Roses are red, violets are blu...uuuergh. Ah, stick it. We don’t want your sweet sonnets and heart-shaped eyes. We don’t want happily-ever-afters and butterflies and sunshine.
Welcome to Anti Valentine, where the only bunnies are the ones in pots. We want tales of the woefully unexpected. Did a romantic weekend turn into a haunted horror show? Did a surprise proposal uncover a cheating scandal between your non-betrothed and your best mate? Did a romantic walk in the woods leave you fleeing from a murderous axe-person?
We’re looking for sexy stories with a dark twist, be it horror, intrigue, scandal or adrenaline-spiking action. This competition will run through the month of February and to challenge you even more, we’re keeping the word count to a measly 2,500 maximum.
Happy writing,
Aunty Valentine
Ps. No death during sex!