with off rails stuff, so...

More research is required.

Coming soon to a computer, pad, or smart phone near you...
This is by far my favorite competition! Some really really great stories smile
I'm really happy with mine. Fun little silly story that's getting such a positive response that I thought I might just have a chance in this one. And then I started reading. Talk about immediate curbing of expectations. Started with LauraDJ and Ping's stories to find the bar somewhere in the stratosphere. The A game is strong.

Good Will ---|--- Got Me Pegged <= Both almost famous, give them a read and get them one step closer!

It's a terrific field from my reading so far and who knows what is to come. There's 3 weeks left, too, so I could see this being one of the biggest fields in a while. And that's saying a lot after the previous comp. As I commented elsewhere, I do not envy the judges for this one. Looks like quantity and quality will both be high.
Quote by RejectReality
I'm really happy with mine. Fun little silly story that's getting such a positive response that I thought I might just have a chance in this one. And then I started reading. Talk about immediate curbing of expectations. Started with LauraDJ and Ping's stories to find the bar somewhere in the stratosphere. The A game is strong.

Oh dude, you make me blush. All four cheeks too.

But please, do go on...

think i might enter this one with a tentacle sex masturbation story.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

The new set of super sexy badges are all finished for this comp but you've gotta be in it to get one.

(These ones have a nipple on them!)
Wow, 78 entries already.

We're sure to hit 100 with this competition.
Quote by Liz
The new set of super sexy badges are all finished for this comp but you've gotta be in it to get one.

(These ones have a nipple on them!)

Everyone is looking forward to adding another competition badge. With this one (which I will get 'cause I'm in it) my total collection displayed will be ten of them.
Quote by Green_Man

Everyone is looking forward to adding another competition badge. With this one (which I will get 'cause I'm in it) my total collection displayed will be ten of them.

You have the full collection, I believe. Quite an achievement

This will be no. 6 for me. I’m looking forward to seeing it smile
You guys have been busy.

There's 94 entries so far with just under a week to go.

Shortlisting this lot for the judges is going to be "interesting"!
Quote by Liz

(These ones have a nipple on them!)

Exposed nipples? Shocking! The standards of this place are getting lower all the time.