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Best way to masterbate with no toys (I'm a girl)

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Simple enough game to play.
Trial and error biggrin
I have heard of either brush handle or glass perfume bottle with direct pressure on your clit.
Aaron Parsons
oh baby just close ur eyes and enjoy your sexy body and do what come natural and feels good, im sure you`ll find the right spot. if you need a hand just im me
The best is to press your G spot rhythmically and stimulate your clit at the same time. How you do it depends on how coordinated you are and what you like. Personally I need more clit stimulation, so I start with that. Sometimes with very light touches and sometimes harder depending on my mood. Once it is very sensitive I'll used my finger tips to press my g spot and my palm or my other hand to rub my clit at the same time. It's nice to have a slower rhythm of presses on my g spot while quickly rubbing my clit, but that can be hard to keep up. The psychological stimulation is really important too, so either fantasizing about, listening to or reading a good sex scene really helps. I have been know to cum from just reading a REALLY REALLY good sex scene and rocking back and forth in my seat. No hands smile If you're thinking about something annoying or trying to figure out your schedule it can make it very difficult to impossible to cum.
Experiment, try different things and see what works for you. Take your time and enjoy, let it build to a wondeful peak. Oh, and be careful if you use anything to enter yourself, make sure it is clean.
Best way is to let someone masturbate you! smile
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I find that it's best to gently rub a finger on my clit slowly with a little spit to start with. Then dip my fingers inside for a little juice to rub on. Sometimes with the other hand opening my lips while circling my clit. There are so many variations. It always feels nice to have something inside while I play too. Either vibe or an object. Don't think too much about it and just let yourself go.
Have fun. Love Angela
an electric toothbrush works great for me
Quote by wetpussy21
an electric toothbrush works great for me

as you see I used one
When the shoe is fit the feet are forgoten :Osho
Um-yes, I know! It's the fingering. :d/
One finger of my right hand at first rubbed along the slit and then two using my thumb to push against my clit. The left hand works on my right breast. I've tried swapping hands, but I have never cum that way.

Cupid x
Well, I'd have to suggest using my face!
I use a full length body pillow that i rub myself against.
W/O using a toy? I have heard of women being able to cum just from simply squeezing their thighs together and contracting their inner vaginal muscles. I had an X that would do that in class back in HS. I sat behind her and watched her shake violently. I asked her what had happened afterwards and she told me she got so horny from me playing with her before class that she just had to cum. I made her cum many times after that class was over. Ahhh the memories.
sometimes doing those kegel exercises is enough to make me horny. as far as the actual masturbation, sometimes finding a good rhythm to a sexy song to rub off to can do the trick--especially if you have an active imagination, lol!
Angela had some very sound advice!

I would just make sure you are in a comfortable setting, with no distractions. Turn off the phones and maybe put on some good music that puts you into the mood.

Maybe take a nice shower or bath then explore and touch your whole body. There are body parts that stimulate and feel good that are not connected to the genitals.

When you do find a part that feels good. try different touch techniques. Different pressure, tugging or light pinching, maybe licking your fingers and adding a little moisture to smooth your touch, whatever! Nothing is wrong!

If you go right to your nipples or kitty, just try to not concentrate on them but play around a little bith then go touch something else for awhile until the desire is overwhelming!

When you get to your kitty, lightly touch around your lips and clit. I like to capture my bud between my fingers and lightly pinch and release it as it causes it to swell more. Light tugging and then releasing it to roll my fingers on it thne lightyl dipping into my slit an getting a little more of my juices to spread around.

As for your juices, relish the taste and smell. If you can accept and enjoy, it helps add to your mind and enjoyment of your pleasures....

Just lay back and enjoy your own touch! You may find something magical that no one else does and there is nothing wrong with that, when it cums to self pleasure!


Biggest thing is, relax and don't over think go with whatever your mind wants and don't rush it

Watch some porn, read a story, recall memories of great sex, fantasise over someone you are attracted to.

For me I ove having my tits played with and my nipples pulled, so I do that with my free hand and I tease my pussy by touching other parts of my body slowly making my way to my lips, by this point im pretty wet and I run my finger up and down my slit then using another finger I play with my lips. I also tap my clit,I love the vibrations. as I get ore excited I tap it harder repeatedly, sometimes spanking it. Depending on how horny I am then I slide 2-3 fingers in whilst my thumb rubs my clit.

1Zratedgirl is right though, it is about being comfortable with your body and finding yourself sexy
Thanks BustyMinx!

Just reading your post got me worked up and thinking about the two of us on a nice soft bed with nothing but time....


With a jam sandwich :-D
let's chat sometime when we are both on line. xo
I like to do it in front of a mirror.
Get yourself in the mood first. Reading erotica or watching a sexy movie gives you a running start. It's also fun to use a little lube, even if you are already aroused. Warming lube or cool lube can provide different sensations which are stimulating.

Hmm.. Maybe I'll start a thread on lube.
An old favorite story of mine: The Chaise Lounge
Clean fingers! Its flexible, bendable, vibrational, and sizeable (1,2,3 fingers...)!
So... I'm a guy. Undoubtedly I have no business giving advice here. Still...

When you say "no toys," if you're really saying, "no purpose-built sex toys," then that opens things way up.

1. Every pharmacy in the country sells "muscle massagers" with a wink and a nod. There are those that come with replaceable attachments. The ones that plug in are.... energetic.

2. If you don't have one, go buy one of those massager showerheads that's on a hose.

3. As others have said, your principle erogenous zone is your mind. Read your favorite story here and let it get you hot and bothered.
My novel, The Society, is available now in the Kindle Store:
what i usually do is closed my legs so tightly rocking back and forth while playing with my tits. and in no time i can feel the orgasm building up. well this works for me.
Hugs and Kisses,