Sex with a friend. Good or bad?
Bringing sex into a friendship is a way to end the friendship. I know that from experience. A big no to that.
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The friends-with-benefits I have are VERY close friends. We know each other extremely well, have a lot of trust, and already know we would never work as couples. I think it's that high level of mutual affection without curiosity that makes it safe to take that step. When we do fool around it's just comforting and playful, with no pressure or expectations.
But I do agree that it can be dangerous to a friendship if you're not careful. It can really complicate things unless everyone involved is cool about it. But when it works out it's a wonderful bond to have.
i love having sex with my friends. as long as no one gets jelous, its awesome. but ya it can be amazing if it turns into a real relationship.
If it's casual and can stay that way, great. Just keep expectations out of it. Friends with benefits works if both know the limitations going in.
If you're trying to cross into a relationship, then it's very hard or impossible to go back. Sprite, of course, didn't go back. Congratulations again Rachel!
Have fun!
A limit to Friends With Benefits, Works very well for me !
Positively speaking, sex with friend is good, provided they both have good sex, in fact it's very good to have sex with a friend cause you know your friend very well as compared to new people one meets/dates, one of the finest things about making love with a friend is that there's lots of caring, there's openness and this opens new avenues in the relationships, all for good !
Not if you are married are seriously involved with someone else.
Yes if you are rebounding from a broken relationship. Some great friends-with-benefits-sex can be a life saver!!!!
I do fuck my best friend! She just happens to be my wife also.BlJjXApvh3jb0Gkf
There have been a lot of 'relations' between almost all of the members of my friendship group at university. The situation verges on being completely fucked-up; it's a wonder we're all still such good friends.
Luckily, we are able to laugh about it all (although there are still one or two 'no-go' topics).
Friends with benefits can be great. It can also be a recipe for disaster. I've had a lot of fun with it in the past.
as long as you two can remain friends and it does not get awkward or start expecting something from the other half then it is good. but it rarely ever happens.
I've had it work both ways, usualy it worked out great and didn't mess up the friendship at all. but then with one friend it ruined it.
I was the kid next door's imaginary friend.
If you and friend are adult enough for friendship to survive sex, as opposed to an relationship, go for it!
I'm happy being naked around my friends, If it helps then go for it, don't let it ruin your friendship though !
It can be a very good thing
I can think of a couple friends whom I have a much more open/trusting relationships with than I what have with my (very jealous/controlling) husband. I would (and have) feel much more comfortable having a sexual encounter with one of them than with someone my husband might find out about
I've never done it, but I don't think that it would probably kill the friendship
I had an MMF encounter with my buddy's GF once and, if anything, it made us closer ...
We could talk about just about anything after that. We'd seen each other naked, what else did we have to hide?
sex with friends is very good. as long as both parties know that its just a way to get laid. make sure everyone know that you are just friends who just happen to have sex.
Can be good, can be bad. Just depends on the individuals involved.
I've done the friends with benefits thing and it was excellent for a while. I was fine with it but the other person got weird about it. I find people who are into it and seek it out, but aren't necessarily good at sustaining it. But, it's also partially my bad for picking those types.
I've dated someone who seemed to view me as more of a friend than a lover-type (had more to do with her views on relationships) but there was a huge compatibility there. So, I suppose that was technically a friends-with-benefits scenario. Not that we have sex now (she lives on a different continent) but we still keep in contact. I suppose it could happen in the future, but it's nothing I'm counting on.
All that was a roundabout way to say that it depends on the people. I don't think there is a hard-and-fast (pun intended) rule to say whether it will work out or not or if it's a good idea or not. It comes down to the personalities involved.