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sex during period

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Active Ink Slinger
Just means it's towel time! Glad I don't have to deal with that mess anymore but never used to stop me....

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
As long as it's ok w/ the partner then it's actually good; orgasms reduce cramps, and just sex in general relaxes the muscles in your body
Ive had sex with my girlfriend on her period several times and she seems to love it.
Active Ink Slinger
Personally, I havent had the opportunity to experience it. But thanks a million to the above input, its given me confidence and encouragement to have sex without any negative thoughts or feeling or sefl discrimination lol Thank you Lushians. Im soo looking forward to it.

'..May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent from one another..' Gen31:49 😇

Never bothers me..... Like everyone else says, just put a towel down.....

(C'mon...... It's not like you're slaughtering a goat..... I've had nosebleeds that produce more blood.....)

And if you're very careful and she's not shy you can still lick the top bit......

Advanced Wordsmith
I have had several boyfriends that never cared. It worked especially well in the shower. I have had some that are totally against it. I had one lover that called me diseased during my period... that attitude sucks. I don't care one way or the other. The only thing that ever stopped me was the partner.
"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity." Thank goodness!
Active Ink Slinger
I don't mind it at all. I used to date this bloke that fancied me pretending to be an innocent virgin. Imagine that. Giggles. So I would put on my short schoolgirl kilt and put up my hair in pigtails and he would fuck me when I had my period while I pretended to swoon from losing my cherry. When you do it up right its really quite authentic. He got to feel like "the man" with a big, thick joystick and I got to watch him do the rest of my laundry while he was washing the sheets afterwards. A clever girl knows not to give anything for free.

xx B.
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For me I don't mind it at all I feel there are more sensations that come with the blood ;) lol but being in the shower would be a good idea if your guy isn't too sure.
[I'm a little sick and twisted but I wouldn't have it any other way ;) [/size
Rookie Scribe
I find myself the MOST horny while on my period. I like it all if my guy doesn't mind, oral, vaginal...mmmmm.
its usually ok imo as long as shes not on too heavy, like towards the end of the period is ok for me. but yeah, a towel is def needed lol and ive never heard of it hurting for the women, usualy they enjoy it more haha
If a guy goes down on you he gets his red wings ^^
If the man in my life is hungry like a wolf for the taste and smell of my blood I am more than happy to feed him. No question about it.
I generally don't even date at that time. I stay home, watch soppy movies, cry, and eat chocolate. Cliche isn't it? Sorry but that's me!
Active Ink Slinger
well i tried but it didnt really work.. i was too busy with thinking about how i was gonna clean it after...
Rookie Scribe
It's all good as long as you know what to expect
Active Ink Slinger
i have a friend that won't mind having sex in period. but he won't going down i guess.. lol..
Quote by cowgirlbrumby
This is just my and might turn you off but...Blood is blood...HIV people? Who's not to say that you can't get infected from having sex when a woman is on? Even though she can't get pregnant by having sex then, and yes it can help with the cramps, there is also the high risk of HIV infection and other STD's.

Blood is blood wether it comes from a snatch, cock or any other body part right?. It's messy - yep sure is, Fun - yep sure is, but we always remember to play it safe when dealing with bio waste, and that is exactly what a woman's period is. Again that's just my and was wondering if any of you thought about it? Just curious.

I wonder who would be thinking aboutr having sex with a STRANGER during their period LOL Then at least they might understand if you're still grumpy after you get laid silly
Active Ink Slinger
the shower is good, so is a towel!

I'm good if he his!!
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Quote by cowgirlbrumby
This is just my and might turn you off but...Blood is blood...HIV people? Who's not to say that you can't get infected from having sex when a woman is on? Even though she can't get pregnant by having sex then, and yes it can help with the cramps, there is also the high risk of HIV infection and other STD's.

Blood is blood wether it comes from a snatch, cock or any other body part right?. It's messy - yep sure is, Fun - yep sure is, but we always remember to play it safe when dealing with bio waste, and that is exactly what a woman's period is. Again that's just my and was wondering if any of you thought about it? Just curious.

