When sperm are first ejaculated, they can reach speeds of up to 28 miles per hour. (the most commonly cited top speed.) Once they crowd into the vagina, they slow down to about 4 miles per hour -- about as fast as you might walk when you're late to an important appointment. It can take them from 30 minutes to three days to make it all the way to the waiting egg. NOTE: Cyber sperm may vary. For example, cyber sperm may travel 28 inches per spurt, then slow down to 4 nanometers per dribble. Cyber sperm may take from now to forever to make it all the way to a waiting egg (depending on the size of the chicken, duck, goose, snake, or platypus, one supposes).
What are we going to have a sperm race? Maybe sperm race teams? Please don't tell me we have to get sponsors and dress our spermies up like NASCAR drivers.
Fun fact: some of ours defeats top of the line birth control. Ask me how I know. Apparently, mine is. 01% stronger.
A few more tidbits about our fascinating speed racers>
If you wear jockey shorts to keep the meat and two veggies neatly packaged, instead of those airy boxer shorts, your chances of impregnating her start dwindling rapidly.
Only 1 in 5 sperm will start swimming in the right direction after ejaculation, which accounts for that age old bedroom debate about who will be sleeping in the sticky patch after making love. As women do often comment that men do refuse to ask directions, it seems to be genetically linked.
But most dishearteningly is that; women display menopause symptoms in middle age, but guys start a rapid decline in the quantity and quality of their sperm when they hit the ripe old age of 25!
So, dress loosely, ask directions and do it as often as you can.
Sperm were not discovered until 1677, when Dutch microscope-maker Antony van Leeuwenhoek reported seeing “animalcules” moving like eels in a sample of his own semen under the microscope lens. (van Leeuwenhoek was quick to assure his readers that the sample came from an “excess” left over from conjugal relations rather than by masturbation.)
“Their bodies were rounded, but blunt in front and running to a point behind, and furnished with a long, thin tail,” van Leeuwenhoek wrote in his initial report.
he should have asked his wife, there's another fact....it tastes DAMNED good! LOL
What I'd like know is who uses a radar gun as part of their sex play?
"If you knew what you were doing you would probably be bored."