HIV can be 'caught' from sex 100% regardless of if there is blood in the process or not.

It's just like any sex, if you don't know if one or both of you has anything that could be transmitted sexually then use some common sense - and a condom!!

Personally I get pretty annoyed when guys get squeamish about periods - what, you think we like it? We have to deal with the mood swings, the cramps (mine put me out of action for THREE DAYS they're so bad), the endless tampons, the munchies...oh and the ridiculous amount of blood.

It's a natural thing, I don't expect a man to have sex with me on my period, I have no hard feelings about that...I just dislike men who get 'grossed out' by it.

But going back to the question....incase you haven't gathered by now, it doesn't hurt at all, and if you have cramps it'll relieve the pain for a bit - which one really can't complain about.

I prefer to put a towel down on the bed/floor to stop any blood getting anywhere it might be difficult to wash out....or even easier - the shower! Shower sex can be a little awkward as I'm sure everyone here knows...but it does have it's attractions, and I find it particularly favourable when I'm on my period.
Advanced Wordsmith
funny thing periods, when my wife had them she (and I) still wanted she has no periods she doesn't want sex!!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by cowgirlbrumby
This is just my and might turn you off but...Blood is blood...HIV people? Who's not to say that you can't get infected from having sex when a woman is on? Even though she can't get pregnant by having sex then, and yes it can help with the cramps, there is also the high risk of HIV infection and other STD's.

Blood is blood wether it comes from a snatch, cock or any other body part right?. It's messy - yep sure is, Fun - yep sure is, but we always remember to play it safe when dealing with bio waste, and that is exactly what a woman's period is. Again that's just my and was wondering if any of you thought about it? Just curious.

Just because someone is on those days and have sex doesnt mean they are gonna have unprotected sex, as someone else mentioned i havent heard of anyone having a first time or a one night stand while in their period, and its definitely NOT a sure thing you wont get pregnant just because you had sex while on your period those little things live and swim inside you for at least THREE days so there's plenty of time to get pregnant.

For me if the guy doesnt mind its all good, i get super horny on those days so even better!!
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Quote by stephanie

Like everyone else says, just put a towel down.....

...... It's not like you're slaughtering a goat.....

LOL...yeah, slaughtering a goat tends to be a bit definitely need to put a couple of towels down for that...

Oh, in answer to the question...I have no problem...

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by tobygoodnig
Ive had sex with my girlfriend on her period several times and she seems to love it.

Don't let these guys steer you wrong dude,
It's only blood, used to clean the poor woman's system, after the third day,,I'm sure it's sterile
I tend to get a bit moody before my period (yeah, really! LOL) and I find that sex will 'bring it on' and generally make me feel better.

Hubby and I don't have any problems re having sex whilst I am on - I would expect oral, but I know that he enjoys being able to cum inside me during, so it's good for him too - sure, put a towel down or use a condom for the squeamish... (seriously, as far as I am aware re STDs, there is no increased risk at this time... same as any other)

It totally helps with cramps as well and like some of the other ladies, I also get super horny at that time of the month...

If the blood is an issue, do it with the lights off...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WickedShads
Quote by Magical_felix
... forgot I wasn't a gal...

How does one actually manage to forget this??

Forgot to look down

And on topic, I don't mind that time of the month. Either have sex outside or go in the shower.
Well I hope I never figure out
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Well I'd spend all night losing sleep
I'd spend the night and I'd lose my mind
Advanced Wordsmith
First day or so is out of the question unless it's in the shower. It's always helped with cramps when I have them. I tend to want sex even more the week or so before. Mine pretty much refuses to, I've talked him into it a few times but it was at the end of it. It really doesn't bother me. I guess it's just what ever someone prefers.
Seduction isn't making someone do what they don't want to do. Seduction is enticing someone into doing what they secretly want to do already!
Active Ink Slinger
I tend to leave this up to my partner. Some guys are down with it, and some are like hell no! It feels good, so i just go with it
Did it in a hotel room and wrote off the sheets but I think its fine.